初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 10 Section B预习指导(知识点+练习题)

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 10 Section B预习指导一、知识点1.Live in + 地点Live on + 街道Live at + 门牌号Eg: He lives in Beijing.他住在北京。He lives on the Happy Street.他住在幸福街。He lives at 203 Happy Street.他住在幸福街230号。2.On weekends = at weekends 在周末At weekends 一般是英国常用;on weekends 一般是美国常用Eg: I have English lessons on weekends.我周末上英语课。3.Co

2、ncert hall 音乐厅4.At least 至少其反义词为 at most 至多Least是little的最高级;most是many和much的最高级Eg: She has been here for at least 10 years. 她在这至少10年了。5.Feeling (名词) “感觉” - feel (动词) “感觉”常见搭配:feel like . “感觉像.”Eg: She feels like a bird flying in the sky.她感觉像鸟儿在天空飞翔。6.Once or twice a year 一年一两次就其提问用how oftenEg: - How

3、often do you visit your aunt?- Once or twice a year.-你多久看望一次你姑姑?- 一年一两次7.Other, the other, others和another区别:Other 后常常跟名词,译为“其它的”The other用于两者之间,特指两者中的“另一个”Others 用法与other类似,表示复数的群体,常与some连用The others 特指“其它的人或物”是the other的复数形式,相当与the other + 复数名词Another常指三者或三者以上中的“另一个”Eg: Ask some other people.问问别人吧。

4、I have two rulers.One is long, the other is short.我由两把尺,一把长的,一把短的。Some students are cleaning the windows, others are sweeping the floor.一些学生在擦玻璃,另一些在扫地。There are fifty students in our class, twenty of them are boys and the others are girls.我们班有50名学生,20名男孩,其他的是女孩。This pen doesnt work, can you give me

5、 another one? 这只钢笔坏了,你能给我另一只吗?8.Millions of . “数百万的.”million前有数字时,不可变复数;如果后面有of, 则需要变复数类似的词还有:hundred, thousand, million和billionEg: five million 5百万Millions of . 数百万的.9.Search for .= look for 搜寻Eg: The police are searching for the lost child.警察正在搜寻丢失的孩子。10.among与between的区别:among常常指三者或三者以上“在.之中”betwe

6、en常常指两者之间,常与and连用Eg: She is the most cleverest student among her friends.她是她朋友之中最聪明的学生。She sits between Lily and Lucy. 她坐在丽丽和露西之间。11.46 - year - old. “46岁的.”该结构常常用来修饰名词,切记year不可用复数形式Eg: She is an eight - year - old girl.她是一个八岁的女孩。12.For the last/past 13 years 在过去的13年last用法小结last (形容词) 最后的;最近的Eg: the

7、 last month of the year 一年中的最后一个月last (动词) 持续Eg: The meeting will last three hours. 这次会议将持续三个小时。last (名词) 最后;末尾Eg: He was the last to come to school.他是最后一个来学校的。13.Find time to do sth. 找到时间做某事Have time to do sth. 有时间做某事Eg: He doesnt find much time to visit his hometown.他没有找到太多的时间参观他的家乡。We have time t

8、o visit her.我们有时间看望她。14.Used to do sth. 过去常常做某事Be used to doing sth.习惯做某事Eg: My grandparents used to live in countryside, but now they are used to living in the city.我祖父母过去常常住在乡下,但是现在他们习惯住在城市。15.Its a shame + that从句= Its a shame to do sth. 做某事很遗憾Eg: Its a shame to fail the exam. 真遗憾考试不及格。16.Regard .

9、as . 把.当作.Eg: We regard our teacher as our friend.我们把我们的老师当作朋友。17.Interest (名词) “兴趣”- interesting (形容词) “有趣的” (常常用来修饰物)- interested (形容词) “感兴趣的”(常常用来修饰人)常见搭配:be interested in doing sth./ to do sth. 最做某事感兴趣Eg: She is interested in this interesting book.她对这部有趣的书感兴趣。18.Appear (动词) “出现” - disappear (动词)

10、 “消失”Eg: Your name will appear at the front of the book.你的名字将出现在书的前页。19.Send sb.to do sth. 派/送某人做某事Send sb.to + 地点 送某人去某地Eg: My parents sent me to study abroad.我父母送我去留学。He sends his son to school every day.他每天送儿子去上学。20.Add (动词) “添加;增加” (名词) “添加物”常见搭配:add in 加入;把.计算在内Add .to . 把.加到.里Add up to .总计为;合计

11、达Eg: Add tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. 酌量添加番茄酱、盐和胡椒粉。21.Count from.to . 从.数到.Count down 倒数Eg: Lets count from one to one hundred.让我们从一数到一百。22.The + 序数词 + century 在.世纪Eg: the twenty - first century 21世纪23.Stay the same 一成不变24.According to. 根据;依据;据说Eg: According to official statistics the di

12、sease killed over 500 people.根据官方统计数字,500多人死于这种疾病。25.Opposite the street= across from the street 在街道对面Eg: There is a supermarket opposite the street.在街道对面有一家超市。26.A symbol of . .的象征Eg: Pandas are a symbol of China.熊猫是中国的象征。27.In ones time 在某人年代Eg: in my time 在我那个年代28.In ones heart 在某人心中Eg: Our homet

13、own has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.我们的家乡在我们的心中留下了许多柔软甜蜜的回忆。29.Consider (动词) “考虑”常见搭配:consider doing sth. 考虑做某事Consider.as. 把.看作.Consider .to be . 把.视作.Eg: She is considering changing her job.她正在考虑换工作。We consider our teacher as our friend.我们把我们的老师看作我们的朋友。30.In ones opinion 在某人看来E

14、g: In my opinion, this book is very interesting.在我看来,这本书非常有趣。31.Return to + 地点 = go back to + 地点 “回到某地”Return (动词) “返回;归还” (名词) “返还”In return 作为回报Return sth.to sb.= return sb.sth. 把某物还给某人Eg: We will return to our hometown.= We will go back to our hometown.我们将回到我们的家乡。32.In order to do sth.= so that + 从句 “为了.”In order that 从句Eg: She got up early in order to catch the first bus.= She got up early so that she can catch the first bus.她起早为了能赶上头班车。33.So far 到目前为止该短语出现时,句子需要用现在完成时Eg: We have learned 3000 words so far.到目前为止,我们已经学了3000个词。34.Friendly (形容词)



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