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1、Stuart: Introduction to the Passage 1. Type of literature: a piece of narrative writing-protagonist/antagonists -climax-denouement2. The main theme3. Well chosen title and words4. Style-a very fast pace with a racy dialogue full of American colloquialism and slang-employing a variety of writing tech

2、niques to make the story vivid, dramatic and colorfulI. Effective Writing Skills:1. Employing colorful lexical spectrum, from the ultra learned terms to the infra clipped vulgar forms2. Too much figurative language and ungrammatical inversion for specific purposes3. The using of short sentences, ell

3、iptical sentences and dashes to maintain the speed of narrationLove is a Fallacy 仁朔膳楼籾/EXERCISESI. Write a short note on: Ruskin.SRB1. Oxford Companion to English Literature2. any book on the history of English literature3. any standard encyclopediaI. Questions on content:1. What does the writer say

4、 about his own essay? Is he serious in his remarks?2. What, according to the writer, is the purpose of this essay? Do you agree?3. Why does the narrator consider Petey Burch dumb as an ox?4. Why does the narrator teach Polly Espy logic? Did he succeed?5. Define and give an example of each of the log

5、ical fallacies discussed in this essay. Questions on appreciation:1. Comment on the title of this essay. Is it humorous?2. Can you find any evidence to support the view that the writer is satirizing a bright but self-satisfied young man?3. What is the purpose of this essay or story? What method does

6、 the writer employ?4. Comment on the language used by Polly. What effect does her language create?5. Why does the narrator argue that the things you learn in school dont have anything to do with life? (para. 145)6. What is the topic sentence of paragraph 50? How does the writer develop the idea expr

7、essed in the topic sentence?7. Why does the narrator refer to Pygmalion and Frankenstein? Are these allusions chosen aptly?8. In what sense is the conclusion ironic?I. Analyze the logical fallacy in each of the following statements:1. Watching television is a waste of time.2. In the last month, four

8、teen students have been arrested in California for using drugs. That state is obviously filled with young addicts.3. All his life he has read comic books. Is it any wonder hes a juvenile delinquent?4. If I had studied harder, I would definitely have passed that test.5. Religion obviously weakens the

9、 political strength of a country. After all, Rome fell after the introduction of Christianity.6. Its true that this boy killed four people. Yet think of the poverty and misery he was raised in: his parents neglected him, and he never had enough to eat.7. Teachers in capitalist countries are out for

10、all the money they can get.8. Everybody in a capitalist country is basically dishonest. Look at all the politicians who are arrested every year for taking bribes and misusing public funds.V. Translate paras 145-154 into Chinese. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words1

11、. that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline (para 3)2. my brain was as powerful as a dynamo (para 4)3. pausing in my flight (para 8)4. when the Charleston came back (para 11)5. They shed. (para 16)6. Dont you want to be in the swim? (para 17)7. I would be out in practice (para 24)8. She

12、was not yet of pin-up proportions (para 25)9. She already had the makings. (para 25)10. She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bearing (para 26)11. are you going steady (para 30)12. I deposited her at the girls dormitory (para 97)13. lawyers have briefs to guide them (para 105)14. hammering aw

13、ay without let-up (para 123). Explain how the meaning of the following sentences is affected when the italicized words are replaced with the words in brackets. Pay attention to the shades of meaning of the words:1. Fads, I submit, are the very negation of reason. (fashions)2. Can you mean, I said in

14、credulously, that people . again? (incredibly)3. he said passionately. (eagerly)4. She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions (feelings)5. I threw open the suitcase and revealed the huge, hairy, gamy object (showed)6. I was tempted to give her back to Petey. (inclined)7. I hid my exasperat

15、ion. (disappointment)8. I said, patting her hand in a tolerant manner (indulgent)9. I chuckled with somewhat less amusement. (merriment)10. I will languish. (suffer a lot). Discriminate the following groups of synonyms:1. keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute, astute2. intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever, smartIX . Study the suffixes in the following nouns and give at least 5 examples of each:1. analogy 4. fallacy, idiocy2. appendicitis 5. tactics3. chemist, faddist 6. ventureSRB1. Walkers Rhyming Dictionary2. any book on lexicology or word buildingX . The



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