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1、每个人都能掌握的记忆技巧(双语)Joshua Foer Ted 英语演讲:kira86 于 2013-05-23 为什么有些人似乎天赋异能,能够过目不忘在短时间内记下一本书的内容或是繁多的数 字?是否他们的脑袋和我们的不一样,或他们更聪明?科技栏作家Joshua Foer给您详细讲 解这种记忆方法 他称其为记忆宫殿 并向您证明他的重点是: 任何人都可以 拥有绝佳的记忆里,包括他自己。这个答案就是“精细编码他们把没有前因后果 没有 重要性 没有涵义的信息 用某种方法转化为 有意义的内容 跟脑海里的其他记忆串联起来。Feats of memory anyone can do 英语演讲稿带中文翻译:

2、Id like to invite you to close your eyes. 请大家跟我一起闭上眼睛,象一下。Imagine yourself standing outside the front door of your home. Id like you to notice the color of the door, the material that its made out of. Now visualize a pack of overweight nudists on bicycles. They are competing in a naked bicycle race,

3、 and they are headed straight for your front door. I need you to actually see this. They are pedaling really hard, theyre sweaty, theyre bouncing around a lot. And they crash straight into the front door of your home. Bicycles fly everywhere, wheels roll past you, spokes end up in awkward places. St

4、ep over the threshold of your door into your foyer, your hallway, whatevers on the other side, and appreciate the quality of the light. The light is shining down on Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster is waving at you from his perch on top of a tan horse. Its a talking horse. You can practically feel his

5、 blue fur tickling your nose. You can smell the oatmeal raisin cookie that hes about to shovel into his mouth. Walk past him. Walk past him into your living room. In your living room, in full imaginative broadband, picture Britney Spears. She is scantily clad, shes dancing on your coffee table, and

6、shes singing Hit Me Baby One More Time. And then follow me into your kitchen. In your kitchen, the floor has been paved over with a yellow brick road and out of your oven are coming towards you Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Lion from The Wizard of Oz, hand-in-hand skipping straight tow

7、ards you.你站在,自己家门口的外面,请留心一下门的颜色,以及门的材质,现在请想象一群超 重的裸骑者,正在进行一场裸体自行车赛,向你的前门直冲而来,尽量让画面想象得栩栩如 生近在眼前,他们都在奋力地踩脚踏板 汗流浃背,路面非常颠簸,然后径直撞进了你家前 门,自行车四下飞散 车轮从你身旁滚过,辐条扎进了各种尴尬角落,跨过门槛,进到门厅、 走廊 和门里的其他地方,室内光线柔和舒适,光线洒在甜饼怪物身上,他坐在一匹棕色骏 马的马背上,正向你招手,这匹马会说话,你可以感觉到他的蓝色鬃毛让你鼻子发痒,你可 以闻到他正要扔进嘴里的葡萄燕麦曲奇的香气,绕过他 绕过他走进客厅,站在客厅里 把你 的想象力

8、调到最大档,想象小甜甜布兰妮,她衣着暴露在你咖啡桌上跳舞,并唱着Hit Me Baby One More Time,接下来 跟着我走进你的厨房,厨房的地面被一道黄砖路覆盖,依次 钻出你的烤箱向你走来的是, 绿野仙踪里的多萝西铁皮人,稻草人 和狮子,他们手挽 着手蹦蹦跳跳地向你走来,Okay. Open your eyes.好了 睁开眼睛吧,I want to tell you about a very bizarre contest that is held every spring in New York City. Its called the United States Memory C

9、hampionship. And I had gone to cover this contest a few years back as a science journalist expecting, I guess, that this was going to be like the Superbowl of savants. This was a bunch of guys and a few ladies, widely varying in both age and hygienic upkeep.我要给你们讲一个每年春天在纽约,都会举办的奇异竞赛,叫做全美记忆冠军赛,几年 前我作

10、为一名科技类记者,去报道这项竞赛,心里想着 大概那儿得像,怪才的超级碗冠军 赛一样热闹吧,一大堆男人和屈指可数的女性,从小孩儿到老人 有些还不怎么注意个人卫 生,(Laughter)(大笑),They were memorizing hundreds of random numbers, looking at them just once. They were memorizing the names of dozens and dozens and dozens of strangers. They were memorizing entire poems in just a few min

11、utes. They were competing to see who could memorize the order of a shuffled pack of playing cards the fastest. I was like, this is unbelievable. These people must be freaks of nature.有的奋力在只看一次的情况下,记下上百个任意列出的数字,有的在努力记住成群的陌 生人的名字,有的想在几分钟内努力背下整篇诗歌,还有的在比赛谁能以最快速度,记下一 整副打乱的牌的顺序,我当时觉得 这太不可思议了,这些人肯定天赋异禀。And

12、 I started talking to a few of the competitors. This is a guy called Ed Cook who had come over from England where he had one of the best trained memories. And I said to him, Ed, when did you realize that you were a savant? And Ed was like, Im not a savant. In fact, I have just an average memory. Eve

13、rybody who competes in this contest will tell you that they have just an average memory. Weve all trained ourselves to perform these utterly miraculous feats of memory using a set of ancient techniques, techniques invented 2,500 years ago in Greece, the same techniques that Cicero had used to memori

14、ze his speeches, that medieval scholars had used to memorize entire books. And I was like, Whoa. How come I never heard of this before?所以我开始采访参赛者,这位叫Ed Cook,是从英格兰来的,他在那儿接受了最好的记 忆训练,我问他 Ed 你是什么时候开始意识到,自己是记忆天才的?, Ed 答道 “我并不 是什么专家,其实 我的记忆力很一般,来参赛的每一个人,都会告诉你他们的记忆力只是 一般水平,我们都在训练自己后才能,完成这些奇迹般的记忆游戏,我们运用了一系

15、列古老 的技巧,这些技巧是希腊人在两千五百年前发明的,西塞罗正是用了这些技巧,来记忆他的 演讲稿的,中世纪学者用这种技巧来背诵正本书籍的内容,我惊讶不已 哇噻 怎么我从来 没听说过呢?,And we were standing outside the competition hall, and Ed, who is a wonderful, brilliant, but somewhat eccentric English guy, says to me, Josh, youre an American journalist. Do you know Britney Spears? Im li

16、ke, What? No. Why? Because I really want to teach Britney Spears how to memorize the order of a shuffled pack of playing cards on U.S. national television. It will prove to the world that anybody can do this.我们站在竞技大厅外,聪明过人令人惊叹,而又稍有些古怪的英国人Ed,对我说Josh 你是个美国记者,你知道小甜甜布兰妮吧?”,我茫然不解什么? 当然 为什么要问这个?, “因为我真的很想在,美国国家电台上教会布兰妮,怎样记住一整副打乱的牌的顺序,就能 证明这是人人都可以做到的了,(Laughter)(哄笑),I was like, Well Im not Britney Spear


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