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3、化品牌设计191.更新品牌名称192.重塑品牌形象19(二)科学准确地进行品牌定位201.调整目标市场202.重新整合现有的子品牌203.注重引起消费者情感上的共鸣20(三)设计全面营销活动211.积极利用新媒体手段传播品牌212.加强品牌影响力与顾客忠诚度的转化21(四)加强品牌管理211.优化人力资源结构212.增加公司与加盟店的良性互动22结论23参考文献24致谢26附录27中文摘要 随着经济全球化的深入发展,我国的服装行业逐步成为了国际服装贸易市场中必不可少的一环。与此同时,国内服装行业中出现了一批具有较高知名度的本土品牌,这些品牌不仅在吸引了国内市场的一大批消费者,而且还在寻求国际市

4、场的认可。但是,自2008年国际金融危机以来,人民币汇率的提高和外贸出口市场的隐性壁垒都给我国的服装行业提出了新的挑战。因此,要想在激烈的国际竞争中处于优势地位,做出正确的品牌营销策略,塑造具有中国特色的服装品牌,是我国服装企业刻不容缓的任务。基于以上的分析,本文选取扬州市虎豹服饰作为研究对象。采用实证分析的方法对虎豹服饰品牌营销的情况作了考察分析。在充分了解企业经营情况、自主品牌发展情况的基础上,对虎豹服饰的品牌营销策略进行了深入的分析。本文研究思路如下: 第一部分,对现有关于品牌营销的研究进行了梳理。通过对相关理论的梳理,发现我国对于品牌营销策略的现有研究仍存在不足,尤其是在服装企业品牌营

5、销策略上,相关的研究很少,并且缺乏深入性和可行性。第二部分,通过实地走访和问卷调查的方式对扬州市虎豹服饰的基本情况以及发展现状进行了调查。第三部分,从品牌内涵、品牌定位、品牌传播、品牌管理这四个方面对虎豹服饰的品牌营销策略现状做了研究。第四部分,通过对扬州市虎豹服饰的品牌营销策略进行研究,发现虎豹服饰现有的品牌营销策略存在着品牌设计落后、品牌定位不准确、品牌传播不充分、品牌管理不专业等问题。第五部分,通过将品牌营销的相关理论和虎豹服饰的实际情况进行结合,对虎豹服饰当前发展所面临的品牌营销困境提出较为可行的解决方法。关键词:品牌营销 营销策略 服装营销 ABSTRACTWith the deep

6、ening of economic globalization, Chinas clothing industry has gradually become an indispensable part of the international apparel trade market. At the same time, a number of well-known brands have appeared in Chinese apparel industry. These brands not only have a large number of loyal consumers in t

7、he domestic market, but also are marching into the international market. However, since the international financial crisis in 2008, the improvement of the exchange rate of the renminbi and the hidden barriers in foreign trade and export markets have posed new challenges to the apparel industry in Ch

8、ina. Therefore, if we want to be in a dominant position in the fierce international competition, making the correct brand marketing strategy to create a clothing brand with Chinese characteristics is an urgent task for our garment enterprises.Based on the above analysis, this article selected Yangzh

9、ou HUBAO Costumes Corporation as the research object. The method of empirical analysis was used to analyze the marketing strategies of HUBAO. In-depth understanding of business operations and development of independent brands, based on a thorough analysis of the brand marketing strategy of the HUBAO

10、. The research ideas in this paper are as follows:In the first part, the existing research on brand marketing is combed. Through combing relevant theories, it is found that the existing research on brand marketing theory in China is generally lack of systematicness and comprehensiveness. In particul

11、ar, there is still little research on the establishment of brand development strategies for apparel companies. The second part investigates the basic situation and development status of the HUBAO in Yangzhou through field visits and questionnaire surveys.In the third part, the status quo of the bran

12、d marketing strategy of the HUBAO clothing was studied from the four aspects of brand connotation, brand positioning, brand communication and brand management.In the fourth part, through the research on the brand marketing strategy of Yangzhou HUBAO, it is found that the current brand marketing stra

13、tegy of HUBAO has problems such as backward brand design, inaccurate brand positioning, inadequate brand communication, and unprofessional brand management.In the fifth part, by combining the related theories of brand marketing and the actual situation of HUBAO, this paper proposes a feasible soluti

14、on to the dilemma of brand marketing faced by the current development of HUBAO.Keywords: Brand Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Clothing Marketing前言21世纪以来,随着社会经济的发展,消费者购买服装时不再仅仅考虑其保暖遮体的功能性需求,而是更加注重服装品牌背后所蕴含的生活品味和生活态度。在经济全球化的时代中,面临国外设计理念新颖、具有高附加值的服装品牌的冲击,国内服装企业已经很难单纯以产品本身取胜。但是,国内的服装企业还存在着品牌定位模糊、品牌同质化倾向严重

15、、品牌管理意识淡薄等问题 王昉.服装品牌营销的现状与发展趋势分析J.现代商业, 2011(20): 17-19.。中国许多本土的服装品牌定位存在模糊的特点,它们只是根据市场导向进行生产销售而没有一个统一的品牌形象。如果市场上的高端男装销量高,企业就去生产高端男装;如果市场上的消费者更青睐平民风格的服装,企业就跟着转向。这种模式虽然能够把握市场需求的最新动态,但是也带来了品牌形象混乱的问题。国产的服装品牌定位应该要符合品牌自身的特点,并且挑选符合自己品牌预期的消费者群体进行营销,给消费者留下深刻的印象,抓住顾客的注意力,这样才能更好地塑造一个品牌。除此之外,许多国产服装品牌对品牌营销的内涵并不是十分理解。他们认为服装品牌只不过是一个法律上的概念,用来保护自己企业的商标权而已。因此,许多国产品牌的营销者们只是将服装根据产品的有形特征进行分类,而忽略的无形的品牌风格的塑造。从商场中各家品牌展出的服装中可以看出,同质化倾向越来越严重,不仅是产品设计、面料选择十分相似,就连不同品牌服装的营销手段都大同小异。与此同时,随着许多国产服装品牌不断做大做强,服装品牌的经营者逐渐认识到了品牌资产对企业发展


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