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1、gain n. increase of possessions; profits obtained 获得;(s)收益 v. obtain; increase; be improved 获得,增加词组 gain experience 获得经验 gain (put on)weight 增加体重 (反义词:lose weight)gallery n. room for the display of works of art; long walk 走廊;画廊词组 art gallery 画廊game n. form of play with rules; athletic contests; anim

2、als hunted 游戏;运动;比赛;猎物词组 video game 电子游戏 ball games 球类运动 play the game 进行比赛 big game 大型猎物(如野猪,熊等) The Olympic Games are -gap n. break or opening in a wall, etc.; unfilled space 豁缝,缺口,隔阂词组 generation gap 代沟 communications gap 沟通鸿沟gather v. get together; collect; gain little by little 集合,收集,聚集词组 gathe

3、r information 收集信息 gather wealth 聚集财富 gather crops 收割谷物gaze v. look long and steadily 注视,凝视辨析 gaze 指目不转睛地注视 see 指看见(强调结果) watch 指观看,观察 stare 指盯着看,从头至尾地打量 glare 指怒目而视,瞪眼 glance 指快速地一瞥 peep 指窥视general adj. not special; not particular; of all or nearly of all普遍的词组 in general一般地,概括地,通常地 the general mana

4、ger总经理展开 generally adv. 通常,大体而言: Generally speaking, 一般而言,概括说来 Generally speaking, this plan is welcomed. 一般来说,这个计划很受欢迎。generation n. all persons born about the same time, of about the same age 一代人词组 for generations 经过好几代 the coming generation 未来的一代 the young generation 年轻的一代 generation gap 代沟 gener

5、ation after generation 一代又一代,代代相传generous adj. ready to give freely; given freely; noble-minded 慷慨的,大方的词组 it is generous of sb. to do 某人做真是大方例句 It is generous of you to forgive her. 你原谅她真是宽宏大量。展开 generously adv. 慷慨地,坦荡地get v. receive; obtain; reach; complete; become 得到,到达,成为词组 get sb. to do 使某人做 get

6、 done 被 (类似于be done这种被动用法,但更强调突然的动作) have got 有 = have have got to do 不得不 = have to do get across 横过,穿过(马路等)(不用被动) get along with/without sth. 依靠设法度过;过活 get along with sb. 与某人相处 get along with sth. 进行(工作等) get away 离开,逃离 get down 写下,记下 get down to sth.(静下心来)认真处理工作 get off 下车 get on 上车 get over 克服,渡过

7、 get together 聚会 get through 通过(考试,议案等);读完,写完 get through to sb. (电话)联络到某人 get to 到达 get up 起床例句 He couldnt get the car to start. 他没法发动汽车。Dont get caught in the rain. 不要被雨淋着了。We wont get along without that money. 没有那些钱我们就没法过日子了。Im getting along well/badly with my new colleagues. 我和新同事相处得好/不好。How are

8、 you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展如何?They got down to work after the discussion. 他们讨论之后开始工作。He finally got over the difficulties. 他最终克服了困难。gift n. something which is given willingly; a present 礼物,天赋词组 a Christmas gift圣诞礼物 a birthday gift 生日礼物 natural gift 天资例句 He has a gift for music. 他有音乐天赋。

9、 He was born with a gift for painting. 他与生俱来绘画的天赋。展开 gifted adj. 有天资的,有天赋的 a gifted musician 有天赋的音乐家give (gave, given) v. allow someone to have something; offer 给,赠送词组 give a cry of pain 发出痛苦的叫声 give a try 试一下 give sb. a call 打电话给某人 give away 送掉,憎与;泄露 give back 归还 give in (vi.) 屈服于,投降 give off 放出(烟,

10、气味等)散发 give out 分发;放出(声音,光线,气味等);用尽 give up (vt.) 放弃: give up teaching / smoking; 例句 He must have given away your secret. 他肯定泄露了你的秘密。 He has given in to my views. 他听从了我的意见。 These wild flowers give off a nice smell. 这些野花放出香味。 This material gives out light in the dark. 这种材料晚上会发光。 Our supply of food ha

11、s given out.我们的食物供应都耗尽了 I wish I could give up smoking. 我希望能够戒烟。例句 given adj. 特定的 The work must be done at the given time. 这工作必须在规定时间前完成。 be given to 沉溺于的 He is given to drinking. 他爱喝酒。 given (that) 考虑到,假定是 Given his support, I think well win the election. 由于有他的支持,我想我们会赢得选举的。 Given that she likes ch

12、ildren, teaching is the best job for her. 考虑到她喜欢孩子,教书对她来说是最好的职业了。 given name 名(不包括姓)glad adj. pleased and happy about something; willing 高兴的,乐意的词组 be glad at 高兴 be glad that 对感到高兴 be glad to do 乐于 be willing to do be (only) too glad to do something = be too ready / willing to do something 很乐于做某事: to

13、o- to 表示肯定的概念例句 Im glad at his promotion. 我很高兴他得到了提升。 My father is glad that I have won the second prize in the contest. 我在比赛中获得了二等奖,父亲很高兴。 Im glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 Ill be glad to help you. 很愉快能帮你。glance n. vi. a quick short look 瞥,看一眼词组 cast/take a glance at 看一眼 glance at 瞥一眼go (went, gone) vi. move or travel; leave a place 去,走词组 go to school / church / bed 上学/上教堂/上床 go swimming/ shopping / outing / camping 去游泳/购物/郊游/露营 go for a walk



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