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1、初二英语作文集合九篇 在我们平凡的日常里,大家最不生疏的就是作文了吧,作文依据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、争论文。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是我细心整理的初二英语作文9篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语作文篇1 TheHpe Poject our teachr told us somehi about th Hope Pojct.We herd tha any hilden i the contysie stillhd no chaetoo to shol.Thy ae too por to ,te teacer siAter t css, I n ak hom n a e l

2、itle boxin which I ve pocety. wtd to by myslfa e schol ag. ut o thohtof th coutrchidren ho lngdto gto school.S deidedtnd my money t m.I stated to wre aetter to them ih awy.ft finishin it,I went thepost fice nd mai eter togethe with am pcket mney. hope itcouldhe初二英语作文 篇Renty, theovisaut the old peopl

3、e happen t e theicndtn cme bc to hir 20 yarsold tier very opular. Theold eopleoll inds ray tings that thy neer have th chanc todo.Thesemovs tlpoe tha ven nothe ance, hey willdowhateer hey wat too.I alwsharm pat sadenhey retrd, they oul arry ut all indsof theiplns and njyedthelfe In myinion, wn we ar

4、 oung ,we hud enj ourmmet and caseur dream. Itis a ttle tarry out e ans wenwe ad.uts theadantags. 最近,关于老人偶然间得到魔法,然后回到20岁的电影很受欢迎。老人们做了许多疯狂的事情,他们以前没有机会去做。这些电影告知人们,再给一次机会,他们会做他们想做的任何事情。我总是听我的父母说等他们退休了,他们就可以实施各种安排,享受生活。在我看来,当我们年轻的时候,我们就该享受属于我们的时刻,追逐我们的幻想。当我们老了再去实施安排有点晚了。青春是资本。初二英语作文 篇3Wen I was littl cd

5、 Ihd any drms Iwntd tbe h othat can ie in a bigan betiu houe. can go everyhere ca Bu no dram sem be betterad r realist. hope I cn hve agood jb. It wll nottk mucof y tme lhough I ca ar muc. ery yar I hve hodays to trae Traveing is my favort d it c redce my pressure. It goo formy lfe.Therefoe I hptrav

6、eing cabe a part ofmy utur li.初二英语作文 篇4 ivih hnkfulnes D youkw Thnksgiving a? Do you now wy huma thnkGod?Thanksgiving fallson the frth Thurayof Nvemer,a dfferee everyeaThresident t proclaim tt dte as th officia elerion Tanksgving is me o traditiandshain.Eve ifhey lvfaawa, familyembers ate for a reio

7、nt hehus of an der rlatv. All iv hanks tgethrfor te gdthng tha he hvInthisspirtof sharig, cvicgrops ad charabe orgaizatio off tradional ma tthose in eed, particularly thehomelss. O mst tle troughout te ni State, fodseten at the first hasgivng hae beomtadiional.初二英语作文 篇5 Noways, mot eope av thi idos.

8、 Thr idolsmay besingrs,ators,athlee an o on. Peopl can get rlearnmeting frm their idols. likesiming er uad m idol s a swimmer H i Yag, e most aosan popuar swimmerin ur utry. Heis thgold medlis LondonOlympi GamesHe becaeth ntinl on ler, ecause e o the gol medal iShanghai Wold Swimming Chaionshipsad r

9、oke theworld reo.Epect frhis excllentpeoance, Sun angis anattracie yougn. He as warm smlean may lovly expessins. Beses, he ings llandhe pfoms i anyshows. oplepek higly of is perormace. 现在,大部分的人都有自己的偶像。他们的偶像可能是歌手,演员以及运动员等等。人们可以从他们的偶像那里得到或学到一些东西。我很喜爱游泳,而且我的偶像是一名游泳运动员。他就是孙杨,我国最出名和受欢迎的游泳运动员。他是伦敦奥运会的金牌得主

10、。去年,他成为了国家的标记,因为他获得了上海世界游泳锦标赛的金牌并打破了世界纪录。除了他优秀的表现外,孙杨还是一位年轻有魅力的男人。他的笑容暖和,表情也很可爱。除此之外,他在许多节目唱歌表演。人们高度赞扬他的表现。初二英语作文 篇6 y e iLi BaLing. have agoo frnd .Hr ameis Ce ZiQig am years old . e iasldsme 155c tll.S i 15cm tall. hei 5c shorter ha me .I 3kg .Se is37kg. Se is hever t me .Se ften doesomwork t m .e

11、 alays hep each oher m py tohe ao fre .我的名字是李宝灵,我有一个好挚友,她的名字是陈自清,我今年3岁,她和我一样大。我身高15,她150,她比我矮5厘米。我36公斤,她7公斤,她比我重。她常常和我一起做功课,我们常常相互帮忙,我特别兴奋有这样一个好挚友。初二英语作文 篇7mil, how rm the word is! it can make anyn happ. and ti happness is fro the bttom o htIsquo;s nt lke nthusiastic laugter,b just war,aesyor heatwr

12、m. Moher&rsqo;s sle s likea sping in, enle hn yo aesd, ican mk youappyagai; whe youail, it an meyou standp and wrk hard gain;whenou g u,t canmake you tryyourbstginhellp; Sile, so easy, bu also so usfl o, etrsquo;s ean osmi. eeyone nee ters’ smile. whe gi otrsa sile, e wllfeel hapy, to. and mabenex time, whn you nee mil, te persn ho receiveyursmieigve it to you. Let&rqu;s learn to smile oftn, ieliev it c een mke he hoewam vingwih a l, every a wil beunshne.初二英语作文篇8Der Li Ju, Imglad o helpyo ith your obles I thin shoud unerstan



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