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1、Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.一 . 话题(Topic) Talk about how things affect you.二 .重点词组(Key Phrases) make me sad,keep out,learn from,make sb. do,more than,for instance,helpto do,so that,have sale,less than三 .交际用语1. Loud music makes me tense. 2. Loud music makes me want to dance. 3. That movie made me

2、sad. 4. Why dont we get something to eat? 5. So am I. / So do I. 6. Waiting for my friends makes me hungry. 7. The color red makes people hungry. 8. It tastes terrible.四. 重点难点释义(Language Points)Section A:1. Rainy days make me sad. 雨天让我感到悲伤。 rainy adj. 多雨的 例如: the rainy season 雨季 rainn. 雨 例如: The cro

3、ps need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。 rainv. 下雨 例如: It began to rain hard. 开始下大雨了。 make的用法(1) make +n. 例如: make food 做饭 make a plane 做飞机 make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱(2). make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人(感到),使处于某种状态 make的宾语之后可跟名词,形容词,分词来充当宾语的补足语1)名词作make的宾语补足语例如: The party made her a good teacher. 党把她培养成为一名好教师.名词作宾补2)形容词作m

4、ake的宾语补足语例如: Soccer makes me crazy. 足球使我疯狂。The soft music makes Tina sleepy. 轻柔的音乐使Tina快睡着了。Loud music makes me tense. 过大声音的音乐使我紧张Loud music makes her happy. Loud music makes them energetic. 过大声音的音乐使他觉得精力充沛。It made her sad. 这使她感到难过。 Waiting for her made me angry. 我很生气一直等着她。可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,sur

5、prised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick 3)分词作make的宾语补足语例如: I made myself understood by all the students.You must make yourself respected.There was so much noise,the speaker couldnt make himself .(C)A. hearing B. to hear C

6、. heard D. being heard(3). make sb. / sth. + do 使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to) 例如: Wars make the peace go away. 战争使和平远离。 The color red makes people want to eat faster. 红色使人们吃得更快些。 注意: 当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to. 例如: We were made to work all night. 我们被迫日夜工作。 I was made to repeat the story. 我被迫重述这个故事。 People who wo

7、nt should be made to work.不愿劳动者应被强制劳动(4) make it 习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地 I just made it to my class. (Unit 9)我恰好赶到班级。(arrived in time) Im sorry I missed your concert,but I was out of town and couldnt make it. 很遗憾错过你的音乐会,但我当时不在而且不能及时赶回来。(5) make of /from./out of Make of 当原材料制成成品后,原材料未经任何化学变化,仍保持原有性质. 例如: The

8、 chair is made of wood. At first people believed that air was made of only one gas. Make from 当原材料制成成品后,经过了化学变化,失去了原有性质.(6) make up of 常用于被动结构:be made up of相当于consist of(由组成) A car is made up of many different parts. make up from 由.所制造 She wore a necklace made up from gold coins. 她戴着一串有金币制成的项链.2. Id

9、 rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我宁愿去蓝湖餐厅,因为我吃饭时喜欢听轻柔的音乐。(1)rather 原意为相当,为副词如:Its rather cold today. 今天相当冷。 rather常与would连用,宁可,宁愿,还是好些 例: Id rather play tennis than swim. 我不想游泳,我宁愿去打网球。(2)lagoon n. 环礁湖,咸水湖。3. They also have to know how

10、 to make money. 他们还必须知道如何赚钱。(1)Know how to do 其中的不定式带有疑问词。 know what to do 知道做什么。这一句式可以改为复合句,上句也可为: They also have to know how they can make money. 又如:Please tell me when we should leave. =Please tell me when to leave. 请告诉我什么时候离开。(2)make money / earn money 挣钱 例: His father makes /earns a lot of mone

11、y as a pilot. 他父亲当飞机驾驶员挣钱很多。4. Soft colours like pink and light blue make people relaxed,so they spend more time eating their meals.柔和的颜色如粉红色和浅蓝色让人们得到放松,因此他们用更多的时间来进餐。(1)like 介词 比如像,诸如 例如: There are several people interested,like Mrs. Jones and Dr.Simpson. 有几个人与此事有关,比如像琼斯太太,辛普森医生。 同一样 例如: Shes very

12、like her mother. 她很像她的母亲。 Whats your new job like? 你的新工作怎么样?(2)light blue 浅蓝色 light adj. 浅色的 light green curtains 浅绿色的窗帘 deep adj. 颜色深的, 浓重的。 The sky was deep blue. 天空是深蓝色的。(3)spend time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事 spend money on sth. 花钱在方面。 We spent a pleasant hour or two talking with our friends. 我们和朋友

13、愉快地交谈了一两个小时。 They spend a lot of money on advertising. 他们在广告上花了大量的钱。5. It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign. 这让我想加入一次清扫大运动。(1)join加入军队,政党,组织等,成为其中一员。 例如: The next year he joined the union. 第二年他加入了工会。(2)join in加入某人,并一起进行某项活动。 例如: She joined her husband in his study. 她与她的丈夫一块从事他的研究。(3)take part in “参加”,take an active part in积极参加。 例如: Do you take an active part in sports? 你积极参加体育活动吗?Section B6. pros and cons n. 赞成和反对的理由 例如: To consider all the pros and cons of a matter before reaching a decision. 作出决定前先好好考虑所有赞成和反对的理由。7. Its true that some ads can be very useful. 一些广告的确很有用


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