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1、at (更合用于小学)1.Wat numer comsnx?246,46,689,82 ( )2.Use our fur o form a math blm with te ar f,-, /,( )Thesult is .Cnyouwork it ou? ( )3.Wha cn be used ftr breakig ? ( ).ther is a pesnalian trning ack look at is footprits. But e didnt setem. ? ( ).ich leter s theostuseful t deaf wma? ( )6.Wh table in t

2、e field? ( )7Wht quetio ca nevrbeanered b Yes? ( )8.Can 1an 2 ake1? Wh? ( )9.Wha three letter tun a grl ntoa womn? ( )0.Why s h le Tlke an islan?causet i_ wer.e:1.9242.4*4+424.egg【鸡蛋打破了就能用】4.becase he swlig ckwa.【她原本就倒着走,因此回头的话反而看不到脚印。】5.字母I音同eye.对聋人来说,眼睛是重要的信息来源。.vegeabe【 蔬菜种在地里】7.eyoasep?【你睡着了吗?回答

3、的人永远不也许说是的。(睡着了便不能回答。)】8.e.Elevencock +twoho=e clok.M0itemiddle of 【字母在ater单词的中间,含义岛在水中央。】Part 2Jck andoewere onvao hy ere driving aloga deed county road fo thetwn o aysvile tote town of Lynnsville. Th cm t a mltpl foki the rod. The ign ot ad been kok wn and t ere faced wthchosngeofi differntirectio

4、ns.icethey had eft thir ma a teat a sation an thr was n one rund t k,ho cu JackandJoe fiteir y toLynnsvil? ANSWE:Thneed to an th signposu so ht hearm readigKayvill points in the dircon f Kaysvie,the own they dus ome from. Wth one armpointing thecorrect w, th othr r willalspinti hrightdirectins. 杰克和乔

5、去度假。她们从凯斯威尔镇驱车沿着一条荒无人烟的乡间小路前去林斯威尔镇。在途中她们遇到了一种有多种岔路的道口。路标已被撞倒,她们面临着从五条岔路中选择一条作为迈进方向的难题。由于她们在离开上一种加油站时忘了带地图,周边又没人可以问路,杰克和乔该如何找到去林斯威尔镇的路呢? 答案:她们应把路标竖起来,使其一只臂指向来时的凯斯威尔镇,这样由于一只臂批示了对的的方向,其她臂也随之批示对的的方向了。rt31.一道典型的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一种单词:_ is greate than God._s moe evil hantheDevil.Te po nd _.Thrich hae _.If y

6、ou eat _, yowl die.2.What umbrshuldepe(替代)t eson rk?AVIATO6IXTURE9WZARD1DVERSE=?Awr 1: Gld(money)swer 2:Prt 4A echer has0 pieces of candyand udts.He s gin ach studen piee of cny and eawhie ha one piecof nd let inth ox, whashlhe do?教师盒子里有0颗糖,正好学生有10人。教师说:你们每人要分到颗糖,同步盒子里还要剩余一颗,请问怎么分?at5(合用于小学)( )1.Whi

7、ch doesnot have two eg?(分) . A duck B. brd C. A fish D. A gil( )2Itrainin ats nddogs.(2分) .下猫狗 .倾盆大雨 C.不下雨 D.毛毛细雨( )3. Howmaylettrs(字母)aeherein “name”?(2分) . . C.5 7( )4my s1 yrs od(十二岁),Joh s2earsyonger han Amy. Sarh 1 ears lde a hn.Hood is aa?(2分) A.1 .11 1 D.95.Te 5ettes frm IOCSTR to make somhin

8、 wear. _.(从CHICSTRN中选出个字母构成一种服装单词。分)ar 61. Odd oe out: irle he nun ith grop. Then crss outthe adjctvewhcanbeusd wthth un. 2. Hmany minutess it beore 2 noon, if4 inute ag i ws wice as may miuepast a.m.?3. Findowords, bothreding cokseound ech crce Yu ust findthe tring point of each word and proide the

9、 mssing etts.The two wd for aprse. 4 Find theae f Mary, eorg, lce,Caie a Stephe fte sm of the ages f two of hemall as flls:Mry Gege 33 ea Alic Claire = 9 years She Mary =2ys Mary lare =87 yeaStephen Gore 73yers 5. Place awdin the brckt that forms a n wrd r hrase heackedono(添加)te wrdon th let, an ano

10、terwd r phas en placed in frotof the wor o t rige.gfirs (class) tesecon ( ) meKy:. eggs revlv 2. 4 minutes(12 noo ls44 mint 11:6 11:16les 4 minute = 10:289.m. plus 88nes (4)= 10:2) 3.ASOUE AORI 超过半数,绝大多数4. 6,ore , Alice 4, Stephe 5, Caire 1 5.ad: scond and, hansm Pat 7(更合用于小学)1. t h two legs bu cant

11、wlk?2. Wht kin of donerbit?3. What numb gts bigger whn you tun it uside d?4. Wht is prooune lik oneletter witewit thre ttersanbelongs tall the aimals?5. Wh has fou eys u anno se?6. Wat vpire do at digt?7. What canyou catchbu anthrow?8.hats deafand d but awaystellst truth?9.Wat doe eny say to t oter?0. hat hs a nebut canno tl?1 Wa ha ars but canot ea?1.hathtee but cannt eat?13.Wht is yors bt is use by or morthn byursel?4. What oe thruh adoorbut nevecome in or oeout?5.Wa unsal aroud the round bunever moves?16.ht co hrogh waterbutnevr get we?7What ind of la



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