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1、Module5 Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England 导学案(师生共用版)年级:八年级英语 备课人:韦顺琼 课时:2节 执教人:韦顺琼课题Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England课型阅读课学习目标:1.我能准确读本课的新单词、短语; 2. 我会用这些短语造句;3.我会以“My home town”为题写一篇60词左右的英语短文。重点:我会用这些短语造句难点:我会以“My home town” 为题写一篇60词左右的英语短文。课前学法指导:同

2、学们,我们都热爱我们的家乡,仔细阅读Tony的这篇短文后,学习他从哪些方面描写自己的家乡,大胆尝试,让它变成自己的文章,你一定能够做到!(个人学习)1. 课前希望大家大声朗读课文,找出重点短语以及自己难以理解的句子。2. 完成课堂练习P8。环节一:(5分钟)1.Watch a map of England then finish off the Exx. in the Wb P8 2.Then show some pictures of the passage and get the Ss to use words to describe them. 环节二:(35分钟) Step2 Read

3、ing1.Skim the passage and finish off the T or F Exx.1) Cambridge is on the River Thames.2) London is on the River Cam.3) In England, the small village and beaches on the coast are popular for holidays.4) It is very hot in summer and cold in winter in England.5) You can see green countryside everywhe

4、re in England.2.Scan the passage and answer the Qs 1) Where is Cambridge? 2) How far is it from Cambridge to London? 3) What is London famous for? 4) Whats the weather like in England?3.Read the passage carefully and finish off the Exx. Below. 1) Read Para 1 Whats the population of Cambridge?Whats C

5、ambridge famous for?2) Read Para 2London is the south of England and its the River Thames. A. in; in B. in; on C. on; onLondon has a population of about million. A. 7.5 B. 75 C. 750London is about years old. A. 120,000 B.80 C. 2000 3) Read Para 3Why does the writer say you are always near the sea wh

6、en you are in England? Do the visitors like travelling to England?4) Read Para 4 Why does the writer say we can come to see England at any time of the year? Can you tell me why people in England take an umbrella with them when they go out?环节三:(10分钟)1.Finish Part3&4 in groups then check the answers w

7、ith other groups.2.Ss finish off Ex.2 In the Wb. P8环节4: (10分钟)1. Read the passage after the tape one sentence by one sentence.2.Take notes about the important language points 1) in the east /west/south/north/of在。的东/西/南/北部 辨析此短语中的介词in,on,to的不同含义: 若两地在地域上是包含关系,用in; 若两地接壤、毗邻用on; 若两地有距离间隔,则用to2) be famo

8、us for因而闻名 后接文明的原因be famous as作为而闻名 后接表示职位、名称、身份的词be famous to 为某人所熟知 后接某人3)on the river Cam 表示“在康桥河畔”,on表示在河的沿岸。4)have a population of 表示“有人口”。指人口的多少用large或small。5)be part of 是。的一部分环节5:运用新知,讨论写作。(18分钟)1.小组讨论,形成文章Part5&6I come from , a beautiful city in the of China. It has a population of It is 2.小组展示



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