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1、课题Unit 6 At the snack bar 课型新授主备张洋执教班级和时间四( )班 月 日星期 上/下午第 节课四( )班 月 日星期 上/下午第 节课教学目标1. be able to read、 say and the words “coffee 、 tea 、juice and milk ”, and use these phrases “ a glass of a cup of” .2. be able to use this sentences “ What would you like? What about you?” and answer these question

2、s .3. learn to be a good listener and brave to ask questions in English .教学准备多媒体课件学生活动教学过程(写、读、议、练)The First PeriodStep 1. Greeting ( 1 minute)T: Class begins .S: Stand up . ( all )T:Good morning / afternoon ,boys and girls .S: Good morning / afternoon , Sir .T: Sit down , please.S: Thank you .Free

3、talk ( 5 minutes )1. The teacher introduces himself home to all students . And then asks students “ What is your home like ?” Students introduce themselves home one by one . Step2 Presentation (read and read ,say and say)(15 minutes)1. Show the shop photo:Hello , boys and girls 。 Look at this , What

4、 is this ? This is a shop ,There are many things。What can you see?Let students answer and the lead to our title “the snack bar ”. and teach new word “ snack bar ”This is a snack bar ( 把这句话写在黑板上,并用手圈出这个单词。)教 “snack bar ” 由慢到快。Students read this word one by one .snack bar的照片呈现,然后指着照片中的东西老师问,Look ,what

5、 is this ? This is 呈现出单词 coffee tea juice and milk.T: 我们学过了coffee tea juice and milk.那么我怎么表达一杯茶呢? 导入短语 a glass of and a cup of 并用ppt呈现出汉语意思。 T plays the tap and students listen one time ,then read follow tape , the teacher leads students to read “a glass of juice / milk , a cup of tea /coffee”. 分组读和

6、一个一个读。3. listen the tape about the text . and ask some questions Q1: Where is they ? Q2: What would Mike like? Q3: What would Mikes like?Listen the tape again and answer these questions. And then the teacher gives some helps. Play the text1 and the text2 and ask students to translate this dialogue a

7、nd try to repeat this dialogue. Step 3 Practice and Consolidation ( 练一练 10 minutes)1. Listen to the tape .2. The teacher offers some pictures about the snack bar , one student asks and one student answers . Eg: S1: What would you like? S2 : I would like 3. Play a game “Drive a train ”The teacher wri

8、te some words on the blackboard and asks some students to stand in the front of classroom . let them point the word which is the teacher saying .Step 4 Summarization (4 minutes) 今天我们学习了哪几个单词,有哪位小朋友能试着说出这些单词。Step5 Homework.回家画出自己心目中的snack bar,下节课老师希望你们对着你自己的图画用英语说出自己snack bar 东西。课题Unit 6 At the snack

9、 bar第一课时教学目标1. be able to read、 say and the words “hamburger 、 sandwich、noodles and rice”.2. be able to use this sentences “ Anything else? What about you?” and answer these questions .教学准备多媒体教学过程(写、读、议、练)二次备课Step1 Greetings ( 1 minute )T: Class begins .S: Stand up . ( all )T:Good morning / afternoo

10、n ,boys and girls .S: Good morning / afternoon , Sir .T: Sit down , please.S: Thank you .Step 2 Free Talk ( 5 minutes )1. PPT show some words about the snack bar and students read them. With these words making the sentences Eg : coffee tea juice milk Id like a cup of tea.Step3 Presentation (read and

11、 read ,say and say)(15 minutes) 1. Play a song “What would you like?” . Let students listen . And teacher takes a photo of food. T: ( Point the picture ) Hello , everybody ,what is this ? T: This is a hamburger/sandwich/noodles/rice.Let students to read these words. And use the part1 and part 2 to m

12、ake the dialogue. 2. Play the tape about the part3 and part4. listen some times and try to translate this part. And then read follow the tape.3. Read this dialogue follow the tape . (listen more times)然后分组练习 第一组问,第四组答 。也可以选一个学生站在班级前面练习,( 此过程表现好的学生给予适当奖励)Eg : S1: Any thing else ?The other students an

13、swer : “ A sandwich and a cup of coffee”4Open the book and look at “ Learn and say ” and let students try to read this dialogue .( read together or one group asks , one group answers. )Step 4 Practice and Consolidation ( 练一练 10 minutes)1. Play a game . one student plays a role as a teacher . He/She

14、takes his /her photo and points the photo, He /She asks students and the other students answer.Eg S1 :(Point a person of his family photo )What would you like ?S2: Id like a cup of tea.S1 : Anything else?S2: A sandwich and a cup of coffeeS1 : Here you are.S2: Thank you.2. ClassworkWrite this dialogu

15、e one time( 注意单词大小写和标点符号)Step5 Summarization (4 minutes)今天我们大家学习了如何在snack bar 购买东西。谁能告诉老师今天我们学习几种购物表达方式?Step 6 Homework1.熟读会背“ storytime ”部分。课题Unit 6 At the snack bar课型新授主备张洋执教班级和时间四( )班 月 日星期 上/下午第 节课四( )班 月 日星期 上/下午第 节课教学目标1. be able to sing and understand a song “ What would you like?”.2. be able to read and understand the Cartoon time. And copy this part to make some dialogues.教学准备多媒体课件学生活动教学过程(写、读、议



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