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1、工作自荐信范文四篇 尊敬的先生/小姐:您好!我从报纸上看到贵企业的招聘信息,我对页兼职xx一职很感爱好。我现在是出版社的在职xx,从*年取得硕士学位后至今,一直在出版社担任xx工作。两年以来,对出版社xx的工作已经有了相当的了解和熟悉。经过出版者工作协会的正规培训和两年的工作经验,我相信我有能力担当贵企业所要求的页xx任务。我对计算机有着很浓厚的爱好。我能熟练使用frontpage和dreamweaver、photeshop等页制作工具。本人自己做了一个个人主页,日访问量已经达成了100人左右。经过互联,我不但学到了很多在日常生活中学不到的东西,而且坐在电脑前轻点鼠标就能尽晓天下事的愉快更是其

2、余任何活动所不及的。因为xx业务的性质,决定了我拥有灵活的工作时间安排和方便的办公条件,这一切也在客观上为我的兼职xx的工作提供了必须的帮助。 基于对互联和xx事务的精通和喜好,和我本身的客观条件和贵企业的要求,我相信贵企业能给我提供施展才能的另一片天空,而且我也相信我的努力能让贵企业的事业更上一层楼。随信附上我的简历,如有机会和您面谈,我将十分感谢。即使贵企业认为我还不符合你们的条件,我也将一如既往地关注贵企业的发展,以最真挚的祝福。此致敬礼*年*月*日环境治理工作的相关自荐信样文这篇环境治理工作的相关自荐信样文的关键词是自荐信,环境治理工作,hello! first of all, sin

3、cerely thank you for taking time off from your busy taking time to see my cover material.my name is xxx, is xx normal college graduates, major is environmental protection and pollution control, the main attack direction is water pollution control engineering.i come from rural areas, tough conditions

4、 anneal i fought tenaciously, does not fear endures hardship the tenacity of individual character. i very ordinary, but i refuse to mediocrity. the future road full of opportunities and challenges, i am vehement lofty sentiments, full of fight prepared for. i firmly believe that: naturally my materi

5、al will be useful, pay always returns!the university period, pays special attention to the professional course learning in at the same time, i am more attention is paid to the comprehensive quality improvement. during the period of school, i took of the chinese revolution, public relations, leading

6、science, writing course; taught himself web pages and computer programming, the master to produce web skills, through the national computer level 2; and read the volume and * books on professional. professional, i do a solid to learn about water pollution control, * gas pollution treatment, solid wa

7、ste treatment and related knowledge, and duoci won a scholarship.practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. i deeply understand the importance of the practice, i served as a propaganda committee member, practice department director, deng research director, environmental protection association

8、 director position. during the summer vacation, i took an active part in school the depth of the organization of the community social practice, local residents by the consistent high praise. XX year is evaluated the outstanding student cadres, XX year is evaluated the outstanding tuangan and party a

9、ctivists.i deeply understand: yesterdays result is history, in this competitive today, only their feet on the ground, unremitting efforts to get the brilliant tomorrow; only by constantly cultivate ability, improve quality, mining inner potential, neverfailed position.in line with the test ourselves

10、, exercise self, selfexpression purposes, im coming. maybe im not perfect, but i am very confident: give me a chance, i will do my most * efforts to your satisfaction. i will with their own youth and wisdom to dedicated to the expensive unit without regret. dare to innovation, to open up is my persi

11、stent pursuit. god is my faith in life.based on my major and intention, the direction of my application for: environmental protection kind of work or computer kind of work and related direction.finally, wish your career to a unit of floor! all the employees health progress!thissalute工作求职自荐信范文个 人 简 介

12、姓名 陈某性别 男年纪 28学历 大本(在读)现在岗位 点检主办 技术员职称 助理工程师毕业院校及所学专业山西师范大学 北京科技大学 机电工程政治面貌 党员民族 汉族联络电话 *联络地址 *山西临汾太钢集团临钢企业中板厂学习及工作经历:1998年9月XX年7月毕业山西师范大学机电工程专业XX年7月XX年11月中板厂运行车间运行维护电气工XX年11月XX年5月中板厂办公室综合干事XX年5月XX年1月中板四辊项目经理部电气技术员XX年5月至今中板厂点检室技术员XX年6月西门子驱动技术培训 、西门子wincc技术培训XX年8月9月德国威乐布瑞彻企业学习抛丸机电控技术所受奖励:XX年5月 山西师范大学

13、机电系优异学生XX年中板厂优异职员 XX年中板厂优秀工作者XX年中板厂优秀工作者 XX年荣立四辊建设一等功XX年企业设备管理优秀工作者求职意向现在我在山西临钢企业工作,机电工程担任电气点检主办,XX年8月被安排去德国学习1个月抛丸机技术的安装和调试工作,我有大型企业的工作经验,在一线做过生产工,在办公室做过工作,在机动科做过技术攻关工作!含有丰富理论和实践的经验!我想寻求职业教育中和机电工程联络紧密得工作。为培养国家的专业技术能手做出自己应有的贡献。工作经历及工作总结我叫邓林峰,现在中板点检室技术员,定修主办,在各位领导的关心和培养下,在各位同事的支持和帮助下,根据厂党政委的要求,基础上完成了

14、自己的本职员作。经过多年来的学习和工作,使我在思想认识和工作上斗有了很大的转变,管理模式上有了新的突破,工作方法有了较大的改变,现将一年来的工作情况向各位领导和同事们汇报以下:1. 解放思想,转变观念,提升政治觉悟和思想认识水平。首先,解放思想,坚定信念。信念是人生的支柱,是指导人前进的航标。作为一名企业基层点检员,首先要有坚定的政治立场,饱满的工作热情,强烈的事业心和政治责任感。一直坚持四项基础标准,落实党和国家的各项路线方针政策,努力使自己在思想上、政治上、行动上和党中央保持高度一致。经过认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,提升本身的政治理论水平,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。X




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