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1、欢迎阅读五年级春节拜年英语日记合集拜年是中国民间的传统风俗,是人们辞旧迎新、互相表达美妙祝愿的一种方式。下面是WTT为大家整理的五年级春节拜年英语日记,吧,希望对你们有帮助。五年级春节拜年英语日记1On New Years Day, it was a sunny day, and my grandparents drove me to my grandmothers house to celebrate the New Year.When we got to the countryside and stopped, I saw, wow, the countryside and the cit

2、y are another scene. When I looked around, there were green wheat fields all around. A breeze blew and waves turned up in the wheat fields. At this time, Grandma came out, and I ran to Grandma. Grandma held me in her arms and took us to his home. Grandmas house had a big yard. Grandma and Grandma sa

3、t in the sunshine of the yard and talked. I saw that this scene was very harmonious, so I brought Grandpas mobile phone, and recorded all their talking scenes for Grandpa to see. Grandpa said: This video should be collected and put on the puter.Time passed quickly, and it was afternoon in a twinklin

4、g of an eye. I said goodbye to Grandma, and Grandma hugged me again. On my way home, I said to Grandma, Grandma, I recorded all your conversations and put them on the puter when I went home. I can make a souvenir in the future, and I will visit Grandma again next year.五年级春节拜年英语日记2Today, I went to Xi

5、yang with my father, mother, aunt and uncle to celebrate the New Year. When we arrived in Xiyang, we bought a lot of new years goods and put them in the car. We are going to pay a New Years visit to our fathers mothers sisters house. We drove to my fathers mothers sisters house, only to see the rich

6、 fruit on the table, which made people want to eat it very much. My fathers mothers sister gave me lucky money, eggs and cakes, and then we went to worship my fathers mothers sister and grandpa.Grandpas house has changed, being bigger and white, and the paint is spread on the floor. Grandpas family

7、has many roasted seeds and nuts, such as Hawaiian fruit, melon seeds and peanuts. I also wish my little grandfather good health and a happy New Year. Mom and Dad wish Grandpa all the best and congratulations on making a fortune. We ate roasted seeds and nuts, talked about everyday things, and were h

8、appy in our hearts. Listen to the adults, before the Chinese New Year, there was not so much delicious food to wear, and it was not so lively, so the Chinese New Year seemed deserted. Now the Chinese New Year is really like what is written in couplets: celebrate the festive season with joy and celeb

9、rate the Spring Festival with decorations.Today, I went to Xiyang to pay New Years greetings, and I learned what New Year was like before.五年级春节拜年英语日记3Spring Festival is ing, thousands of families are reunited, and every family is decorated and happy. I also put on new clothes and shoes. My parents a

10、nd I brought gifts to my grandmothers house.After a while, my parents and I went to my grandmothers house. When I saw my grandparents, I quickly went over and said, “Happy New Year, Grandpa and Grandma!” My grandparents touched my head and smiled and said, “My little grandson is so polite.” After th

11、at, my grandparents took out a red envelope from my pocket. I took the red envelope with both hands and said happily, “Thank you grandparents!” After that, my uncle and aunt also gave me a red envelope. Then, I played with my little sister and had dinner together. We didnt go home until after dinner

12、.Ah, New Years Day is really good! I like Chinese New Year.五年级春节拜年英语日记4Today is New Years Day, which is known as “Spring Festival”.At six oclock this morning, I was woken up by the sound of firecrackers outside, so I dressed quickly and looked under the building: “Wow, the floor is red, like a beaut

13、iful red carpet. I asked my mother, ”Lets pay a New Years greeting later. “Well, wait for a while, lets go at eight oclock, you hurry down and do morning exercises!” “OK!”After the morning exercise, I put on new clothes, New Pants and shoes, and went to celebrate the New Year happily!We went to gran

14、dmas house first. On the road, I have been thinking that my voice was a little low when I paid New Years greetings last year, and this year I have to change it and speak louder. Suddenly I saw Li Nainai across the street from my home and thought, this is a great opportunity, I want to seize it! So I

15、 said to Li Nainai loudly: “Happy New Year!” Li Nainai was very happy. She also said Happy New Year to me, and then I went to my grandmothers house happily to celebrate the New Year. I think this sound is enough, so I will use it to pay a New Years greeting to everyone! I ran quickly to my grandmoth

16、ers house, for fear of forgetting the voice. As soon as I entered my grandmas door, I said loudly to my grandma and grandpa, “Happy New Year, grandma and grandpa! I wish you all the best in year of the snake, good fortune, happy family and endless life! ” Grandparents laughed from ear to ear after listening to it! G


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