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1、浙江省绍兴市柯桥区杨汛桥镇七年级英语下册Unit11HowwasyourschooltripPeriod5(SelfCheckandWriting)练习(新版)人教新目标版Unit 11 How was your school tripPeriod 5(Self Check and Writing)一、根据汉语提示完成短文Last Sunday we had a fantastic trip. My father, my mother and I 1_(去) to the summer camp. We went to a 2_(山) near our home. First we got t

2、o the foot of the mountain 3_(乘;坐) bus. In the middle of the mountain there was a river. The water was clean. I 4_(洗) my face with the water. It was warm. There were some fish in the river. In the mountain there were 5_(花). They were very beautiful. At 12 oclock, many people got together(聚在一起). They

3、 were very busy, 6_(所以) they walked very quickly. I thought they had missed many beautiful scenes. We made our 7_(午餐) in the mountain. The food was very 8_(美味的), and we all 9_(喜欢) it very much. After some rest, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top(顶) of the mountain. We were very happy. I

4、t was 10_(真正地) fun.二、完形填空I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are _1_, you can go there with your family. _2_ the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, deer, _3_, rabbits and other animals. Elephants are the _4_ animals on land. I _5_ there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So

5、I want to _6_ at it. Yu Xuan wants to go with me. She says, “_7_ we go there together?” “Sure!” I say. “We can _8_ a good time there. But lets _9_ there at half past four. I am busy and have _10_ homework to do.”()1.AbusyBfree Cyoung Dclean()2.A.In BOn CFor DNear()3.A.monkeysBmonkey Ctwo monkeyDone

6、monkeys()4.A.youngestBsmallest Cbiggest Dtallest()5.A.listen Blisten to Chear of Dhear()6.A.looks Bhave a look Csee Dhave a see()7.A.Can BCould CShall DWould()8.A.get Bhave Cbe Dhas()9.A.goesBgo Cto goDgoing()10.A.fewBlittleCmuchDmany三、阅读理解There are many holidays and festivals. Dads have Fathers Day

7、. Children have Childrens Day. Is there a special day for old people?Double_Ninth_Festival is a special day for old people in China. It started long ago. The festival is on lunar September 9th. This year it is on October 13th. On this day, people show love for their grandparents.People do many diffe

8、rent kinds of things on this day. They enjoy flowers, eat special cakes and drink wine(酒)Its very interesting. The best way to celebrate it is climbing hills or mountains. People think climbing will bring them good luck and help old people live long lives. Double Ninth Festival is also a good time f

9、or a family gettogether. And young people give their presents and best wishes to the old.()1._ is a special day for old people.AFathers Day BSpring FestivalCMidAutumn Festival DDouble Ninth Festival()2.What does “Double Ninth Festival” mean in Chinese?A重阳节 B寒食节 C端午节D七夕节()3._ is the best way to celeb

10、rate Double Ninth Festival.ADrinking wine BEating special cakes CClimbing hills or mountains DEnjoying flowers()4.Why do people like climbing hills on Double Ninth Festival?ABecause they enjoy climbing hills or mountains.BBecause they think climbing can bring them good luck.CBecause they think climb

11、ing can help old people live long lives.DB and C.()5.Which of the following is NOT true about Double Ninth Festival?AIts on October 13th this year.BIts on September 9th every year.CPeople show their love for their grandparents on this day.DIts a good time to get together on Double Ninth Festival.四、语

12、法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。A man was sitting in the 1_(doctor) office. He was telling the doctor 2_ his problem. “I like football, doctor,” he 3_(say). “Please help me. My life has never been a good one since I 4_(become) interested in football, and it is ge

13、tting worse and 5_(bad). I cant even get away from it in my sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, Im out there on the football field and 6_(run) after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more tired than I 7_(be) when I went to bed. What am I going to do?”The doctor 8_(sit) back and said, “First of all, y

14、ou have to do your best not to dream about football. When you close your eyes, try to think about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several 9_(million) dollars.”“Are you crazy(疯狂的;古怪的), doctor?” the man shouted at the doctor. “I 10_(miss) my ball.” 五、书面表达【话题呈现】本单元的话题是“学校郊游”,在描述学校郊游的经历时,要用一般过去时态。通过对一般过去时的学习,让学生能够运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。【佳句荟萃】Did yo


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