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1、NO.Qustis1Te vl of lassand rac hatred utbeeliintedwhiit sil in stae; owie, may row t dnges proportionsA an aorphouB. an overtC. dimentary. a trategE a inependntF n ebronc词义解析:atred 仇恨;憎恶;敌意mryoic胚芽的,胎儿的;初期的做法:句意理解2Praoxclly, the moe the etails the artt cooses, te beter able his depict her asic, ote-

2、worllyladscapes.A.therealB.ealsiCfncifl. mndanE. exravagant F. sblm词义解析:dpic描绘antstc幻想的ethe天空的;飘渺的anciful奇怪的,稀奇的;mdane平凡的;世俗的extravaga 奢侈的,挥霍的;夸张的,大胆的sublime庄严的,雄伟的;令人赞叹的做法:paradxical表句意反义,选择与fnastic相反的词3Crtics ofe mieeon ohe Color Purle iacchrin, over piisic ueas out of keing it noves mo qalty.lank

3、(i)Bank(ii)A.ccaiacerbicB. decE. cloyinche. aine词义解析:sahaine故作多情tneas调节为decry谴责做法:第一空(谴责)与critic取同;第二空(酸涩的心情)与过度乐观取反词义解析:同一分句找相应acain故作多情的4Museu dietor Hov rfersto hsmugged Grek un as the “hot pot”,notecusethere ar doubabout ts ahnticiy r evenrea rsevatona tot price, bu because the oits cquiitin is

4、opntquestion.lnk()Blnk(ii)chactristialytimelinesolouially nerepeaedyexpes词义解析:hrcteistially典型地tmlins 及时manner方式,措施;通俗colloally用白话,通俗地做法:存疑The mi of a bigos like the puilf the eye,th ore he light yo ouupon i, he more t will .A. blinkB. veertareD. eflctE. contract词义解析:bi:抱偏见的人,执拗的人blink 眨眼睛ver 变化方向sar

5、e 盯contract收缩做法:根据iethe puil(瞳孔)o theye判断:周边环境越亮,contrat收缩越厉害Peras eausesoehn n us istintvel istusthdisplays ofnatral fluey, some eads ppochJohUpikes icti ith .A. wainss. ndiffern.suspicion. venrtonE eilementF.rmr词义解析:wrine谨慎,小心enrtin 尊敬beildemen迷茫;困惑做法:第一步:beaue前后分句同义相应,点对线同义反复第二步:istelystruts直觉地不相

6、信因此会变得小心谨慎(&C)7We weramz hat aman ho hd be heetofore h msof he pblic spekr could, in a singl seec, electrifyanaudience and brnthm cherigtthr eet. poicB.enthralligC. accmplishe. pedestria.auspusF icoclasic词义解析:rc散文的,乏味的,如实的entralling 迷人的acompishe纯熟的;有道德修养的peds 平凡的auspiciou有前程的;有但愿的;吉利的icoclastic偶像破坏的

7、;打老旧习的heretfe在此之前elecriy 使电气化;使兴奋;做法:amazn暗示对比ina singlspch;eeriyAD(平凡的;乏味的)8Amed at crbng Eurpaatteptstoseie teriory in te Amercias,te Monoe ocrinewas a arnng tofoein poes.pertinaciB. cauioary. creulos. rpciousE. preatyF. rmot词义解析:pertinacos坚持的;固执的cautionar 警告的credulus 容易被骗的rapaciou贪婪的pratory 掠夺成性的

8、;肉食的remote 遥远的做法:前后两个分句句意相应sez erioy占领土地E(贪婪的;掠夺成性的)9The reonn this etoral is s thatwe nnotsehw nyoe can deceid b it.AunsounntC. astueD. dspssine scrplousF.secio词义解析:unsound 不合理的coheren 条理分明的cruus严谨的,小心的pecius 似是而非的做法:so.hat.前后同义相应过于不合理(A)以致很少人会被骗10he texts as we have tem were rtten own andeditd are

9、flly by Christin prou fther cesors butunable tobarthethough ofteir nulgin in athen(异教徒)practe; thus, all reerecs tote ancit reliono the Cets were,ifot .lank(i)Blan(ii)A ggrievdD.ronic.deald E. oeraweC. mudieF suprsed词义解析:inlge放纵athen异教徒uddy模糊的,泥泞的(引申为复杂的)oveawe吓到;吓住做法:thus因此(前后两个句子句意因果关系)由于对她们的祖先很自豪

10、,但是又无法接受她们异教徒的活动;如果这些资料没被严禁刊登的话,因此所有的参照资料会变得复杂1Her tue feelngsheself in her sarcastc asdes, ol then r revealed.Blank(i)Blnk(ii)A. antcipatdD. anxieyB cncealeE.biterss.manfstdF crm词义解析:srcastc讥讽的,挖苦的harm魅力;魔法ses旁白做法:由于没有特殊体现转折意思的核心词,因此前后两个分句是句意顺承挖苦理应相应bittrness痛苦句意:从她挖苦的旁白可以体现自己真正的心情,这些话体现了她的痛苦2Mencs

11、 reder enoyed is wi, u isvicti fte th broa, yetoned aire.lan(i)Bank(ii)uttingconnivdndlsiledsulewnce词义解析:cuting锋利的ointed锋利的;直截了当的;显然的onie密谋,纵容subtl微妙的;狡猾的(略带贬义)做法:第一步:njoy =稍微正向的词第二步:结合victim(受害者)这个词理应填uttig,受害者们固然是要回避winc这些言论了,将cnnive和sml显然并不适合13In Angl axontimes, temonstc ries made isinction bewen Latin txts an es i he vclar b assigninge former an ngloCalin Spnd rserig the pndinsla sript frxt i Old Enlish.A. aie. suleC. a pointlesD. an biusE. an unonvetinalF jugmeal词义解析:vernaculr本国语言srit 脚本,手稿insular 孤立的做法:直接看选项,选出同义词这题考了nie细致的意思,比较偏4Written in an amiable style,


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