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1、 TA015-000 A2/14 操作条件:包括焊缝工艺,操作者的资质,填充金属与车间的质量认证等。Operation condition: includes the welding procedure, qualification of welder, filler metal and qualification of workshop. 检验条件。 Inspection condition焊接手册规定了部分重要件的相关焊接接头的条件,并规定了其选则的等级,位置,准备与焊接。 “Welding book” for main parts, specifies conditions for re

2、lated weld joints as well as the selected class, position and preparation and weld. 3 焊缝级别/ Weld class4.1 焊缝级别的划分/ Number of classes焊缝级别共分4级,用数字1至4表示,其中1级最严。There are 4 classes that are numbered from 1 to 4. Class 1 is the most severe. 3.2 焊缝级别的说明/ Definition of classes 1级焊缝/ Class 1用于那些要求符合安全规则、应力大

3、、有振动且有脆断危险的构件上的主要焊缝。1级焊缝应进行100%的射线检验(RT)或超声波检验(UT).Main welds on workpiece conforming to safety regulations subjected to high stresses, vibrations, and risks of brittle fracture. 100% RT or UT must be done on welds of this class. 2级焊缝/ Class 2用于要求符合安全规则,但不如1级那样要求严格的主要焊缝。本级焊缝将做10%抽样射线检验 (RT) 或超声波检验(U

4、T),如发现缺陷,自动增加检验比例。Main welds on workpiece conforming to safety regulations, but less stringent than class 1. 10% RT or UT should be done on welds of this class. Identification of defects will increase percentage of examination automatically. 3级焊缝/ Class 3要求部分焊透或完全焊透的对接或角接的焊缝,对这些焊缝将对第一层(道)焊缝做目视检查,对钝边

5、处做无损探伤抽样检验。Butt or fillet weld that is required partial or complete penetration. For these welds, visual inspection should be done only for the first run, non-destructive spot check should be done for root face. 4级焊缝/ Class 4所有承受较小应力的其它焊缝。All other welds subjected to small loadings.4.3 焊缝级别的选择/ Choi

6、ce of weld class根据合同文件或公司焊缝级别标准由设计部门确定。焊缝级别的选择应考虑以下因素:Design office will select the weld class according to the contract and internal standard of TAH, in the absence of such document, to the following criteria: 安全性:焊缝接头断裂对人员、设备以与周围环境的影响。 Safety: effect on people, equipment and environment due to fai

7、lure of the weld jointTA015-000 A 3/14 成本:选择焊缝级别时,必须考虑此因素。Cost: an important consideration when choosing the weld class 载荷性质、强度。Load: nature and intensity of load 接头匹配类型。Joint type 修复的困难程度。Difficulty of repairing一个焊接件可以包括不同级别的焊缝 。One weldment can consist of welds of different classes.一条焊缝在其长度或厚度上可以包

8、括不同的级别(中部1/3处,外部1/3处),设计应在 图纸上标明不同的部分。One weld may involve several classes over its length or thickness (middle third, external third). Detail should be shown on the drawings.5 每一个级别焊缝的检验与操作条件(见表1)Inspection and execution conditions for each weld class (see table 1)5.1 焊缝的检验要求说明/ Specification of re

9、quire of welds inspection5.1.1 检验的类型(超声、射线)应在检验程序上或图纸上注明。它由材料类型、厚度、几何外型与焊缝坡口来决定。Type of(UTorRT) inspection should be specified in the quality inspection plan or drawing. It depends on the material involved type, thickness and geometry as well as weld groove.5.1.2 除非在图纸上另有说明,对所有等级的焊缝,最终检验在热处理之后进行。For

10、 all welds of different classes, final inspection should be carried out after heat treatment unless otherwise specified on drawing.5.1.3 除非在合同中另有说明,抽样检验必须包括所有节点,且检验长度至少为每个焊工或 焊接操作工所焊焊缝的10%,当两个或两个以上的焊工或焊接操作工在一个接头上分别施焊 多层焊道、或双面对接接头的两面时,一处抽样检验可代表所有焊工或焊接操作工的焊接工作质量。Spot check must cover all nodes and inc

11、lude at least 10% the of length of each weld welded by each worker unless otherwise specified. If two or more welders carry out multi-layer passes or double-side-groove butt joint welding on one joint, result of spot check on one place can stand for quality of everywhere of the joint.5.1.4 抽样检验的位置的确

12、定: The location of the spot check is defined by: 对于合同中要求的检验由客户代表定。Clients representative in the case of inspections required in the Contract. 对于公司部要求的检验,由公司的检验部门确定。 Inspection department of TAH in the case of inspections required by TAH.5.1.5 当发现缺陷超过规定数值时,在缺陷的两侧进行同样长度的检验。在这次检验中,发现的缺陷不超过规定值且第一次发现的缺陷已

13、被修复,则整个焊缝通过验收。否则,对该焊工所焊的整条焊缝进行检验。TA015-000 A 4/14When defects exceeding the tolerances are disclosed, additional checking over an area of the same length should be carried out on both sides of the defective area. During the additional check, if there are no defects exceeding specified tolerances, th

14、e original defects have been repaired satisfactionary, the whole weld will be accepted. Otherwise, the whole weld welded by the welder will be checked. 5.1.6 对于有钝边的3级焊缝,应进行下列检验:For weld of class 3 with root face, the following should be done: 目视检查第一道焊缝。 Visual inspection for the first run. 用着色(PT)或磁

15、粉(MT)检验来检验焊缝是否合格,如设计上无特殊要求,检验围为焊缝长的10%。If there is no special requirement on design the scope of PTor MT inspect is 10% of length of weld. 5.1.7 对于角焊缝 ,在热处理之前先做着色探伤检验。 For fillet weld, PT should be carried out prior to heat treatment.TA015-000 A 5/14 表1/table1检验要求 execution conditions焊缝等级/ weld class1234依据标准standard操作者资格认证Qualification of welder有/ Yes有/ Yes有/


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