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1、外语运用能力入学测试(英语) 答案及简析题号12345678910答案BDADBCDBDC题号11121314151617181920答案BCDDADBDAC题号21222324252627282930答案CCDCBCDBAD题号31323334353637383940答案ADCCAABBAA题号41424344454647484950答案BABDCBCABBPart One Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there a

2、re four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. It is dangerous to cross streets which have heavy . A. movement B. traffic C. cars D. buses答案Bheavy traffic指的是拥挤的交通,这是英语口语的常用搭配。2. He b

3、roke the world for the 800 meters. A. mark B. level C. standard D. record答案:D 本句释义:他打破了800米跑的世界纪录。注意题干中的broke,这是break的过去式,所以正确选项需要能与此搭配。A项mark意思是标志,记号;B项level意思是水平;C项standard意思是标准;三项都不能与break打破搭配使用。3. I cant follow your advice. Thank you for giving it. A. Nevertheless B. Instead C. Clearly D. Though

4、答案:A 本句释义:我不能接受你的建议,但是仍然谢谢你。本题考点是连词的使用。A项nevertheless “然而,不过”,表示转折;B项instead是副词,意思是“代替;反而”;C项clearly副词,“清晰地;明显地”;D项though既可以做连词也可以做副词,“虽然,尽管”。4. The elderly man remained unconscious after he had collapsed in the street. A. on time B. in time C. at a time D. all the time答案:D 本句释义:老人在街上晕倒之后一直处于昏迷之中。ti

5、me构成的词组很常用,也是考试热点。A项on time意思是“准时”;B项in time意思是“及时”;C项at a time意思是“某次;每次”;D项all the time 意思是“一直,总是”。5. Living in urban areas is generally more costly than living in areas. A. farm B. rural C. city D. countryside答案:B 本句释义:在城市地区居住比在乡村地区居住花费高。urban 形容词,“城市的”,rural 形容词,“农村的”,这两个词的意思是相对的;A项是名词,farm “农场”C

6、项city可以当名词“城市”,也可以是形容词“城市的”;D项countryside名词“农村,向下”。6. Computers can many different tasks. A. form B. reform C. perform D. inform答案C 本句释义:计算机能执行许多不同的任务。本题中的四个选项有相同的词根,但是加上不同的前缀,意思都不一样。A项form当动词时,意思是“形成,构成”;B项reform当动词时,意思是“改革,重组”;C项perform只能当动词,意思是“执行,完成”;D项inform也只能当动词,意思是“通知,告诉”。7. The price of the

7、 second-hand piano is relatively recently. A. cheap B. expensive C. costly D. low答案D 本句释义:近期,二手钢琴的价格相对便宜。修饰price的形容词用low或high;A项cheap意思是“价格便宜的”;B项expensive意思是“花钱多的,高价的”;C项costly意思是“昂贵的”。8. The number of people now is greater than it was last year this time. A. out of question B. out of work C. out o

8、f order D. out of date答案B 本句释义:失业人口的数量比去年同期增加了很多。out of 是个固定的搭配,有很多意思,可以表示出去,The boy bounced out of the classroom. 那男孩突然从 教室里奔出去。可以表示原因,If he fails, it will not be out of timidity. 如果他失败了,那原因不会是胆怯。也可以表示缺乏,out of practice 缺乏练习,生疏;out of question 没问题,毫无疑问;out of work 失业;机器出故障;out of order 顺序颠倒,发生混乱;ou

9、t of date 过期的,过时的。9. She _ in the feet on her way home from work. A. was hurting B. is hurt C. hurts D. got hurt答案D。“get+-ed分词”构成被动语态,get通常表示动作的结果而非动作本身。10. _ that Susan hadnt dared to make a sound. A. So was he absorbed B. So absorbed he was C. So absorbed was he D. So he was absorbed答案C。so为程度副词,置于

10、句首时,句子一般倒装。当so作为程度副词置于句首时,它所修饰的形容词或分词一般紧跟其后。Part Two Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawi

11、ng with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Questions 1115 are based on the following passage:For all you space buffs who like to keep track of where the water is, it looks like you can add our very own moon to your list. Because according to a trio of papers appeari

12、ng in the journal Science, the lunar surface is wetter than we realized.Forty years ago, Apollo astronauts brought a bunch of moon rocks back home. For the most part those samples showed no traces of water whatsoever. Those that seemed even the slightest bit moist were thought to have been contamina

13、ted by water from Earthbecause the containers they were stored in turned out to be leaky.But now scientists say theyve spotted water right on the moons surface. Using instruments on three different spacecraft, the scientists detected the chemical signature of good old H2O. And they think the water s

14、prings from the moon itself. The lunar soil is nearly 50 percent oxygen, and the scientists think that hydrogen comes from the solar wind that pounds the moons surface.Put the two together and you get wet. Not too wet, of course. Theres probably only about a quart of water in every ton of lunar soil. Thats dryer than the Sahara, but wetter than



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