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1、牛津三年级下册英语阅读理解专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断句子的正误。Look! This is my family. The man is my father. The woman is my mother. She is a teacher. The girl is my sister, Amy. She is a pupil. The boy is me, Mike.(1)This is Amys(艾米的) family.( )(2)Mikes (迈克的) father is a teacher.( )(3)Amy is a pupil.( )(4)There are(有)

2、 five people(人) in Mikes family.( )2. 阅读理解,判断正误(对的用T表示,错的用F表示)。Hello, Im Mary. Today is my birthday.I have many gifts. Look, this is a new skirt. Its pink and blue. I like itvery much. This is a story book. Its funny. And here are some toys for me.Look, this is a toy cat. Its so cute. And I have a y

3、ummy cake for my birthday.Taste it, so sweet. I like this cake very much. And I am very happy today. Whatabout you?( )(1)Today is Marys birthday.( )(2)Mary has a new dress.( )(3)She has a toy cat. Its cute.( )(4)Mary doesnt like the story book.( )(5)The cake is very yummy.3. 阅读理解。This is Mikes bedro

4、om. You can see a desk and a bed in the room. On the desk, there is a backpack and three books. One is a Chinese book, the other two are English books. There is a clock on the desk, too. You can see a baseball under the desk. On the bed there is a box. Can you guess whats in the box? Ah, its a new c

5、omputer game. Its the present(礼物) for Mikes seventh birthday.(1)Whose room is this?( )A.Mays. B.Mikes. C.SimonsD.Marks(2)How many Chinese books are there on the desk?( )A.One. B.Two. C.Three.D.Four.(3)Whats that under the desk?( )A.A clock. B.A bed. C.A baseball.D.A notebook.(4)What cant you see on

6、the desk?( )A.A book. B.A backpack. C.A computer.D.A clock(5)How old is Mike?( )A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.4. 阅读判断正误。My name is Amy. Im a student. I have five books in my bag. I have a good friend, her name is BaiLing. She is a Chinese girl. I like white and yellow. She likes blue and red. We play together.

7、 Her father is an English teacher. Her mother is an doctor.( )(1)Amy is not a student .( )(2)Amy has ten books in her bag.( )(3)Bai Ling is Amys friend.( )(4)Bai Ling is an English girl.( )(5)Amy likes blue and red.( )(6)Bai Lings father is an English teacher.5. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确的图片。Hi! Im Nini. Im a

8、monkey. I like riding my bike. But I dont like skipping. Huanhuan is my brother. He likes basketball. I have(有)a good friend(朋友). Her name is Qiqi. She is a panda. She is fat. She likes table tennis.(1)Im Nini. I dont like _.A. B.(2)Huanhuan is a _.A. B.(3)Huanhuan likes _.A. B.(4)Qiqi is a _.A. B.(

9、5)Qiqi likes _.A. B.6. 阅读判断。Today is Sunday. The sun is shining.Kitty and Ben go to Ali Babas farm. They can see many animals there. farm.Look,they are ducks.They are yellow and small.They go”Quack,quack.”.”Oink,oink”, what can you hear?Oh,there are six pink pigs. Theyre lovely. They like animals ve

10、ry much. They are happy.1Today is a sunny day.( )2There are many animals on Ali Babas farm.( )3The ducks are big and yellow.( )4Kitty and Ben like the farm.( )5They are not sad.( )7. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello. Im a little girl. My name is Lin Lin. Im three. Im thin. My eyes are black and white. They are big.

11、My ears are pink. They are small. Look at my mouth. Its big. I like cakes and biscuits. I can draw a picture and open the door. I can count to ten. But I cant write or read.( )(1)Lin Lin is a girl.( )(2)She is not thin.( )(3)Her ears are small.( )(4)She can close the door.( )(5)She cant read or writ

12、e.8. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Spring is the best season in a year. Everything begins to grow. The grass andtrees are green. Flowers are colourful. Children like to fly kites in thepark .Summer comes after spring. It isvery hot.Many people like swimmingin the sea. Its cool. And the children like eating ice cream

13、s.Autumn is theharvest(收获) season .We can eat many kinds of fruit.The coldest seasonof the year is winter. Itoftensnows and that makes children happy. They makea snowman andskioutside.( )1.is the best season in a year.A.Spring B.Autumn C.Winter( ) 2.What can make children happy?.A.Swim in the sea. B

14、.Snow in winter. C.Everything begin to grow.( ) 3.Autumn is the_season.A.best B.harvest C.coldest( ) 4.What can you do in summer?.A.Make a snowman. B.Ski. C.Eat ice creams.( ) es after spring.A.Summer B.Winter C.Autumn9. 看图,回答问题。(1)Is this a zoo?(2)How many boys can you see?(3)What can you see at the gate of the zoo? (说出三种动物)10. 读一读下面的句子,在表格中用 勾出相应的内容。Chen JieSarahMikeJohnCh


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