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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Before the construction of the road, it was prohibitively expensive to transport any furs or fruits across the mountains.问题1选项A.determinedlyB.incrediblyC.amazinglyD.forbiddingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。prohibitively在句中是“禁止地”,prohibitively expensive的意思是极其昂贵。A选项determine

2、dly“坚定地,坚决地”;B选项incredibly“端地;令人难以置信地”;C选项amazingly“惊人地,令人惊讶地”;D选项forbiddingly“禁止地”。句意:在修路之前,把毛皮和水果运过山是非常昂贵的。根据选项词义,只有D项符合。2. 问答题The years between 1870 and 1895 brought enormous changes to the theater in the United States as the resident company was undermined by touring groups, as New York became t

3、he only major center of production, and as the long run replaced the repertory(库存)system. By 1870, the resident stock company was at the peak of its development in the United States.The 50 permanent companies of 1870, however, had dwindled to 20 by 1878, to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost di

4、sappeared by 1900. While the causes of this change are numerous, probably the most important was the rise of the “combination” company (that is, one that travels with stars and full company). Sending out a complete production was merely a logical extension of touring by stars. By the 1840s many majo

5、r actors were already taking along a small group of lesser players, for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.There is much disagreement about the origin of the combination company. Bouciault claimed to have initiated it around 1860 when he sent

6、 out a troupe with Colleen Bawn, but a book published in 1859 speaks of combination companies as already established. Joseph Jefferson also declared that he was a pioneer in the movement. In actuality, the practice probably began tentatively during the 1850s, only to be interrupted by the Civil War.

7、 It mushroomed in the 1870s, as the rapid expansion of the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions. In 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company, but no scenery, on tour; in 1876, Rose Michel was sent out with full company, scenery, and properties. By the season of 1

8、8761877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the road, and by 1886 there were 282.81. What was the trend for the resident stock companies at the end of the 19th century?82. According to the passage, the major reason for the decline of the resident stock companies was83. Why did many import

9、ant actors join some minor players in 1840s?84. According to the passage, the development of full touring companies was aided by85. Why is Lawrence Barrentt mentioned in the passage?【答案】81.They declined/dwindled gradually and almost disappeared by 1900.82.The major reason was the rise of the “combin

10、ation” company.83.For they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.84.Railway system85.He served as an example of the development of full company and he took an early combination company on tour.【解析】81.【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第一段第三句had dwindled to 20 by 1878,

11、 to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost disappeared by 1900.(到1878年减少到20个,到1880年减少到8个,到1887年减少到4个,到1900年几乎消失)可知答案。82.【试题解析】细节事实题。问题:居民股票公司衰落的主要原因。定位到文章第一段第四句 While the causes of this change are numerous, probably the most important was the rise of the “combination” company.(虽然造成这种变化的原因很多,但最重要的可能

12、是美国经济的崛起“联合”公司)可知答案。83.【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第一段最后By the 1840s many major actors were for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.(到了18世纪40年代,许多主要的行动者已经开始与一小部分较小的行动者合作,因为他们不能确定当地公司是否能够在次要的领域提供足够的支持)可知答案。84.【试题解析】细节事实题。问题:为什么许多重要的演员在1840年加入了一些次要的角色?定位到文

13、章倒数第三句It mushroomed in the 1870s, as the rapid expansion of the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions.(它如雨后春笋般出现在19世纪70年代,因为铁路系统的迅速扩张使得运输全部产品变得越来越可行。)可知答案。85.【试题解析】主旨大意题。根据最后一段首句可知,本段主旨是关于合并公司的起源。定位到文章最后两句In 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company(1872年,劳伦斯巴雷特接管了

14、他的公司);By the season of 1876-1877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the road, and by 1886 there were 282.(到1876年至1877年的这个季节,有近100家联合公司,到1886年有282家),由此可知是在举关于combination company on tour的例子,而且根据文意可知Lawrence Barrett接手了早期的合并公司。3. 单选题They assisted the officials in organizing projects, took re

15、sponsibility for their maintenance, and attended to the countless details involved in the organization, direction, and( )of masses of laborers.问题1选项A.staffB.sustenanceC.ingredientsD.components【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项staff“职员”;B选项sustenance“生计”;C选项ingredient“原料,要素”;D选项component“成分,组件”。题干提到,官员组织项目,负责项目的维

16、护,其中也提到劳动者,可推测劳动者的生计问题受到关注,可知B选项正确。句意:他们帮助官员组织项目,负责项目的维护,处理组织、指导和广大劳动者的所涉及到的无数的细节。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题An examination of the stages of his rise, the methods he employed to strengthen himself, and the institutional reforms he effected in order to maintain his power helps us( )the factors and dynamics of power within a bureaucratically dominated so


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