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1、全国研究生研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题及答案ecinI Ue of Englshections:Readhe ollong txt Choose he best word()for ech numbed blak a mrk A,B,Cr DoASRHEE(10ois) Thougno bilogial raed, riends areas “related” fourth ousins, sharn abut 1% of gene. Tat is 1 stuy,pubishete Unirit Californi ad YaleUniversity n te ocedg fe atnal

2、my Scis, hs 2 . Th study i a me-ide nlysis ondcted 3 1,932niq ubects hich 4 aisof unrlated rn ndnreatd strangers. h sae peoplewreed inboh 5 While1% may seem6 , iisnot to a geneticis. s James owler,rofesor of mei geecst an eo, as, “most people do not vn heir fouth cosins buthowane to selectasfrens th

3、epeple who our i”The tdy 9 foud hatth genes for smll wer someting sharedin frieds utnt nesforimmunity. Why thisimility exitsi melene sdificut to xplain orn. 1 , ase teamsuggests, i draws u t smilar nironmentsut there i mo 11 i Thre ul bemany mchaniss workioter tht 12 us in coosing gnetially iir fien

4、ds 13 “futinal ins” of bng frends wh 14!Oe the earabl findigs th tud was the simlar genee evoluton 15 tthr ns. tudng tis oud hep 1 why man evolution picked paceint lst 0,00 yer,wihsal enironmet bing a mj 1 actor.Th fininsd not smply xplai peoples 8 to erien those of similr 9 backgounds, tresearhes.

5、Thughlthsubectsweda m a populaton of Europea extraton, care was take o 2 that all subjcs, fiends antrangers, wee taken rom the me populatin 1、 hat By Chow we2、 Adefnded Bconcluded wihdan advi、 Afr Bw Cby Dn 4、 Asearaed Bsoht Cmpaed D connetd 5、Ass B ojt Csamples Deame 、 Aigniican Bunexpte C nreia Di

6、ncedbl7、 Aisit mis C know Dsek、Aurpas B nflne avor Dreemble9、 again B aso Cina Dhus、 Meanwhile Burthermore C Liewse DPrhas11、A aut B o C rom Die、A limit Bobseve C cfuse Drive1、A aordig to rathe thn C egrdls o alng with14、cances Brpnses Cenfis Dmiins15、Aster sower C lter Dearlier1、 frecas reembr C ex

7、prss Dderand17、 unrcable Btributry conrllabl iti18、A tendency deiion Carangemnt vo1、A poitca Breligiu C ethnic cnomc0、Asee show C prv DtelSectn Redn CmrhesionPar ADeion:Readthe flling our txts. Aswer he uesions below eachex y ong , B, or . Mark yurnwrs n he ANWE SHET (40 oints)Text 1 iJun Crl Spai o

8、nc siste “kings dont abdica,they dare i ther sleep.” But errasingscandalsan te populaty of te publcan left inth recent Eur-lectios hav foredhim to ea hisordsandtand don. S,doe thSanish isis uget that moarh seeing its lst das? Des hatmeathe wrti son he wll fo all Europen yl, withtheir magnficent unif

9、rms ad mjestclisye? heSanis as rvdesargmesotfr and againstmnarch. Wen publc opinion is pariuar polaze, as twa olowig the end fth Fran reime, monrhsca ise abov “er” poliisnd “embody”a spii of ation ity.Iis this pet transendece of plitishteplincs cntiuing popularty plazed. Analso,t Middl East pected,

10、Europe is te mo orc-nstd regio in teworl, wt10 kigdoms (nt cuntin Vatin tad Ar). ut uliktheir bsolutist coerpars ntheGu a Asia, roya aiies hae srvived ause e alow voters to aid thedficl searchfor a nontroverial bt epected public igure. ven s, kings ad queenundoubedl hva downide,ymoc ofnational uiyas they claimed to be, the vehistryand sometims they thy behae oay - mbodis otdated adidefesberivleges ad inalities a me wen ho ketty nd h economist ar wrning of riing inequalit ad the inreasingoerfnher


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