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1、Unit1重点短语或句子1-How do you study English? 你怎样学习英语-I study English by asking the teacher for help .我通过向老师求助学习英语2.How can we become good learners? 我们怎样成为好的学习者?3.make word cards 制作单词卡4.work/study with a group 小组学习5.read the textbook 读课文6.study for a test/exam 为考试学习7.watch videos 看录象8.have conversations w

2、ith sb in English 用英语和某人交流9.read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声朗读来练习发音10.Ive learned a lot (in) that way 我用那方法学了很多11.improve my speaking skills 提高我的说的能力12.spoken English 英语口语13.be nervous 紧张14.finsh doing sth 做完某事15.practice doing sth 练习做某事16.main ideas 主要意思/中心思想17.read word by word 逐字阅读18.read

3、word groups 读词组19.be patient with . 对.耐心20.The more you read,the faster youll be .你读得越多,你就会越快。21.look it up in the dictionary 在字典里查找它22.at first 开始时23.be afraid to do sth=be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事24.a movie called/named Toy Story 一部叫做玩具总动员的电影25.fall in love with. 爱上.26.My pronunciation improved a

4、s well=My pronunciation improved ,too我的发音也提高了27.He found it difficult to learn English 他发现学英语很难28.the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘诀29.the answer to the question 这问题的答案, the way to sp 去某地的路,30.I discover listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning我发现学一些有趣的东西也是语言学习的秘诀31

5、.key words 关键词32.the meaning of . .的意思33.repeat out loud 大声跟读 talk loudly 大声说话34.improve your writing 提高你的写作35.take notes 做笔记36.do grammar exercises 做语法练习题 take exercise 锻炼 do eye exercises 做眼保健操37.memorize sentence patterns 记句型38.keep a diary 写日记39.increase reading speed 提高阅读速度40.make mistakes in s

6、th 在某事上犯错误41.get the pronunciation right 发音正确42.I dont have a partner to practice English with.我没有伙伴练习英语43.be born with the ability to learn 天生具有学习的能力44.I was born on June 21st,1999 我出生于1999年6月21号 They were born in France 他们出生在法国45.whether or not+句子=whether +句子or not . 是否.46.depend on. 决定于. 47.learn

7、ing/eating habits 学习/饮食习惯48.have some habits in common 有些共同的习惯49.create an interest in what they learn 激发对他们所学的东西的兴趣50.sb be interested in. 某人对.有兴趣51,pay attention to sth/doing sth 注意某物/做某事52. think about. 考虑.53. Even if. 即使.54. develop study skills 培养学习技能55. ask each other 互相问56. Sb be stressed out

8、 某人有压力的,紧张的57. wait until the last minute 等到最后一分钟58. worry about.=be worried about. 担心. 59. do sth over and over again 一次又一次做某事60. prepare for. 为.做准备61. review notes 复习笔记62. connect. with. 把.和.连接起来 63. bit by bit 一点一点地64. There is nothing to worry about 没有什么可担心的事 65. at once=right away=in a minute 立刻,马上66. for a long time=for long 长久67. lifelong study/journey 终身学习/终身旅行



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