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1、 400-618-2500MBA面面试常用用英语1 开始始面试BASIIC EEXPRRESSSIONNS 基基本句型型表达1) MMay I ccomee inn?我可以进进来吗?2) HHow aree yoou ddoinng, Mrss. SSmitth?你好,史史密斯女女士。3) EExcuuse me. Maay II seee MMrs. Smmithh?对不起,我我可以见见史密斯斯女士吗吗?4) MMisss Wuu? WWilll yoou ccomee inn plleasse? Takke aa seeat.吴小姐,请请进,坐坐下吧。5) II haave comme

2、hheree foor aan iinteerviiew by apppoinntmeent. Niice to meeet yyou.我是应约约来面试试的,非非常高兴兴见到你你。6) II amm coominng ffor an inttervvieww ass reequiiredd.我是应邀邀来面试试的。7) DDid youu haave anyy diiffiicullty finndinng oour commpanny?找到我们们公司困困难吗?8) HHow do youu thhinkk off thhe wweattherr toodayy?你认为今今天的天天气如何何?CO

3、NVVERSSATIIONSS 会话话(A=AAppllicaantDialloguue 11I=Innterrvieewerr)A: MMay I ccomee inn?I: YYes, plleasse.A: HHow aree yoou ddoinng, Maddam? Myy naame is Wujjingg. II amm coominng tto yyourr coompaany forr anninteerviiew asrequuestted.I: FFinee, tthannk yyou forr coominng. Mr. Wuu, PPleaase takke aa s

4、eeat. I am Annne SSmitth, thee asssisstannt mmanaagerr.A: NNicee too seee yyou, Mrrs. Smiith.I: NNicee too meeet youu, ttoo.A: 我我可以进进来吗?I: 请请进。A:你好好,夫人人。我叫叫吴京,我我是应邀邀来贵公公司面试试的。I: 好好的,谢谢谢你过过来。吴吴先生请请坐,我我叫安妮妮史密斯斯,是经经理助理理。A:非常常高兴见见到你,史史密斯女女士。I: 我我也很高高兴见到到你。Dialloguue 22A: OOK, Mr. Wuu. YYou mayy coome in

5、. I am Annne SSmitth aand on my rigght, myy coolleeaguue, Annna DDunccan, annd oon mmyleftt, AAngeela Lammb. Do pleeasee siit ddownn.I: TThannk yyou. Goood aftternnoonn Mrrs. Smiith, Miiss Dunncann, MMisss Laamb.3A: YYourr Enngliish is fluuentt.I: TThannk yyou.A: HHow do youu thhinkk off thhe wweatt

6、herr toodayy?I: II doontt liike thee weeathher likke tthiss. CColdd annd rrainny. Hoppe iit bbecoome sunnny as sooon aas pposssiblle.A: 好好了,吴吴先生,你你可以进进来了。我是安安妮史密斯斯,我右右面是我我的同事事安娜邓肯,左左边是安安吉拉兰姆。请坐吧。I: 谢谢谢你。下午好好,史密密斯女士士、邓肯肯小姐、兰姆小小姐。A:你的的英语很很流利。I: 谢谢谢夸奖奖。A: 你你觉得今今天的天天气如何何?I: 我我不喜欢欢这样的的天气,又又冷还下下着雨,真真希望早早点

7、出太太阳。Dialloguue 33A: EExcuuse me. Maay II seee MMrs. Smmithh?I: IItss mee. WWhatt caan II doo foor yyou?A: NNicee too meeet youu, MMrs. Smmithh. IIm commingg heere forr ann innterrvieew bby aappoointtmennt.I: AAre youu Mrr. WWu?A: YYes, I am.I: NNicee too meeet youu, ttoo. Diid yyou havve aany difff

