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1、第九周opiUi 5 Epeiceotal22Lnuge goals1. Words &ersions: Sldo、pefer oing 、cert、hekh sedle、make amistae、taditinal、perfrmc、yuaeach2. Ke ntences:Are ther any ckts left fortehinese musi concet one28th,ee?Ithiouv adamisake.Let m ec te schedule.Twie a wow otend you py eis?3. Ability go Enbth student to rea th

2、ematrial Enble the students t talk aout the stryEmoton & atitdegoalsEle the stuentstosare theirepiences wth othrsStrtgy gal Lear hwt suarie nforationCultue wareness goalLearn the stern tttude about exrence.Teachinmportat poits Lstn and coete,th read the materilsechinrocedur nd aysSepsechers ctivites

3、 SudtsactiviiTcingrefeeneimetp adn1 T:whchfaorite ortso you ie?o oft do pla i? .Wrtete activities tht s talk abotand ehthe pes in Activi43.hec he anwe1 Leanthnewwrds adse2. rea n atcBraitorinmisSt 2Litenig&mplete1. lay h tae anget theSs oiish Actviy2. chec th answersDA.Ss red thsentees an et teeigo

4、h senen.2、Len te er anphas.ublic、hw ofte、play tenni、seldom、ieawek、loveog、vtTpecodi5isSep 3Repat afteme2.rea the dialog,Ssrepet afr me .1.Lok an talk about he piturs.Ss repet aftr th tpe .Ss tel he dilogTeecori1minSep 4Ac otask Sssomequesi.2Wak roundthe cassromandoffer ep incesr.Ss answers theqesti:1

5、. whats r vorie sos?2. How on d you o it?3. y d ou love doni?leplyig10minsSepPracticealkig aout moie whch yu have seen lst igt.Ss mae conversaionsole-playn10mste AsssinGve akto eacroup.Ss talkabouttr pefomancemisHeworkctvity8Bacboarddsgn Unit5 PriodtwPblic Wt youravoriespot?how often Howoftn do o do

6、 it?ly nns hy do y lov doing it?eldmtwice a eklv dong、visit SmaieThe sudensr ery intrsted n takg au erson hobbies tpc。TpicUnt5 ExperiencesotaLnguaegols1. Wrds exessons: IF Wrld up.nd wi.prie frrietriump.equl.celebra.nites wi,destiny,rign error,pp,renovation,re-en,ee,tax2. yecs: Pide f Afic as Sin sr

7、ike goldThe 19hFFAWold Cp endedith afrst trimph for pan.h host natonhad euaeaso t clebrate.9-year-old Alice etunto the maial rl frm hechildood venture heking o PiiygoalEnab estdet to rad themateials Enabl te sudetsto tak about th storymotion & attitude goalsEnable e suno shrethir xperienceswith othr

8、tratey oals Learn hw to umarie informti Clue warenes gosLean the wesrnattd aboutCmmnitisTacing imprta points eadgTeching procedue nd wysStepsTeacersacivties tudnt civitiesTahinreeenceTimeStep 1 reie1 revew e las new words.2、chec te sentences. dictaionthe n words &hrases.2 make th setnces.Baistoring5

9、minsSep 2 red admatch1. sk Ss fnish te pat 6of pge55;2. Ckthe ansrsBCA . Ss ead the necesanet themeani o ch senence ook adcomemedia intuctionminstep 3Anyis esay1. Anaysis sa2.mitive writing1 Aalysi essay2.Iitaive riingExplai12msStep Read & dcde1.askSsea thpassage o page62.checkth anwers3.Wlk arond t

10、he lassro nd ofe hep ifncsary1.Ss rad the pass f pge56.ceck te answerrcise10minSte5PraciceWalarundthe casomandoffr help iecessar. Red acmplte pa 81minsSep 6AsessingGi marks t each op.Ssalk but thei permance2oworkctivity8lacrddesig Uni 5 Peiod hrePrid r Afrca as Spi sik gldThe 19 F Wod Cup endedwha first riumh fo SpainThe host nation a eual rson to celbrae.-yea-ld Aice etrntothe mgcalworld fo hercihodadvenure. The king of OPSurieracca riig is ore difflt,Ssned tegthen these.TpicUnit ExprincTotal24auage goals1. Wrds epresi: an t ,ride,trah,pck up,clea u2. Kysentece:Theyplanned to o ikin arday



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