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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2007年甘肃省六市初中毕业与高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷 l 2 3 4 B)听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 lAFor two hours BIn two hours COnce a week 2AYes,we really do BNot until the rain stops CYes,We have a car 3AThats true BLook out! CYes,do please 4AYou cant miss it BYou are welcome C. Here! This way,please! 5AYes,we s

2、hould BHistory CNo,its not ours C)听对话和问题,选出正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1. ABy bike BBy bus COn foot 2AHes cleaning the floor BHes watching TV CHes washing his shirt 3. AAt No7 Middle School BAt No17 Middle School CAt No70 Middle School 4APeters mother BPeters sister C . The girls sister 5AIn a factory BIn a schoo

3、l CIn a shop6AYesshe likes apples best BYesshe likes pears best CNoshe doesntD)听短文,根据短文内容和相关问题选出最佳答案。这段短文读两遍。1MrGreen and his wife went to last Sunday Athe country Bthe town Cthe factory 2They heard someone talking on their way Ato their bedroom Bdownstairs Cupstairs 3.They stood outside their bedro

4、om quietly Ato found out who were talking in it Bto meet the men C to see what was wrong with the door 4There was no answer in the bedroom because Athe man had run away Bthere wasnt anyone at all Cthe man couldnt speak English 5When MrGreen came into the bedroom,he found there Ahis radio talking Bno

5、thing Cthe two men笔试部分(共130分)词汇(每题1分,共10分)A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you like (swim)in a fiver in summer?2He was so (friend)that we became friends soon3Sailing is a favourite song of (they)4Which do you like (well),English,maths or Chinese?5Most business letters are (write)in EnglishB)根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。6

6、We must listen to the teacher (仔细)in class7I have no moneyCould I (借)some from you?8We have many sports (俱乐部)Welcome to join us9Beijing is an (有趣的)cityYou will like it10Things in Iraq seem to be going from bad to (更糟)语法与情景会话(每题1分,共25分)1Does Tina often play guitar after school? Athe;the Bthe;a Cthe;D

7、a;2Janeyour backpack is worn outWell,Im going to buy a new next SundayAit Bthis Cthat Done3He is to lift the heavy box Atoo weak Bweak too Cweak enough Denough weak 4Would you mind turning on the TV? _ AThats all right BOf course not CThank you DAt all 5Im afraid that there is no for you in my car b

8、ecause there are already five people Aground Broom Cplace Dfield6The man was SO tired that he could go on with his work Aeasily Bhardly Cnearly Dalmost7 warm weather it is today! Lets go climbing AWhat BHOW CWhat a DHOW a8Ill take my driving test tomorrow !ACome on BCongratulations CGood luck DCheer

9、s9Few of US like him because he thinks of others than of himself Aa little Bmuch Cmore Dless10Must I leave now? Noyou Amustnt Bneednt Cdont Dwont11We have a history lesson Friday afternoon Aat Bin Cof Don12 something to drink? Good ideaIm thirsty AWhat about BShall we CWould you DWhy not13Dont touch

10、 the machineIts dangerousI Adont Bhavent Cwont Dcant14Whats wrong with himI havent seen him last Wednesday Asince Bon Cby Duntil15Students cant be made all day Astudy Bto study Cof study Dstudied16The sweater is only fifteen dollars Ill it Asell Btake Csale Dbuy17Could you tell me which room he ? So

11、rry,I dont know,eitherYou can ring him up Alives Blived Clives jn Dlived in18Its foolish to take a taxi you can easily walk to the station Awhen Bthat Cif Dsince19Well go boating if it cold tomorrow Adoesnt Bwont Cwont be Disnt20Excuse mewhere is the clothing store? I dont know AThank you BHello CIm

12、 sorry DYoure welcome21 he is younghe knows quite a lot AWhen BAs CAlthough DBecause22he key may be in your pocket ASo it does BSo does it CSo it is DSo is it23Excuse me,can you tell me ? Awhy was the train late Bwhy the train was late Cwhy is the train late Dwhy the train is late24The green tea grows in So



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