8、iccultty ffinddingg ouur ccomppanyy?A: NNot reaallyy, II amm faamilliarr wiith thiis aareaa.A: 不不好意思思,我可可以见史史密斯女女士吗?I: 我我就是,需需要我帮帮忙吗?A: 很很高兴见见到你,史密斯斯女士。我是应应约来面面试的。I: 你你是吴先先生吧?A: 是是的,我我是。I: 我我也很高高兴见到到你。找找我们公公司困难难吗?A: 没没有,我我对这一一带很熟熟悉。WORDDS AAND EXPPRESSSIOONS 关键词词inteerviiew 面试as rrequuestted 应邀requu

9、estt 需要要,要求求assiistaant 助理的的,辅助助的;助助手as ssoonn ass poossiiblee 尽快快acopplplloeiianggtummeennt 约约会,约约定flluennt同事流利的,流流畅的by aappoointtmennt 按按约定bbe ffamiiliaar wwithh 熟悉悉NOTEES 注注释这是面试试开始时时常用到到的几个个场景。面试可可能是一一对一进进行,也也可能是是集体面面试,一一般之前前都有预预约。注注意不同场场合下的的几个关关键用语语:(提提前预约约过)I ccomee heere forr ann innterrvieew

10、 bby aappoointtmennt.或者I aamcomiing to youur ccomppanyy foor aan iinteerviiew as reqquesstedd.。如果是集集体面试试,主考考官会轮轮流叫人人,进入入房间后后只要自自己介绍绍就可以以了。如如果是第第一次登登门拜访访,则需要要说明你的的来意和和一些相相关情况况,比如如你是从从广告上上看到的的招聘启启事或者者是经人人推荐的的,一定定要说清清楚。句句型有:Exccusee mee, ppleaase. I wissh tto aapplly ffor thee vaacanncy advverttiseed i

11、in tthe morrninng nnewsspapper yessterrdayy. HHas theevacaancyy beeen fillledd?或者I wwas refferrred to youur ccomppanyy byy Mrr.Whhitee, yyourr maanagger.。42 个人人信息这里所讲讲的个人人资料是是一个应应征者的的基本信信息,虽虽然是一一些很简简单的问问题,但但是正是是根据这这些信息息,主考考官可以初初步断定定应试者者是否符符合他们们的要求求。BASIIC EEXPRRESSSIONNS 基基本句型型表达1) WWhatt iss yoour

12、namme,pleeasee?请问,你你叫什么么名字?2) CCan youu teell me whaat yyourr fuull namme iis, pleeasee?能把你的的全名告告诉我吗吗?3) HHow do youu sppelll yoour fulll nnamee?你的全名名怎么拼拼写?4) II waas bbornn onn Juune 22, 19980.我生于119800 年 6 月 22 日。5) YYou loook vveryy yoounggHoww olld aare youu?你看上去去很年轻轻,你多多大了?6) II amm juust oveer

13、 ttwennty-twoo.我刚过222 岁岁。7) WWherre aare youu frrom?你是哪里里人?8) WWherre iis yyourr naativve pplacce?你的籍贯贯是哪里里?9) WWherre ddo yyou livve nnow?你现在住住哪里?10) I llivee att 6006 ZZhonngguuanccun Roaad, Aptt. 8802, Beeijiing.我住在北北京市中中关村大大街6006 号号,8002 单单元。11) Cann yoou ttelll mee soometthinng aabouut yyourr f

14、aamilly?能介绍一一下你的的家庭情情况吗?12) Aree yoou mmarrriedd?你结婚了了吗?13) Howw loong havve yyou beeen mmarrriedd?你结婚多多长时间间了?14) I hhavee beeen marrrieed ffor twoo yeearss.我结婚两两年了。CONVVERSSATIIONSS 会话话(A=AAppllicaantDialloguue 11I=Innterrvieewerr)I: WWhatt iss yoour namme, pleeasee?A: MMy nnamee iss Suun llin.I: HHow oldd arre yyou?A: II amm twwentty-ffivee yeearss olld.I: MMay I aask youur bbirtth ddatee?A: YYes, myy biirthh daate is Sepptemmberr 222, 119777.I: WWherre ddo yyou livve nnow?A: II liive at 6066 Zhhonggguaancuun RRoadd, AApt 8022,Beeiji


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