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1、专用高中英语 电子题库 Unit5Section知能演练轻巧夺冠 新人教版必修5.改写句子,使用省略手段防止重复与冗赘1John worked hard but his brother did not work hard._答案:John worked hard but his brother did not.2I have lazy students and hardworking students in my class._答案:I have lazy and hardworking students in my class.3Has he ever been abroad?No,he h

2、as never been abroad._答案:Has he ever been abroad?No,never.4If it is necessary,we will finish it ahead of time_答案:If necessary,we will finish it ahead of time.5You must not be late and you must not be absent._答案:You must not be late or absent.6Give me your name and address,please._答案:Your name and ad

3、dress,please.7It is well done. _答案:Well done.8Mother can take a rest,mother should take a rest but mother wont take a rest after long hours of work._答案:Mother can and should take a rest,but she wont after long hours of work.9He could answer the questions very well if he would answer the questions bu

4、t he did not answer the questions._答案:He could answer the questions very well if he would but he didnt.10He will come back,but he doesnt say when he will come back._答案:He will come back,but he doesnt say when.语法填空When a crisis develops in the world,Doctors Without Borders is usually there to help.Th

5、is organization provides emergency care to victims of armed conflicts,natural and manmade disasters,and fastspreading diseases.The group also assists people 1._have no other way to receive health care. It trains local health workers,provides mental health care,2._organizes nutrition and other progra

6、ms. Doctors Without Borders is also known by its French name,Medecins Sans Frontieres. A group of doctors from France started the organization in 1971.They said they had a strong feeling 3._race,religion and political beliefs should not prevent someone 4._receiving health care.They 5._ said the medi

7、cal needs of individuals were 6._important than national borders.Doctors Without Borders is also working to get medicines to poor people.It 7._(involve) in a new drug research organization in Geneva.The effort is called the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative.The organizers say drug companies ha

8、ve forgotten about the diseases that affect millions of people in 8._(develop)countries.Scientists will seek new drugs to treat diseases 9._sleeping sickness and leishmaniasis (利什曼病). Both are spread by insects.10._should be done is to spend about twohundredfiftymillion dollars over the next ten yea

9、rs to develop new treatments for these and other diseases.【解题导语】本文介绍了Doctors Without Borders(无国界医生)这一组织的建立以及该组织所从事的活动。1解析:people之后为一个定语从句,修饰people,关系代词在从句中充当主语,故填who或that。答案:who/that2解析:trains,provides和organizes是三个并列的动词,用and连接。答案:and3解析:引导同位语从句。feeling后为一个从句,说明feeling的内容,用that。答案:that4解析:prevent sb.

10、from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事。答案:from5解析:根据上一句进行判断,此处表示他们还说。答案:also6解析:根据后面的than可知此处表示比拟。答案:more7解析:be involved in“卷入,涉及,参与。答案:is involved8解析:一般需要救助的是开展中国家或不兴旺国家的人们,他们的医疗条件不好,缺医少药。答案:developing/undeveloped9解析:用来列举事例。答案:like/such as10解析:用来引导主语从句,在主语从句中充当主语。答案:What.写作第一节根底写作假设你是李华,你在美国的笔友Tom写信告诉你由于车祸使他丧失了左眼

11、视力,因此打算辍学。【写作内容】请你用英语写一封信劝说他放弃这一想法:1虽然视力不好,但也要生活得快乐。2继续学习并好好生活。3学着处理好生活与学习中的困难。【写作要求】1只能用5个句子表达全部内容。2文章的开头已经给出,不计入总句数。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。Dear Tom,_Yours,Li HuaDear Tom,I am sorry to hear from you that you intend to drop out for losing your left eye in the traffic a high school student,it is natural for us to meet many problems.Loaded with heavy tasks,we have to work long hours without having a rest.Moreover,poor eyesight shouldnt prevent you fr


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