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1、高级句型1. 无可争辩的是. Its indisputable that 2. 不可或缺/非常重要的是It is indispensible that3. 毫无疑问, 这在我们生活中起着重要作用There is nothing ambiguous that., which plays a critical/ crucial role in our life. 4. 另外,不可避免的是. Additionally, what is unavoidable is that5. 为了努力全力对付(努力克服)与有关的问题,我们应该.In a gesture to wrestle with the ob

2、stacles, we should. 6. 鉴于情形的严重性,我们最好在事情变糟糕前采取相应的措施In view of / Considering the seriousness/gravity/severity of the situation, we may as well take corresponding / effective/ urgent/ immediate measures to. before things get worse.7. 我认为(后面加积极的态度)I take the firm position that. 8. 我相信通过我们共同的努力我们一定会拥有光明的

3、未来。I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to have a promising future.9. 众所周知,与紧密相关。 It is universally acknowledged that .is closely related to .10. .是很常见的Its not uncommon that./ Its a common practice for sb to do sth11. 我想强调的是,我们每个人都应该认识.的重要性。 What I want to stress/ emp

4、hasize/ highlight is that each of us should be aware of the importance of .12. 我们绝对不能忽视.的价值。On no account can we ignore the value of .13. 只有当我们意识到问题的严重性,我们才能更好地解决问题。Only when we realize the severity of the problem can we handle them in a better way.14. 是促使了他成功 It is that contributes to his success.1

5、5. 总之,在任何情况下都不能. All in all, under no circumstances should we16. 我认为,学会.是一种美德。As far as I am concerned, it is a good virtue for us to learn to .17 只有当我养成独立生活的习惯我才能意识到自己的价值以及为国家做出大的贡献。Only when I cultivate the habits of living independently can I realize my values and make great contributions to our

6、country.18. 生活是一条路有着无法预测的岔路口及无法预料的明天,因此做-是非常重要的。 Life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows, so its indispensable to 19.最后而又很重要的一点,它必定. Last but not least, it will definitely.20. 只有我们我们才能(在.方面). 有影响Only when we . can we make a difference to .21. 我个人认为,在和.找到保持平衡点会带来.Personally,

7、finding/ striking the balance between and.will lead to22. 我们应该从身边小事做起,来.We should start from little things around us to . 23. 我们决不能把当成理所当然的事情Never should we take . for granted./ Never should we take it for granted that.24. 我们有责任(宣扬的重要性), 从而激励更多的人We should make it our duty to (publicize宣扬the importan

8、ce of ), thus motivating more people to do sth 25. A对于B就像C对于D一样。A is to B what C is to D. (Books are to me what water is to fish.)26. 肯定是一个值得关注的问题。 . is definitely (肯定地) an issue that is worth paying attention to.27. In todays fast changing and competitive world, to be able to learn faster and more

9、effectively is not merely desirable but essential.28. 为了使自己摆脱,我们应该尽力.To rid ourselves of , we should do our utmost to do sth .29. 如果我们一定能创造奇迹We can work / do wonders if we. 30. 很多人过分关注.,忽略了.Many people care too much about., thus ignoring the fact that31. 毫无疑问,每况愈下Undoubtedly, is going from bad to wo

10、rse.32. 任何忽视这一点的人都将付出巨大的代价。Whoever is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.33. 没有人能否认:.是我们生活中最重要的一方面。No one can deny the fact that .is the most important aspect of our life.34. 尽管,但必须承认短缺仍然是面临的最大问题之一。Although ., it must be admitted that shortage of is still the one of the biggest questions that

11、 we are confronted with nowadays.35. 事实上,非常重要,应该放在首位。 In fact, .are playing extremely important role and should be given priority.36. 总之,我们应理智考虑这一问题,重视In conclusion, we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphases on 37. 我们应重视这个问题,尽最大努力We must lay emphasis on this problem a

12、nd make our maximum contribution /make every endeavor to .38. . by virtue of(凭借;依靠) steadfast坚定的;不动摇的 diligence.39. The philosophy(哲理;人生观)/moral(寓意) conveyed in the passage is that.1. 非常重视place considerable emphasis on2. 形成独立工作和学习的习惯cultivate the habit of working and living independently3. 提高分析问题,解决

13、问题的技能Strengthen/ enhance our analytical and problem-solving skills.4. 教育孩子独立的去做instruct children to do sth. independently.5. 随着时间的流逝withthepassage/ progress oftime , - (2)astimegoeson, - with time progressing going on, - 6. 当我们谈到教育 When it comes to/Speaking of education对孩子的成长有坏的影响have disastrous eff

14、ects on childrens growth没有能力和勇气去挑战我们所面对的困难have little ability or courage to overcome whatever difficulties we are confronted with更糟的是Whats worse= to make matters worse= worse still5.没有父母的存在不能照顾自己be incapable of caring for himself without his parents presence6.剥夺了孩子们独立,有创造力地解决问题的机会deprive children of

15、 chances to wrestle with problems independently and creatively7. 剥夺了孩子们通过克服障碍长大的机会deprive children of chances to grow stronger by conquering obstacles8. 导致他们缺少独立地解决复杂的问题的能力 lead to them lacking the ability of solving complex problems independently and individually9.克服艰难的时刻和创造奇迹ride out tough times and do wonders写作万能句式第一段:短文概括:The story above tells us the meaning / philosophy/importance of .by telling a story of /by giving an example of sb


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