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1、新目标英语七年级(上册)期末综合测试卷班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_第一部分:听力测试(25%)I. 听录音,选择正确的图画,每小题念一遍。(5分)II. 听录音,判断原图意思是否与所听内容相符,正确用“T”,错误用“F”对话念两遍。(5分)III. 听录音完成对话,对话念两遍。(5分)A: Hi, Jim! Do you (1) soccer?B: Yes, I like soccer and basketball.A: Do you like tennis too?B: Yes, I do. My sister and I (2) tennis.A: Do you have tennis r

2、acket?B: Yes. But (3) is my tennis racket?A: Oh, do you have a basketball?B: Yes, I do.A: OK, Lets play (4) .B: That sounds (5) .IV. 听短文后回答问题,短文念两遍。(10分)1. How old is Sam? 2. What is Sams favorite subject? 3. Does Sam like swimming and painting? 4. Can Sam play the piano? 5. Do they want to visit Ch

3、ina? 第二部分:笔试(95分)V. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。1. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j_the basketball club.2. F_ is the second month of a year.3. Jack Chen is Mikes f_ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.4. The runners are very strong. Because they eat a lot of h_ food.5. We want to play tennis a

4、fter school. But we dont have tennis r_.VI. 看一看,做一做:单项选择(15分)。( )1. Look at these _. Victor has _ aunt and two uncles. A. photos, a B. photos, an C. photos, the ( )2. Can you _ jiaozi _ English? A. say, with B. speak, in C. say, in( )3. Where _ she _ from? A. does, come B. is , come C. does, comes(

5、)4. How _ did you pay? A. much yuan B. many yuan C. much yuans( )5. Her mother is _. She _ a car now. A. a driver, drive B. driver, drives C. a driver, is driving( )6. Do you want _ with me? A. go shopping B. to go shop C. to go shopping( )7. -_? -Yes, please. A. How are you B. Can I help you C. Wha

6、t can you do for me( )8. Miss White is a good teacher. She usually _.A. helps me to English B. help me learn English C. helps me with my English.( )9. Maria likes documentaries _ cartoon, _ she doesnt like thrillers. A. and , and B. and, but C. but, but ( )10. Do you need shoes_ sports? We have lots

7、 of shoes _ very good prices. A. for, at B. for, with C. at, with( )11. Katrina often has French _, tomatoes, chicken_ dinner. A. fry, for B. fries, for C. frys, at( )12. Lets _ volleyball. That _ good. A. playing, is B. play, sounds C. play, is sound( )13. Peter often _ my textbook _ home. A. takes

8、, to B. brings, C. takes, ( )14. The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his _ name and David is his _ name. A. family, first B. first, family C. first, last ( )15. Does Mary like documentaries?_. A. Yes, she doesnt. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she does. VII. 读一读,对一对:对号入座(10分)。( )1. Where is her pen pal f

9、rom? A. At 4.P.m.( )2. May I have a look at your ticket? B. Shes swimming.( )3. When is your birthday? C. No, I dont. Its hard for me.( )4. Whats his phone number? D. Zhou Runfa( )5. What color is your box? E. Its 243-0876.( )6. Whos your favorite film star? F. Sure. Here it is.( )7. Can you play th

10、e piano? G. No, I cant.( )8. Do you like playing chess? H. Hes from the UK.( )9. What time does it close on Sunday? I. Its blue and yellow.( )10. What is Lucy doing in the river? J. December 4thVIII.改错题,下列句中均有一处错误,找出来并改正在横线上(5分)。1. Hers favorite sport is tennis. _2. Miss Tian singing a new song. _3.

11、 My father usually go to work at 7:30. _4. Are this your brother, John? _5. Math is me favorite subject. _IX.给以下句子编号,组成一段意义完整的对话(5分)。( )Why do you like P.E.? ( 1 ) Whats your favorite subject? ( ) How many P.E. classes do you have in a week? ( ) Do you like him? ( ) My favorite subject is P.E. ( ) I

12、ts exciting and relaxing. ( ) I have two in a week. ( ) Whos your P.E. Teacher? ( ) Mr. Li is. ( ) Yes, hes friendly, but hes very strict. X. 完形填空。(10分)I _(1) Li Lei. This _(2) a ruler. _(3) is _(4) ruler. I spell _(5), R-U-L-E-R. That is _ (6) eraser. Its _(7). I _(8) spell it. _(9) do you spell it, Do you know? _(10), I do


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