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1、中考复习非谓语动词(不定式、动词ing形式)【复习框架】1、 请说出此语法项目的意思及用途。请举例说明。2、请列出运用此语法项目需要注意的问题。【参考资料】非谓语动词是每年中考的必考内容,主要集中在对动词不定式和动名词的考查。只能接-ing作宾语的动词(enjoy / spend/ be busy doing / )介词+doing此to 非彼tolook forward to doing sth. (盼望) pay attention to doing sth. (注意) be used to doing sth. (习惯于) prefer doing sth to doing sth.(更

2、喜欢) devote to doing sth (致力于) make a contribution to doing (做贡献)只能接不定式作宾语的动词(want/decide/would like/.)省略to的情况: 使役动词和感官动词后:一感二听三让四看feel/ hear, listen to/ let, make, have, / look at, see, watch, noticehad better (not)do sth. 最好(不)做why not /why dont you do sth为什么不做? help sb.(to)do sthWould rather宁愿做wou

3、ld you please情态动词/助动词+do感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feel+ do表示动作的完整性,+doing 表示动作的进行性。注意:被动语态中不能省去to。几组特殊词的意义(stop to do停下来去做另一件事,stop doing停止正在做的某事/)【相关练习】一、单项选择。1. Her wish is _ a famous singer.A. become B. became C. becomes D. to become2. Our monitor is always ready _ others

4、.A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping3. Have you decided _ for your holidays?A. go where B. where to go C. to go where D. where go4. Would you please _ me a chair _?A. give; to sit on B. give; to sit C. giving; sit D. to give; sit on5. There id no difference between the two words. I really dont kn

5、ow _. A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose which D. to choose what6. Though he had often made his sister _, today he was made _ by his sister.A. cry; crying B. crying; crying C. cry; to cry D. to cry; cry7. Why are you going shopping if you dont _? -My wife wants _ with her.A. want to;

6、I go B. want; me going C. want to; me to go D. want; to go8. We are often told _ people in trouble.A. to smiling B. not to smile C. to laugh D. not to laugh at9. You look so tired. Why not _ a rest?A. stop having B. to stop have C. stop to have D. to stop to have10. What a fine day! How about _ out

7、for a walk?A. go B. to go C. gone D. going11. Mary went _ after she finished _ her work.A. swim; doing B. to swim; to do C. to swim; doing D. swimming; to do12. Would you mind _ the window, please? Its cold outside.A. to close B. closing C. closed D. close13. A fridge is used for _ vegetable and foo

8、d cool.A. kept B. keeping C. to keep D. keeps14. The farmers on the farm are busy _ apples on the trees.A. picking B. to pick C. pick D. picked15. One day when Edison was five years old, his father saw him _ some eggs.A. sat B. to sit C. sitting D. was sitting 16. She has no paper _A. to write B. to

9、 write with C. writing on D. to write on17. When class began, we stopped _ to the teacher carefully. A. listening B. listen C. listens D. to listen18. There are so many kinds of radios in the shop. I cant decide _A. to buy what B. to buy which C. what to buy D. which to buy19.Do you often hear John

10、_ in his room?-Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his room.A. sing; to sing B. singing; singing C. sing; singing D. to sing; singing20.I usually forget _ the door, but I remembered _ it when I left yesterday.A. closing; closing B. to close; to close C. closing; to close D. to close; closing二、语法选择ADear

11、 Mother, Happy birthday to you! On this special day Id like to talk to you 26 a special way. I dont think Im good at 27 you about my thoughts face to face with you, so I am writing to you to show my deep love for you. Youre not a rich woman or a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of greates

12、t 28 in the world. Im proud of you. Youre never 29 in fame and wealth(名利). You do ordinary things like 30 phone bills on time and working as a shop assistant in a small shop. The smile on your face 31 that youre pleased with your family. You take good 32 of my grandparents. You help me with my homew

13、ork and do some shopping with me or father on Sundays. In the past, I 33 whether you were with me or not. Now Im sorry to say I didnt show you the respect before. But Im thankful for what you have done for me. 34 great mother I have! How lucky I am! And I feel happy that now I canlet you 35 how much

14、 I love you. Youre successful as a daughter, a wife, a mother and a friend.Wish you happy forever!Yours, Jack( ) 1. A. in B. at C. by D. on( ) 2. A. tell B. told C. tells D. telling( ) 3. A. men B. woman C. women D. man( ) 4. A. interestedB. interesting C. interest D. interestedly( ) 5. A. pay B. paid C. pays D. paying( ) 6. A. show B. shows C. showing D. showed


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