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1、剑桥少儿英语二级上册各单元知识点汇总佥惭少儿英语二级上册各单元知识点汇总Unitl Ie got many new friends.单词:Chinese语文English 英语name姓名American美国人sure确信maybe可能tomorrow 明天 puppy 小狗#lovely可爱的 give给 strong强壮的weak虚弱的friend朋友词组:go to see the great wa去长城 see Chin ese Garde n看中国园林watch TV看电视play games做 游戏play the pia no单钢琴make more frie nds交更多朋友d

2、raw pictures画画 play with toys 玩玩具learn En glish 学英语play with dogs和小狗玩句型:1. Hello! My Chinese name is Mei.2. Hello! My En glish n ame is Ann.Im six years old. I like singing and dancing.3. I e got a robot. She s got a red bike.文章:Part1Unit2 Is this book yours?单词:我你他她它我们你们他们人称 代词主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey

3、宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mi neyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs词组:go home回家playi ng with a bat 打棒球give somebody a han给予帮助句型:1. Is this book yours? No, it not mine.歌谣:This is my bike. This is my book.P10: His is his.文章:Part1 Part2Unit3 Our scho

4、ol is beautiful.单词:library图书馆 lake湖shop商店caf咖啡馆buildi ng建筑 city城市 hill小山 bank银行sports运动cen tre中心dinin g-room 餐厅music 音乐room 房间club俱乐部pond池塘art room美术室market市场hospital医院ci nema电影院supermarke超市park公 园isla nd 岛屿movie 电影waterfall 瀑布forest森 林moun tai n 山the Great Wai 长城river 河流lift电梯 apartmen公寓basemen地下室b

5、alcony卩日台jun gle丛林 dock码头TV room影视房词组:playing soccer踢足球buy things买东西practice singing 练 习唱歌read books读书have sportsgames做 体育运动have classe上 课play sports做 运动take a bath洗澡sing唱歌drink coffee喝咖啡take pictures摄影play computer game玩电脑游戏make a gues猜 谜语句型:1. This is the place where children can buy things.2. Whe

6、re do you ofte n sing a song?I ofte n si ng a song in the music room.文章:Parti Part2Unit4 Miss, can I ask you a question?单词:questions、可题Ianguage语言means方法an ybody任 何人straight 直的math数学minu tes分钟 course课程curly卷曲的词组: ask a question可问题say a riddle说谜语for a mi nu tes一 段时间ope n the wi ndow打开窗户ope n the doo 打

7、开门draw a tree画一棵树have a try试一试let me try 让我试试come to school来 学校 go home回家make san dwiche做 三明治enjoy yoursell请自便句型:1. Can I have an ice cream?Yes, you can.2. What s the En glish for“ juan fa ”?It s curly hair 歌谣: Can I ask you a question?Un it5 How about coming with us?单词:market市场 hospital医院cinema电影院s

8、upermarket超市 park 公园 library 图书馆 shop商店cafe咖啡厅 bank银行zoo动物园farm 农场 school 学校 swimming pool 游泳池playgro und 操场stati on 车站词组:get up起床washi ng up洗刷clea ning the floor清 洁地板ridi ng a horse骑马doi ng maths做 数学题eat ing fruits 吃水果going shopp ing购物 hav ing a party聚会drinking tea 喝茶bouncing balls拍球句型: Where is th

9、e cinema? Opposite the market.歌谣:There s a pretty baby duckUn it6 He likes readi ng picture books.单词:picture 图片best最好more 更多idea意见birthda y生日buy买after以后ever y每个comic连环画cookery烹饪 sports运动词组:get up起床washi ng up洗碗clea ning floor 清洁地板ridi ng a horse骑马doing maths做 数学题eati ng fruits 吃水果going shopp ing购物dr

10、i nking tea 喝茶bouncing balls拍球hav ing a party 聚会句型:What do you like doing? I like play ing football.歌曲:I go, you go, she goes.Un it7 You must n drop litter in the park.单词:drop丢弃short短的pick 摘ride 骑shout大 喊an imal动物throw 扔 river 河流must必 须really确实missi ng 缺少cove覆盖prett y漂亮litter垃圾词组:pick flowers摘花copy

11、the sound模仿声音drop litter 扔垃圾句型:1. There are some ducks in the water.2. You mustntfish here.歌曲:Theresa pretty baby duck.Unit8 Who is the wi nner?opposite相反的differe nt 不同的meaning意思stick木棍pot水壶boring无聊的outside外面n aughty顽皮的单词:winner胜利者tur n轮到proble m问题词组:do the opposite做相反的tick the pictures在图画上做标记 circl

12、e your age圈 出你的年龄fly a kite放风筝speak En glish说英语句型: How manyare there in your room?There is/There are Unit9 Sally is taller than Be n.单词:kilometers千米hundred百thousanc千fatter比较胖shorte止匕较短smaller上匕较小thinner比较瘦distance距离twice 两倍词组:paint the wall漆墙wear a shirt穿衬衫句型:Which table is bigger?歌曲:Shorter than th

13、e giraffe.文章:IUn it10 Did you know?travel旅行weakest最 弱的单词:tallest最高shortest最短Australia澳大利亚Britai n英国land陆地sail航行sno wman雪人mountain山Everes珠穆郎玛峰difficult困难的词组:pick apples摘苹果see football match看 足球比赛exercise your body锻炼身体句型:How tall are you?歌曲:How tall are you?文章:IUni t11 I went to the zoo yesterday.单词:f

14、ilm电影saw看见move移动wonderful极好的together一起mask面具kill 杀pond池塘porridge粥wood木材square广场give - gave给speak- spoke说ride - rode骑buy - bought买词组:climb a little hill 爬小山paint a mask涂面具stay at home呆 在家spell a word拼单词aga inst the rule违反规贝 U句型:1. Where did you go yesterday?I went to the zoo.2. Did you see a lot of ani mals?Y es, I do.歌曲:Mary had a little lamb.文章:Uni t12 Has your school got a swimmi ng pool?单词:visit访问famous有名的around围绕learn学习arrive至U达cried哭泣c



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