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1、六级写作作讲义第一节 主题题句一1To pplayy a spoort, onne nneedds tto kknoww soometthinng aabouut iit. Teleevissionn iss veery impporttantt.Druggs aare danngerrouss.2Geneerallly speeakiing, thhe ccritteriia oof aa goood stuudennt aare chaangiing. PProffesssor Milltonn waas aa goood wriiterr.3He ccan fixx a biccycll

2、e hhimsselff.4In tthe Uniitedd Sttatees, thee syysteem oof fforcced labbor, whhichh waas kknowwn aas sslavveryy, llastted almmostt 2550 yyearrs.5Spriing is a sseasson.1. IInteeresst iis aa keey ffacttor to succcesss.2. VVideeo ggamees aare a kkindd off woondeerfuul eenteertaainmmentt. 3. AAutoomobbi

3、lees aare plaayinng aa viitall paart in thee daailyy acctivvitiies of humman soccietty. 4. BBeinng aa teaccherr iss thhe ddreaam oof mmy cchilldhoood. 5. AAdveertiisemmentt pllayss ann innforrmattiveerolle iin ppeopples ddailly llifee. 二、1、(1) Whenn itt coomess too, ssomee peeoplle tthinnk tthatt Ot

4、therrs aarguue tthatt thhe rreveersee iss trrue. thheree iss prrobaablyy soome truuth in botth aarguumennts, buut(2) Now, itt iss coommoonlyy heeld thaat Thhey bellievve tthatt Buut II woondeer wwhettherr(3) In rreacctioon tto tthe eveent, soome peooplee thhinkk Buut ddo ttheyy reealiize.?(4) Thesse

5、 ddayss wee offtenn heear aboout Thhey claaim thaat Buut cclosse eexamminaatioon ddoessnt bbearr ouut tthe claaim.2、(1) Receentlly tthe isssue of haas bbeenn inn thhe llimeeligght. (2) One of thee buurniing queestiionss faacinng oour soccietty ttodaay iis(3) Now mosst ddanggeroous forr ouur nnatiion

6、 is tthe treend of whhichh iss peervaasivve iin(4) A viirtuual epiidemmic of iss noow uundeer wway in thiis ccounntryy. AAccoordiing to a rreceent polll, (5) Now in manny bbig cittiess, aan ooverrwheelmiing majjoriity of thee puubliic Whhat acccounnts forr thhe pphennomeenonn?3、(1) It iis aabouut tt

7、imee wee exxploodedd thhe mmythh abboutt. (2) Now peooplee inn grrowiing nummberrs aare begginnningg too reealiize thaat(3) We mmighht mmarvvel at greeat proogreess madde iin sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy, bbutremmainn baasiccallly uunchhangged.4、“Genniuss iss 2 perrcennt iinsppiraatioon aand 8 ppe

8、rccentt peersppiraatioon.” Suuch is thee reemarrk mmadee byy Eiinstteinn. TThiss viiew hass beeen shaaredd tiime andd aggainn byy moore andd moore peooplee. 第二节 句子子写作一、Thee suun iis sshinningg. The tellephhonee raang.My hheadd acchess. He is an enggineeer.1)意思思等同于于be的连连系动词词。例如如:reemaiin,sttay.Theyy

9、reemaiin ggoodd frriennds eveen tthouugh theey eenteeredd diiffeerennt hhighh scchoool.The temmperratuure hass sttayeed hhot thiis wweekk.2)某些些表示感感觉的连连系动词词,例如如:loook, sooundd, ffeell, ssmelll, tasste, seeem, apppeaar.You loook ppalee. AAre youu alll rrighht?It ssmellls goood. 3)某些些表示状状态转变变的连系系动词,例例如

10、:beecomme, turrn, groow, gett faall.The boyy grrew talllerr.The dayys wweree geettiing shoorteer.He opeenedd thhe ddoorr.She cann drrivee thhe ccar.Illl trreatt yoou. I ggivee thhe oold mann soome monney.I paay hhim $500 eaach dayy.He sshowwed me hiss neew hhousse.Mom bouughtt mee a neww dooll.She s

11、ennt mme tthe phooto.Can youu paass me a ppiecce oof ppapeer?He pprouudlyy shhoweed mme hhis neww hoousee.1)可带带to的动动词有:awaard, addd, briing, caarryy, ccompparee, ddenyy, ggivee, hhandd, jjoinn, ooffeer, owee, ppasss, ppay, prromiise, reead, reefusse, selll, sennd, shoow, takke, telll, wriite, ettc.N

12、oboody offfereed hhelpp too mee whhen I wwas in neeed.Did shee seell herr olld ccar to youu?Lastt niightt I wroote a llettter to my momm.2)可带带forr的动词词有:bbrinng, buyy, cchooose, coook, doo, ffetcch, gett, lleavve(给给留下下), makke, ordder, pllay(演奏), ppraiise, puunissh, reaach(伸出), ssavee(储存存), wriite. W

13、oulld yyou pleeasee buuy aa diictiionaary forr mee?Illl leeavee a pieece of burrgerr foor yyou.She diddntt brringg thhe llettter forr mee.We fouund himm saafe andd sooundd.I caaughht tthemm stteallingg appplees.The dirrecttorss coonsiiderr hiim vveryy caapabble.Theyy addvissed himm noot tto aacceept

14、 thee offferr.We eelecctedd hiim tthe neww moonittor.You cannnott apppoiint succh aa weeak perrsonn too bee maanagger.(apppoinnt, bellievve, calll, chooosee, cconssideer, eleect, fiind, maake, prrocllaimm, ppronnounnce, prrovee, ssee, thhinkk)二、1例:Mrr. WWangg iss a teaacheer.Theyy reelenntleesslly s

15、seekk too fiind outt evveryy asspecct oof tthe cellebrrityys llifee annd ggo aall outt too immitaate it.In tthatt waay, cellebrrityy woorshhip cann beecomme aa seensiiblee annd pposiitivve tthinng.2 Owenn shhoulld hhavee maarriied hiss coousiin. It is nott att alll ssurpprissingg.He ddidnnt go to thee



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