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1、三年级人教PEP版英语上册看图写单词专项水平练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,补全单词。1d_g 2b_d3 ra_it 4h_se5 m_key 6_ick2. 看图片,读短文,圈出正确的答案。Father: Merry _ (Christmas, New Year)!Mother: This _ (is, are) for you, Mike.Mike: _ (What, Whats) this? Wow, its _ (a, an) robot. Great!Father: Helen, this _(doll, a doll) is for you.Helen: Thanks, Da

2、d.3. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Dont_the animal.2. These are my_.3. I am_of wolf.4. Your hair is_.4. 根据图片,拼写单词。1 23 45 67 89 105. 根据图片补全单词。1Ch_n_s_book 2_ngl_sh book3m_s_c 4sc_nce book5m_ths book6. 看图写单词。1 2 34 57. 看图,补全单词,并按字母表的顺序在横线上写出这些字母的大小写。1_eep_ 2b_g_3bo_ 4_lephant_5_our_ 6_ellow_7p_g_ 8_encil_9d_ck_ 10_if

3、t_8. 补全单词并选出相应的图片。A. B. C. D.1_pple(_) 2_at(_)3_oor (_) 4_ook (_)9. 看图,补全单词。1c_y_n 2_ok3_e_ 4_ul_5p_n_ilb_x 6b_g7_nc_l 8_ra_r10. 看图,写学科单词。123411. 看图,回答问题。1What s your name?2What s that?3What s this?4How old are you? 5How many books?12. 根据图片填写单词。1 23 4513. 读一读,在图中对应部位填序号。A. nose B. eye C. mouth D. ea

4、r E. head F. face1_2_3_4_5_6_14. 看图写出相应职业单词。1 23 45 615. 读句子,为图片标序号。A.May I have some rabbits, please?OK. Here you are.B.May I have some dogs, please?OK. Here you are.C.May I have some cats, please?OK. Here you are.D.May I have some sheep, please?OK. Here you are._ _ _16. 补全身体器官。1 2 34 5 67 8 917. 观察下列图片,用“Yes, I do. ”或“No, I dont. ”作答。1Do you like pears?2Do you like grapes?3Do you like watermelons?4Do you like bananas?5Do you like apples?18. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.I like this_2.I can help the old_.3.I dont like_. 4. I like_.5. The_is in the zoo.6. Look at this_.7. I dont like_.页码 / 总页数


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