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1、学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_-密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题-小学英语4A学业水平测试听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( 读两遍 )(10)( )1、A. many B. any C. twenty( )2、A. dogs B. dolls C. balls( )3、A. eyes B. rice C. nose( )4、A. thirty B. thirsty C. thin( )5、A. in the kitchen B. in the bedroom C. in the living room( )6、A. a cup of coffee B. a glass of

2、juice C. a glass of milk( )7、A. twenty B. thirty-five C. forty-five( )8、A. Do you like grapes? B. Do you like mangoes? C. Do you like apples?( )9、A. What would you like? B. Would you like an orange C. What do you have?( )10、A. Can you skate ? B. Can you swim? C. Can you run?二、听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(读两遍)(

3、10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选择正确的答句。(读两遍)(10)( )1.A.Yes,I do B. No,I cant C. Yes,I like( )2.A.I have some grapes . B. Yes, I do. C. I have five( )3.A.Its sixty yuan. B. Its sixty. C. They are sixty.( )4.A.Id like a pie. B. Yes,please. C. Thank you.( )5.A.Its in the bedroom. B.They are in the bathro

4、om. C. They are in the fridge. 笔试部分(70分)四、英汉互译。(10)1.喜欢大象_ 2.long hair_3.有一些贴画_ 4.Dont be sad_5.一杯茶_ 6.our snowman_7.20只熊猫_ 8.at a snack bar_9.我的新厨房_ 10.in summer_五、用下列括号词适当形式填空。(10)1.Do you like _(monkey)?2.How much _(is) the skirts? -They are forty yuan.3.Look at _(this) toy cars.-They are nice.4.

5、He can _ _(football).六、单项选择。(20)( )1.-Can I help you?-_. A. Some mangoes please B.Thank you. C. Yes, you can( ) 2. _ a cute panda!A.What B.How C. What a ( )3.I dont have _ tou pandas.A.some B. any C.a( )4.-What _you like? -No, thanks.A.do B. would C.are( )5.-Here _some tea for you. -Thank you.A.is B

6、. are C.am( )6._is it? -Its thirty yuan.A.How old B.How many C.How much( )7.-Can _jump? -Yes,_can.A.Wang Bing,she B.Helen,she C.I,I( )8.Look at my doll. -Her hair _short.A.is B.are C.am( )9-How many_do you have? -Fifty.A.mangoes B.mangos C.a mango( )10.-Can you play _? -Yes,I can. A.basketball B.a f

7、ootball C.the basketball七、从II栏中找出I栏相应的答句,写在题前的括号内。(12)( )1. What do you have? A.Its five yuan. ( ) 2.Where are my white caps? B.Thirteen. ( ) 3.How many toy pandas do you have? C.They are in the living room. ( ) 4.What would you like? D.Id like a cup of tea. ( ) 5.How much is it? E.I have some stick

8、ers.( )6.Do you like tigers? F.Yes,I do.八、连词成句。(10)1. any,have, dont, I, juice (.)_2. some, for, noodles, Here, are, you(.)_3. new, my, Look, toys, at(.)_4. egg, a, big, What, (!)_5. your, Where, is, room, living(?)_九、判断所给句子与短文意思是否相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。(8)A: Mum, its Teachers Day. Id like a card f

9、or my teacher.B: OK, heres a green one on the desk.A: Thank you, Mum. whats the time, please.B: Its seven now. A: Oh, Im late. Wheres my school bag? B: Its on the bed. A: Mum, shall we go by bus? B: OK. Lets close the door. ( ) 1. Its Teachers Day. ( ) 2. His school bag is on the desk.( ) 3. They go

10、 to school by bike. ( ) 4. They go to school at seven.同学们:祝贺你们已经完成了这份试卷,请注意认真复查,仔细核对哦!小学英语4A学业水平检测听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( 听两遍 )(10)1、many 2、dolls 3、nose、 4、thirty 5、in the bedroom 6、a cup of milk 7、forty-five 8、Do you like mangoes?9、What would you like?10、Can you swim?二、听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(读两遍)(10)1、I can skate very well.2、I have some stickers.3、Would you like a cake,Bobby?4、Look at these toy animals, boys and girls.5、Look at our doll.三、听录音,选择正确的答句。(读两遍)(10)1、Can you play b


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