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1、模拟试題一I. Vocaular Secion ADirctins: here re 10 incmlet sentence in tissecton.Foeac sentencthere aor choices marked , B, C andD.hose te N answer that best compltes th sntence andrkour awer on eanswer she.1. coldjust see car i h sae, butI oult _ whatcr itwasA. mkeoutB. look toC lo ouD take in2. embled

2、oething and blued shough secret had been_. imosedB. exposedC cmsdD.oosd3. You shoudte tables and bu new one.A. hrowofB. throw down . thow upD. trow awa4. _ hirsugetos, eill iscus euly t the xt mtnA. I regard forBIn eardto C.th regrd o D. Rerdles for5. On clodyights itsno sible to e hestarswit_ eeAna

3、keare. fles. pe6. y w_will bopened upn thftur forthose with a nivityeducon. opportunitesB neessities . robltiD.elite7. ond mysef cpleely_ byis vivd performance.A caried outB crrid off C.crrid awyDcaried on8. lthouh t exaiaton he haassed s unimptat, his succss_ hm n his lte study.A. ersuadeB.pomised

4、C.urgedDecouaged9. Thisisthefirt ime you haveenlat.A. uder ocircutce. onoaccountC by n meansD fo reso10. The txi ha obecause thtrc light had rned d.A. se upB.catchpC. sutuD. ull upeti BDirecins: Thre ae sentces ihsctio. Below ach setnce are fourother wos or prases o ar to choothe one word orhraewhic

5、hwu bstkeeing he menng of the oriinal snece if t ee subsd fr he undelindword orhe. Then ark yoraswer onthe nswesheet.-11. The roof o thehose was racticll flg in nd thefro eps were roting awa.AalotB. essentilly C.lwys cnvenienly12. The gret sialdiction between huans and aes s ollosace hans a und heir

6、 his.AttractinB.dangrC.comfortD. iffeence13. ientits are rying deelpcomputestawll simula thehuman tougtroces.A susituteB. assuC. rojctD. reflect14. Teants do noto thion pats, theymeely occuthedellins.A. itelleuB.ntersC coloniesDconracts15. Budhstks clam odetah heimindfrom their bodes.A. eareB. aachC

7、 deieD. tain16. ncontretSmiths beforleving the aking lot.etB. saC.elpedD. urprsed17. Mr.Jneswa aen iby tht door to dor sesmns oh t. He d lmot 90. for avacuenr.A. deceivB. incited. impcatedD surted18. Thechaewaed to rearse t on befo t performae.A.sgB reteC. trodcD prctice19. Prejudice toardsiorties r

8、obae smsfo fear of the unknwn.A. angerB.biasC rdenessD cton20. t is unwis prook strnge ials.A. feed. ochC. angeDI Grmmatic Sucureeion Diection: Thereae incomplte setences i hissetion. Fo each sentene ere arefurchices ark , B, and Chos theOEansw tht bes completesthesente d ar yor answer n he nsw shee

9、t.21. So fghtenedidarkess tha she di nodre o moen ich.A. wa he gil B. her was C.sucha gil was D. tthegrl was22. _you ma e rigt, cantatogethragee. As. Whie. IfD. Snce23. Imusave eate mething wn. I ellie _.I ldyounoto at at resturnt.Yo bttera home.A. to tho up . t catB. throwng p.ating. ohr p . cat. t

10、hrwing p. ca24. Hi responsewstat he dtsay yes ane dn sy o.A. so. whichC. whD. such25. Iae ot und my book et. Im nosur _Iculd hae dnwth it. hetheB. what. whyD e.He is sur hat eeas flying sacver there. If he hadnt een it imsel, e _ it never have believedB.neri believC culd neve bleveD. ul everhave bel

11、ieved27. Iishil wulddrie ust the trai sationbut e ha_ to takus all.vrysmall acaB oo small carCa o small caD. suc a smaca28. _ the budin fo slen god, theolic fud twentymachine gunsA. archingBBeing serchng. Searced To search29. Ce the dor,?. wll youB oyouC hall you D. dtyu30. The torm,heyhad o li in a cave has dtryethei hutB todesroy their huC. having dstroyed the hD.beig destroydDiectis:n estion 3-40each sentencasfuudelinedords or phrss, maredA, B, C, andD. Choos the on rd ophs icsincrretand must echanged tmak te sentence correct henma



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