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1、Lesson PlanDepartment of Foreign LanguagesTeacher(s): Target Students: 3-year non-English majors (non-arts)Textbook: Progressing English Unit SixTopic: Inside Education, Outside Activities: By the end of this unit, students should be able to: talk about how to accept and decline invitations; listen

2、and learn more about extracurricular activities; read about extracurricular activities and experiences; design a poster; practice the use of English: Non-finite verbs ( I ).Key Points: to master how to accept and decline invitations Design a poster Difficult points: To express themselves about extra

3、curricular activities To use Non-finite verbs correctly.Arrangement of teaching materials: Progressing English Unit 6 (8 periods) Extension materials (1 period) Periods allocation:Lead-in and Open your mouth (1 period)Sharpen your listening (1 period)Broaden your view (4 periods)Passage B (1 period)

4、Use your hands (1 period) Required exercises: a. Part Broaden your view Check your studyActivity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5b. Part Broaden your view Further Your skillsExercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Assignments for independent study:a. Passage B Check your studyb. Passage B Furt

5、her your skillsImportant language points: Words and Expressions priorityn. the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important 优先,重点e.g. The safety of the country takes priority over any other matter.国家安全占有最重要的地位。The development of the national economy is a top priority.发展国民经济是应予最优先

6、考虑的事。broadenv. to become wider or longer in distance from side to side; widen 使变宽,扩大e.g. You should broaden your knowledge by reading more. 你应该多读书以扩大知识面。The river slowed and broadened out slightly. 水流的速度减慢, 河面也稍微变宽了点。burdenv. to load heavily 加重压于 e.g. They were not yet burdened with adult responsibi

7、lity. 他们还不必为成年人的责任而苦恼。The economy was further burdened by a flood of refugees.难民大批涌入使经济负担愈加沉重。burdenn. a load, typically a heavy one 负担, 担子e.g. The burden fell on the eldest son. 担子落在了长子身上。His invalid father is becoming a burden.他父亲体弱多病, 对他来说渐渐成了累赘。superiora. better, stronger, etc. than sb./sth. els

8、e 优于的,占优势的e.g. It is superior to every other car on the road.它比其他在路上跑的车质量都好。Which of the two methods is superior?这两种方法哪一种好?superiorn. person or thing that is better 优胜者e.g. She is my superior in knowledge. 她比我有知识。As a violin player, he has no superior. 作为小提琴手, 没有人能胜过他。passionatea. showing or caused

9、by strong feelings or a strong belief 热情的, 感情强烈的e.g. Hes passionate about football. 他酷爱足球。He is said to be the most passionate man. 据说他是最有激情的人。preciousa. of great sentimental value, not to be wasted or treated carelessly 贵重的,珍贵的,宝贵的e.g. Each life is precious. 生命都是宝贵的。He has sent me the most precious

10、 gifts. 他送给我极其珍贵的礼物。circumstancen. (一般作circumstances) a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action 情况,条件e.g. He was forced by circumstances to do this. 他做这件事是为客观情况所迫。We wanted to marry but circumstances didnt permit. 我们想结婚,但是条件不允许.under (in) the circumstancesgiven the difficu

11、lt nature of the situation 情况既然如此 e.g. She had every right to be cross under the circumstances.情况既然如此, 她绝对有权生气。under (in) no circumstances never, whatever the situation is or might be决不,无论如何也不e.g. Under no circumstances may the child be identified.无论如何都不能让这孩子被认出来。stresseda. subject to pressure or te

12、nsion 有压力的 e.g. She felt very stressed over her new teaching job.她的新的教学工作让她感到很有压力。She should see a doctor, if she is feeling particularly stressed out. 如果她感到心理压力极大就应当看医生。semestern. a half-year term in a school or university, especially in North America, typically lasting for fifteen to eighteen week

13、s 学期e.g. A student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.每个学生一学期可能要修四五门课程。 There are two semesters in a year. 一年中有两个学期。investigatev. to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth调

14、查 e.g. He has carefully investigated the allegations.他对这些指控作了详细调查。He has been investigated and found blameless. 他已被调查,发现并无罪过。commitmentn. 1)the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity献身, 投入e.g. I couldnt fault my players for commitment.我对我的队员们的投入程度没什么可挑剔的。2) a pledge or undertakin

15、g 承诺,保证e.g. I can not make such a commitment at the moment.此刻我不能作出这样的承诺。The government avoided giving any commitments on pensions.政府避免就养老金问题作出任何承诺。Suggested Classroom activities:1. Group work(students discuss their ideas and experiences on this topic)2. Role-play-make a dialogue according to the teachers hints. 3. Word pictures-the students



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