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1、人教版小学英语四年级上册各单元期末复习试题第一单元测试一、选出每组中与其他三个不是一类的单词( )、A.door .foo C wndow D nar ( )2、A.bcbad .fan C. lgt . cmputer( )、A. classroom B. ght .blackboar D. picture ( )4、A n B in C. echrs desk D. er( )5、Ateches B.pupil .studnt .teacher 二、把下列单词不中完整,并写出其中文意思。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、从方框里选择句子把对话补充完整 (只填序号) : We

2、 hav a ew classrom?A. Let me help you.B. Lets clean the classroom.C.Let me clean the windows.D.Really?B: o and see.: Its so big!But its dirt(脏的).A: ABC: OK.: Le me ea the teachers deskC: : .C: nk ou.四、选答语( )Wh ths? AReally?( )Whr i it? B. Itsa be.( ).We haveanw clasrom. . Its i desk. ( )2.Where is i

3、t? . OneTV, mn deks a cairs( )3.hats n e lassroom? . Is on the l五、选择( )1.Che J :Let e lean the boad . A: _.A. h yu. K. C./( )2.教室里面有什么? A.Ws in te clsrom ? Whts o te wal ? ( ).我们有一间新教室。 A.Thiss a new classom. B.We have new lasom ( )4.:hres book ?B:_.A. Its near he door (B) Its abook.( ) 5.让我们一起擦玻璃吧!

4、ALes cen winows . ()Le me clean the winos( )6. Lets clean the widos. A. Yes. B. OK. C. rry( )7. Let cean the floor A my I C. me ( )8. Mke: MsWht: Takyou! . L meclenboard. B. Les ceahe ba Let meep you( ). e lasom? A oard, wlights, may esk andchairs. . Whe B. Whats C. How many( )1 hi myclassom .am B.

5、is C. re六、选择与图片相应的句子。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Turnonte liht . B. Septhe floor C. Oen hedoor.D. Pu u e pcure. E Cleane winw 七、连词组句。1.n, casroom, the, whats(?) 2.me, th,cean, lt, dor(.) .nar, indw, i, th() 4.have, ,opur, we, new() 5. comuter, th, green, s(.) 八、短文阅读,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 (分)Ths imy lassrom. It

6、is ryig The wallishie. ou cn se a ahersdes, a mpute, forpictres, fie winows anix light. The omputeri black. Isn thetcs deskThe pius re othewal. he wnds ar yellow. h ligh aregrn You cansee many des ad chairs. The are bu ( )1.e classrm is sl.( )2. The si pitures are onthe wl. ( ) Thwndosare yellow ( )

7、4 The cmpur is n th techersdesk.( )5.The esksad as ae ble第二单元测试一、选出下列单词中不同类的单词。 1( )A ive . ice C ine 2.( ). hinese B Enlis C. stoyo3( )A. ky B Egish bok . Chineeboo.( ). p B. on C. i5( ). panda B erse C pencil box二、单选,请将对的选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。( )1.I ha glis book d aths bok. A a ; a B an ; a C.an ; an( )2

8、.Whats yur schoolbg? -Two y, hre kes an sme cndies.in . n C. unde( )3Is blue yllow. A. d B. C. to( )- Whts ti ? -Is cut pan.A O, yes. .Sorry C Excse me( )5 a ew lasroo. A. as B. hve ar( )-I haesx otek, heestryooks, anEnglibok, a matsboo, Chinsebook n two toys, o is . A. heavy B small C. light(轻的)( )7- ,Mum Swetdrams. A.God mornig . ood night Go aternon( ).- is it? - It blck.A. hat clu B. What C. Which olor( )9-Here isit! - . Ok B. Ecuse me .Thnk you much三、连词成句. n is what shoolba ?2. have a schoolag new I .3. go s and let



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