2022届高三英语上学期10月月考试题(含解析) (II)

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1、2022届高三英语上学期10月月考试题(含解析) (II)本试卷共150分 答题时间120分钟第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)。1.English is a subject _ we should attach great importance.A. which B. thatC. to which D. for which【答案】C【解析】这题考查定语从句,从句中用了attach great importance缺了介词to,表示“对重视”,所以用to which。句意是:英语是我们应该重视的科目。2.- Have we _ water? - Yes, _. Wed b

2、etter get some.A. given out; we have run it out B. run out of; our water has run outC. used up; our water has been run out D. run out; our water is running out【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们用完水了吗?是的,我们的水已经用完了。我们最好去取点水。动词短语run out of意为“用完,耗尽”,该短语可以用于被动语态;run out意为“用完”,这是一个不及物动词短语,后面不接宾语,没有被动语态形式,排除CD项;us

3、e up意为“用完”,该短语有被动语态形式。短语give out分发,散发。该短语与句意不符,排除A项;故B项正确。3.The local people are now_ Hong Kong, which was once _the British for one and half a century.A. in charge of; in charge of B. in the charge of;in the charge ofC. in the charge of; in charge of D. in charge of; in the charge of【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考

4、查介词短语:in charge of主动,主语往往是人“管理,看管”in the charge of 被动,主语一般是物“被 管理,在管理之下”句意:当地人现在管理香港了,那本来是英国人管理了一个半世纪。选D考点:考查介词短语:点评:in the charge of 也可用in ones charge形式。in charge介词短语,用作表语或后置定语,意为“负责,看管”。4.Life is_,but there is no limit_.A. limited,to learn B. limit,to learnC. limited, to learning D. limited,of lea

5、rning【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查limit的用法:limit可以是形容词,也可以是名词,做名词,词组是limit to doing,做的限制,形容词是limited有限的,句意:人生是有限的,但是学习是无限的。选C。考点:考查limit的用法点评:英语中有的单词有不同的词性,搭配也不同,所以学生平时在记忆单词的时候,不能仅仅记忆单词的含义,也要记忆单词的词性和搭配,做题时分析成分看需要什么词性。5.There are many famous cultural relics in our country, many _ thousands of years ago.A. dating

6、back to B. date back toC. dated back to D. were dated back to【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:我们国家有很多文化遗迹,很多要追溯到几千年前。这里前面是简单句,因为中间没有连词,所以逗号后面不是句子,而是独立主格结构,用逻辑主语+非谓语动词构成,因为date back to“追溯到”这个词组没有被动语态,所以用现在分词,所以选A。考点:考查独立主格结构6.We have planted many trees in order to _wind and sand in the desert.A. hold down B. hold up

7、C. hold back D. hold out【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语。A. hold down维持,压制;B. hold up举起,支撑,延误;C. hold back阻碍,隐藏,隐瞒;D. hold out伸出,坚持;句意:为了阻碍沙漠里的风沙,我们已经种了很多树。根据句意可知C项hold back符合语境。故C项正确。7.What annoys(使生气) us is that he usually does nothing but about having so many things to do at weekends.A. to plain B. plainC. pl

8、ains D. to plaining【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:使我们生气的是他总是什么都不做,只是一味的抱怨在周末有很多的事情要做。but此处作为介词,前面有do的任何形式,后面用省略to 的不定式,即遵循“有do不用to原则”,故选B考点:省略点评:英语中的省略现象常见于以下几种:1.在状语从句中如果主句的主语和从句的主语一致并且从句中谓语动词有Be动词时,可以将从句中主语和be动词同时省略,2.当主语部分有to do 时,表语部分省略不定式符合to,3.当主语部分暗含to do 时,表语部分也省略to,4.当在but,except等词之前有do的任何形式时,其后省略to.8.Th

9、ey are of _ height, but I think Mary_ the job.A. equally; is equal B. equal; is equal toC. equal; equals D. equally; is equaled【答案】B【解析】略9.The firm was badly in _need of a manager with _better mand of French.A. a; / B. the; aC. /;a D. /;the【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:公司急需一个法语较好的经理。in need of需要,是固定词组。a mand of掌

10、握也是固定词组。故选C。考点:考查冠词的用法。10.How did you let such a significant fact_you?A. fall B. escapeC. fail D. fade【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. fall落下,倒下; B. escape逃跑,逃脱;被遗忘,泄露;C. fail辜负,放弃,不及格;D. fade褪色;消退;句意:你怎么让如此重要的事实被遗忘呢?根据句意可知动词escape表示“被遗忘”符合本句含义。故B项正确。第二节:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

11、选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。When one California construction worker, Colin Blevin arrived at work at around 7 a.m. on Monday morning, he noticed a car was blocking the entranceway to the construction site. While asking the driver to move, Colin spotted a baby in a car seat. “He moved the car and I pulled in

12、,” Blevin said. “The back door was cracked open and I saw a baby.”Blevin had no idea that earlier that morning, a car with a 1-year-old had been stolen about 90 miles away while the babys father ran inside to order his lunch. “I didnt know what was going on. I didnt know initially the baby was in da

13、nger and there was an AMBER Alert,” Blevin said.Even though everything appeared pretty normal, Blevins instincts told him something was wrong. After parking his car, a local woman walked over and confirmed his suspicions. The lady told him quietly, “Help me save this baby.” She said, “You have to sa

14、ve this baby. The guy tried to give it to me.” He looked into the car and there was a beautiful chunky baby looking at him. The baby was calm, clean, with a bottle on his chest.Blevin met the man, 44-year-old Raymond Randy Gutierrez, and asked whose baby was in the car. “He said a lady gave him the

15、car and left the baby in the car,” Blevin said. “And right away I thought that makes no sense. The baby was well taken care of and this guy was dirty, skinny and nervous.” Blevin grabbed the baby from the car and Gutierrez ran away when he called 911. Police caught Gutierrez later that day and were able to reunite the baby with his parents.11. How did the driver get the car?A. A father left it to him. B. He stole it.C. A lady gave it to him. D. He bought it.12



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