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1、8B牛津译林英语UNIT1_2知识点8B Unit 1 短语和重点句型51. repair over/ more than ten bicycles 2. teach us a lot about the history of China 3. the changes in Beijing 4. during/in/over the past century5. learn more about Beijings past and present 6. hear about/ofhear from sb.= receive/ get ones letter=receive/get a lett

2、er from sb.7. living conditions 8. return sth. to sb. 9. make communication much easier10. go/travel/study abroad 11. at primary school 12. keep in touch with each other 13. communicate with sb.14. take place15. Many changes have taken place in my hometown.16. travel to and from the town by bus, tax

3、i or train17. green hills all around 18. a river runs through the centre of town19. get used to the changes of life get/be used to sth./ doing sth.20. many of Mr Chens friends21. on ones own = by oneself = alone22. throw rubbish rubbish everywhere23. enjoy a comfortable life24. in some large open sp

4、aces25. move into new flats26. in their free time 27. travel around the town28. on both sides of the street = on each side of the street29. have their own cars= have cars of their own修理超过10辆自行车教我们很多有关中国的历史北京的变化在过去一个多世纪里对北京的过去和现在了解更多听说收到某人来信居住条件把某物归还给某人使交流更方便,使得联系更容易去国外在小学互相保持联系和某人保持联系发生(有目的有计划的)(hap

5、pen偶然发生)我的家发生了许多变化。乘汽车,出租车或火车进出小镇旅游青山环绕一条小河穿过镇中心习惯了生活的变化习惯某事/ 习惯做某事陈先生的许多朋友独自扔垃圾到处是垃圾品味舒适的生活在一些大的开阔的地方搬进新公寓在他们业余时间在镇里转转在街道两边拥有他们自己的汽车牛津英语8B Unit 2词组与句型Comic strip & Welcome to the unit词组:1. 去某地度假 go to sp for a holiday 在度假be on holiday2. 我以前去过那。I have been there before. 你曾经去过北京吗?Have you ever been t

6、o Beijing? 去过某地(已经回来)have been to sp 去了某地(还没回来)have gone to sp3. 加入某人去做某事join sb in doing sth4我正在收拾东西。I am getting all my things.5来自某人写的一个故事come from a story by sb6这本书有什么特别的?Whats special about this book?1. 我是如此想念你。I miss you so much.2. 我来香港已经两个月了。I have been in Hongkong for two months.3. 玩得特开心have

7、a fantastic time4. 花了一整天spend the whole day5. 一个室内过山车an indoor roller coaster6. 高速运行move at high speed 以的速度at the speed of 加速speed-speeded/ sped- speeded/ sped7. 全程都在尖叫大笑scream and laugh through the ride8. 匆忙去餐馆吃了份快餐hurry to a restaurant to have a quick meal9. 匆忙去某地hurry to sp (动词)/ go to sp in a hu

8、rry(名词) 匆忙做某事hurry to do sth10. 见到一些迪士尼卡通人物meet some Disney cartoon characters11. 比方说such as12. 迪士尼人物的游行a parade of Disney characters13. 跟在他们后面跑run after them14. 忍不住拍照cant stop taking photos 忍不住做某事cant stop doing sth15. 看了一场4D电影watch a 4-D film16. 就像是魔术be like magic (名词)17. 闻到苹果馅饼的味道smell the apple

9、pie18. 给某人买了几个钥匙扣buy a couple of key rings for sb19. 这天快要结束的时候at the end of the day20. 看烟花watch the fireworks21. 在烟花下看上去闪亮又漂亮look bright and beautiful under the fireworks22. 在你待在那期间during your stay there (名词)23. 待在家stay at home (动词)24. 这个是送给你的。Heres one for you.Grammar词组:1. 去某地开会go to sp to attend a

10、 meeting2. 在沙滩上玩play on the sand3. 顺便说一下by the way4. 邀请某人去野餐invite sb to go for a picnic5. 电影已经开始20分钟了。The film has been on for 20 minutes.6. 游行结束好几小时了。The parade has been over for hours.7. Kitty来香港两天了。Kitty has been in Hongkong for two days.8. 自从上周二他就离开家了。He has been away from home since last Tuesd

11、ay.9. 这本书我已经借了好几天了。I have kept this book with me for a few days.10. Simon自从去年就加入足球俱乐部了。Simon has been in / a member of the Football Club since last year.11. 他们结婚15年了。They have been married for 15 years.12. 这些鱼死了有一段时间了。These fish have been dead for some time.13. 在寒假第一天on the first day of the winter h

12、olidayIntegrated skills词组:1. 旅行的地方places for travelling2. 中国园林Chinese gardens3. 自然景观places of natural beauty4. 海滨城市seaside cities5. 去的地方places to go6. 主题公园theme parks7. 提一些在中国旅游的建议give some advice on travelling in China8. 全年去那儿go there all year around / in any season9. 喜欢水上运动like water sports10. 他觉得

13、那很有趣。He thinks it is great fun.11. 参观像大连这样的海滨城市visit a seaside city like Dalian12. 在任何季节in any season13. 在寒冷的雪天爬山是危险的。It is dangerous to climb mountains on cold and snowy days.14. 去那最好的时节是在春天或秋天。The best time to go there is in spring and autumn.15. 可能会下雨。There may be some rain. / It may be rainy. /

14、It may rain.16. 有一些关于五一节的计划have some plans for the May Day holiday17. 去某地出差go to sp on business18. 乘直达航班去某地take a direct flight to sp19. 坐飞机去成都要多久?How long does it take to fly to Chengdu?20. 跟我爸爸给你核实一下check it for you with my dad延续性动词表:短暂性动词延续性动词现在完成时形式leavebe away ( from sp)have been away (from)borrowkeephave keptbuyhavehave haddiebe deadhave been deadget marriedbe marriedhave been marriedjoinbe in / be a member ofhave been in / have been a member ofcome back / returnbe backhave been backgo outbe outhave been outreceive / get a letter



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