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1、库尔勒市第四中学课堂教学导学案初二英语(下)第四单元第五课时Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents ? 第五课时(Section B-Self Check)课型:新授课时1 编制人:庄燕玲 审核:赵景荣 审批: 使用时间:_班级:_小组:_ 姓名:_ 组内评价:_ 教师评价:_ 家长签字:_【Learning Goals】1. To grasp and flexible use of the key words and phrases: although, as soon as, so that. in ones opinion, perhaps2.

2、Use the language knowledge to write a short letter, express themselves to the student extracurricular classes on this social phenomenon. 能够用英语表达自己的建议,并就自己所熟知的问题发表看法。3. Persons life is not all plain sailing, hard to avoid some setbacks or difficulties, if the mismatching problems happened in life, we

3、 must learn to calm, learn to reasonable solution rationally. 人的一生并不都是一帆风顺的,难免有一些挫折或困难,如果生活中发生了一些不尽如人意的问题,我们要学会冷静对待,学会合理的办法理性地解决。【使用说明与方法指导】1.做导学案之前先认真研读教材31页3a32页部分。边预习边用双色笔在课本上勾画重点单词、短语、句型。2.复习总结unless, as soon as, so that, although等词的用法,并能完成相关练习题。3.根据已学知识和查阅工具书,初步完成探究案,并标出自己的疑难点。【预习案】I. 请记住下列征求意见

4、、给出建议的常用句型1)What should I do? You could /should2)Why not do? = Why dont you do?3)Although, you should4)You could so that5)You shouldnt dountil6)Would you mind doing?7)You should dobecauseII. 根据句意,选择until, so that 或 although填空,并且翻译出来1. You should eat more now _ you wont be hungry later. 2. _ you may

5、not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house. 3. You could save more money _ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday. 4. Kids shouldnt play computer games _ late at night. They should rest early. 5. _ many people like to eat junk food, they should really eat more fruit a

6、nd vegetables _ they can be healthy. III. 针对下列问题的两个建议,你赞同哪一个?并写出自己更多的建议1. My best friend and I had a fight, and now she wont speak to me.A. You should keep trying to talk to her until she talks to you. B. Why dont you wait a few more days before talking to her?My advice: _2. My friend wants me to go

7、 to a party on the weekend, but I want to study for my exams next week.A. Why dont you just go to the party? Itll help you to relax. B. You should study for the exams because theyre more important than a party. My advice: _3. My brother watches television while Im trying to study. A. Why dont you te

8、ll him to do something quiet when youre studying?B. You could tell him to turn down the TV.My advice: _【探究案】I. 生词解析1. in ones opinion 依看,用来表达某人的想法。e.g. In my opinion, its important for us to protect the earth. 依我看, 保护地球对我们来说很重要。 2. perhaps adv. 大概;也许 perhaps在句中位于实义动词前,助动词、系动词、情态动词后。也可用于句首或句尾, 可指有礼貌地

9、提出请求或帮助等。 e.g. Perhapshe is just waiting in station. 也许他正在车站等候。II. 针对下列三个观点,小组展开讨论,写出自己的看法及理由。 1. After-school classes can help kids get into a good university.2. I want my child to be a successful person.3. Its good for children to start learning from a young age. III. 写作练习针对after-school classes fo

10、r children,给杂志写封信来表明你的立场及观点,使用以下表达式来帮助你。(试着写两段)首先, 表明你的立场,同意或不同意; 然后解释为什么。Dear , I dont really agree with the idea of because .Although some parents are right about , I think children should In my opinion, it is important for children / parents to I believe it is better if children / parents so that .Perhaps children / parents should / could If children , they will Yours truly, 我的疑问:4. Aron wrote his book before his serious accident. ( True False Dont know ) 1


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