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1、2014学年第一学期七年级英语期中试卷完卷时间:70分钟 满分:100分 Part Listening (25%)I. Listen and choose the right picture. (根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 5% A B C D E F1 ._ 2 ._ 3 ._ 4 ._ 5 ._. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. ( 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案 ) 8%( ) 6. A. A nurse . B . A waiter . C .

2、A policeman . D . A doctor .( ) 7. A .White . B . Red . C . Black . D .Green . ( ) 8. A . One . B .Two . C . Three . D . Four .( ) 9. A . Because she can go swimming.B . Because there are many flowers.C . Because there is a lot of sunshine.D Because there are a lot of butterflies .( )10. A.The one o

3、n the right. B. The one on the left. C. No one. D. The one in the middle.( )11. A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.( )12. A . At 6:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 6:30. D. At 7:30.( )13. A. She became a beautiful singer. B. She became a beautiful doctor. C. She became a beautiful teacher. D. She became a beautiful model.

4、Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false .( 判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示 ) 6%( ) 14. It was warm and sunny. Mike and his friends went to swim in the lake.( ) 15. May could skate very well, but Jane could not.( ) 16. Jim fell into the water and called

5、for help.( ) 17. A policeman heard and came to help the boy go out.( ) 18. The policeman took the boy to a hospital and he was saved.( ) 19. Jims parents thanked the farmer. . Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. ( 根据你所听到的内容,完成短文,每空格限填一词)6% Nancy is_20_years old. She is from America. She st

6、udies in Class 2. Her hobbies are swimming, _21_and many other things. She likes Chinese food and Chinese people. But she is _22_ at Chinese. So she often helps the Chinese students to learn _23_. And they help her with Chinese. They are always very happy together .In _24_ years, Nancy will be a tea

7、cher in China. She will stay in China with her_25_. Because she loves China very much, she says, “China is my second home.”20._21._22._23._24. _25. _Part Vocabulary and Grammar ( 45%)I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)20%26. The Great Wall is very famous and its Marys first choice. Which of the fo

8、llowing is correct for the underlined word?A. /fst/B. /fi:st / C. /fri:st /D. /frist /27. There is _SPCA officer in the office. He can help you, I think.A. a B. an C. theD. /28. _are you going to stay in Beijing?We are going to stay there for a week .A. How longB. How much C. How often D. How far 29

9、. On Kunming Lake, people can see swans _ happily.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swamD. are swimming30. Shanghai is a great city_ many interesting places.A. ofB. byC. for D. with31. Dogs are our good friends and sometimes they can _ us _danger.A. keepawayB. keeptoC. keepfromD. keepat32. I _my homework soon

10、, please wait a minute.A. finishB. will finish C. is finishingD. finished33. Tom _ in Beijing since he left university.A. livesB. have lived C. will liveD. has lived 34. Ive got many paper planes. Do you like that colorful _? A. onesB. ones C. oneD. it35. We thanked Mr. Brown for _ us to visit his o

11、wn farm.A. inviteB. invitedC. inviting D. has invited36. We call people from _ _.A. India, IndianB. British, BritainC. Australia, AustralianD. America, Americans37. Our school is much bigger than _.A. theyB. their C. theirsD. themselves38. The plane is faster than the train, but its _. A. cheapB. ch

12、eaper C. expensiveD.more expensive39. His brother is a(n) _. He often moves peoples furniture to their new flats.A. fireman B. removal man C. ambulance workerD. postman40. The homeless dog will have no food _ drink. A. /B. but C. andD. or41. Mary enjoys _ books at weekends.A. readsB. read C. to read

13、D. reading42. You are so tall. Dont sit _ me. I cant see the words on the blackboard.A. next toB. behindC. nearD. in front of 43. Tom_the bus station quite early this morning.A. arrived atB. gotC. reached toD. arrived in44. Our flat is big enough, so we_move to a bigger one.A. dont need B. needntC. neednt toD. not need to45. I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike. _.A. Thats right. B. Of course not. C. Youre welcome.D. The same to you.II. Complete the following passage with the words o


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