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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助! 高一英语(期末) 2009-11-18Class:_ Grade_ Name:_ No: _ Mark:_ 命题人:石油中学 赵强第一卷 客观题测试(90分)第一节、单项选择 ( 共20个小题, 每小题1分, 满分20分 )1. .Many buildings _ on both sides of the street the next year.A. will build B. were built C. are to be built D. will be built2. Our teacher told us that there _ no

2、end to learning. A. was B. is C. has D. had3. It was careless of you to have left your clothes all over. My God, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. so were you D. so did you4. Although he lived _ in a _ mountain village, he didnt feel _ at all. A. alone; alone; lonely B. alone; lonely; lonely C. lonely;

3、lonely; alone D. lonely; alone; alone5. After graduation from college, he began to go from city to city, _ a suitable job. A. hunting for B. taking on C. looking after D. bringing up6.The nurse told Tom _ any more after the operation, which didnt help, though. A. not to smoke B. didnt smoke C. not s

4、moking D. he didnt smoke7. With so much homework _ , Im afraid I cant go skating with you next month. A. finished B. to finish C. are finished D. are to be finished8. AIDS breaks down ones immune system which protects the body from_ by diseases. A. attacking B. being attacked C. attacked D. to attac

5、k9. _ many girls of her age, my 15-year-old daughter is a crazy fan of David Beckham. A. As for B. As though C. As with D. As to10. Davids career _ almost immediately when he was part of the Manchester United s Youth Team that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992. A. took up B. took in C. took over D. took

6、off11. Young people need the chance to hear and enjoy _ music. Its different from getting it from the radio or a CD. A. living B. live C. alive D. lively12. -Will you go to the park this afternoon?-If you go,_.A. so I do B .so do I C. so will I D.I go too13. -Its not like him to _ in time of difficu

7、lty. -Thats true. He will certainly fight to the end. A. give out B. give away C. give up D. give off14. She just couldnt believe that her husband, _ she had been loyal for so many years, should desert her after he became rich. A. who B. whom C. to whom D. with whom15. I will give the gift to _ I li

8、ke most in my class. A. no matter who B. no matter whom C. whoever D. whomever16. The boy was saved because the doctor arrived there _ it was too late. A. before B. since C. or D. while17. China has been working very hard to stop the endangered animals _ . A. dying out B. dying away C. dying down D.

9、 dying hard18. In the past 5 years a great deal of money _ improving the environment of the school. A. is spent B. has been spent C. was spent D. had been spent19. The blues has been _part of African-American culture since then, and it is still _ important part of American culture.A. a; a B. / ; an

10、C. the ; a D. / ; a20. -What do you think of his suggestion that safety standards _ ? -It is well worth consideration in my opinion.A. will improved B. should improve C. be improved D. will be improved第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)Terry was a middle-aged businessmanHe was 21 in career and often comp

11、lained that he had been fooled by others one day he told his wife he was 22 disappointed(失望的)with the city that he had to 23 So his family moved to another cityIt was Saturday 24 When Terry and his wife were busily putting their things in their new home,the lights suddenly 25 and they were forced to

12、 stop workTerry was sorry to have 26 to bring along some candlesJust then he heard light 27 0n his door “Who is it?”he wonderedTerry knew 28 else in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be 29 He opened the door impatiently(不耐烦地)At the door was a little 30 ,shyly asking,“Sir,

13、do you have 31 ?Im your neighbor”“N0”answered Terry angrilyHe shut the door 32 After a while the door was knocked againHe opened it and 33 the same little girl outsideBut this time she was 34 two candles radiating(放光)red lightshe said,“My grandma told me the 35 neighbor downstairs might need candles

14、She sent me here to 36 you these”At that moment Terry suddenly realized what 37 his failure is failure in life It was his indifference(冷漠)and 38 to other peopleThe person who had fooled him in life was actually nobody else 39 himself, for his eyes had been covered by his 40 mind21Aexperienced Bunsuccessful Cinterested DUnlucky21Aver


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