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1、北京语言大学21秋英语语音平时作业一参考答案1. Which of the following is true of second language learning?A.Natural language exposureBWhich of the following is true of second language learning?A.Natural language exposureB.Informal learning contextC.Structured inputD.Little error correction正确答案:C2. 18在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与

2、其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.w/i/ndB.k/i/ndC.f/i/ndD.m/i/nd参考答案:A3. They will not start the project until the board chairman _ back from South Africa. A) will comThey will not start the project until the board chairman _ back from South Africa.A) will comeB) is comingC) cameD) comesD当主句用一般将来时态时,时间状语从句通常用一般

3、现在时。4. The medicine will _ you good.A.doB.saveC.giveD.help参考答案:A5. Helen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.AHelen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.A参考答案:A( )6. We are convinced that the present damage was due _ extraordinary circum

4、stances _ which theWe are convinced that the present damage was due _ extraordinary circumstances _ which they were transported to you.to, under7. 人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。正确答案:It was found that no waterfall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.It was found that no waterfall k

5、nown in Europe could compare with Niagara.8. 30在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.fort/u/neB.p/u/blicC.R/u/ssiaD.s/u/ffer参考答案:A9. 【C20】AbehindBafterCawayDapart【C20】AbehindBafterCawayDapart正确答案:Abebehind(in)表示“落后”。例如:Sheisbehindinstudies(她学习落后了。)beafter,beaway,beapart均不表示这个意思。10. In complianc

6、e with the terms of the contract, we have forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiaIn compliance with the terms of the contract, we have forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods were loaded.依照合同条款,我们在货物装运之后立即向您航空邮寄了一套不可转让的单证。11. 梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血

7、液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)参考答案:Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can nflow more easily and more oxygen can reach the brain.12. You can infer from the passage that the people who are presently supposed to pay the high

8、You can infer from the passage that the people who are presently supposed to pay the high est percentage of their income in taxes are the _.ArichBmiddle classCpoorDbusinessmen正确答案:A解析:第2段开头讲现在政府采用“progressive tax”,所以交税多的人即为富裕的人。13. The city _ I was born is on the new railway line.A.whichB.thatC.on w

9、hichD.where参考答案:D14. 图腾崇拜图腾崇拜正确答案:图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为是原始宗教的最初形式大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安语的音译意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不能捕杀的只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为,是原始宗教的最初形式,大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安语的音译,意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”,相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不

10、能捕杀的,只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。15. China&39;s local dishes have their own typical characteristics,generally,Chinese food can be roughlChinas local dishes have their own typical characteristics,generally,Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines,which has been widely accepted around.

11、中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已广为接受。这是介绍中国饮食文化特点的例句。采用直译法,完全忠实于原文。句中can be roughly divided into的被动形式翻译为中文时,一般用主动句表示。值得注意的是非限制性定语从句which has been widely accepted around中的关系代词which指代的是前面出现的整个句子,而非仅指代eight regional cuisines,所以翻译时采用增补原则,适当增加“这种分类”的补充翻译,使读者清楚明了。16. _ from heart trouble for years,

12、Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he_ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASufferedBSufferingCBeing sufferedDHaving sufferedD17. 11在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.bir/ths/B.dep/ths/C.mon/ths/D.mou/ths/

13、参考答案:B18. _you did, I will be in favour of you.ANo matter whatBNo matter thatCNo matter what_you did, I will be in favour of you.ANo matter whatBNo matter thatCNo matter whateverDNo matter anything正确答案:A19. 根据以下要求,写一篇题为“Film and TV”的短文。 写作要点: (1)电影观众人数在我们的城市根据以下要求,写一篇题为“Film and TV”的短文。 写作要点: (1)电影观

14、众人数在我们的城市呈逐年下降趋势。 (2)电视观众人数越来越多(原因:方便、经济、选择范围大)。 (3)然而,还是有人喜欢看电影(原因:有气氛、娱乐性强)。 写作要求: (1)短文须包括主要内容,可适当增减细节,使内容连贯。 (2)词数100个左右。 (3)参考词汇:下降decrease;氛围atmosphere;娱乐entertainment;电影电视观众film-goerTV watcher。正确答案:Film and TVrn We can see that film is giving way to TV in our city presently. For example in 19

15、92 there were less than 20 thousand TV watchers and more than 80 thousand film-goers while in 2002 we had about 1 million TV watchers but only about 10 thousand film-goers. The number of film-goers is decreasing and the number of TV watchers is increasing. Televisions are quite common nowadays and so more and more people turn to TV becaus



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