2022年高二英语Unit16 The United States of America 新课标

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《2022年高二英语Unit16 The United States of America 新课标》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高二英语Unit16 The United States of America 新课标(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高二英语Unit16 The United States of America 新课标.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThe United States of America is a developed country and also a booming country,which has a history of only 200300 years.After the USA was founded,the American Civil War broke out in 1861,which brought suffering to the

2、 people of the USA,especially those in the South.Rebuilding the South became an essential task at that time.This unit mainly talks about the rebuilding and development of the American South.And Atlanta is a good illustration.It also deals with the bison on the plains of America.Because the bison was

3、 killed in huge numbers by European settlers,the balance of the whole wildlife was destroyed.After learning the unit,we let the students learn about the early history of America.Besides,some useful expressions and phrases should be mastered,and Non-finite verbs need to be reviewed,especially their p

4、assive forms.Teaching Goals1.Talk about the USA.2.Practise describing places.3.Review Non-finite Verbs(2).4.Write a parison essay.Background Information1.The American Civil WarThe war of 18611865 between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) is also called the War

5、 between the States or the War of the Rebellion.There were many causes,of which the most important were disagreement over slavery,and the quarrel concerning Federal control and States Rights.The direct cause of the war was the election of Lincoln as President;this was followed by the secession of th

6、e southern states from the Union and the founding of the Confederacy,with Jefferson Davis as its President.The North had many advantages,a far greater population,more railway lines,and more factories.But the Confederates fought hard and were at first successful:they won the battles of Bull Run and F

7、redericksburg;but then Lee was defeated at Gettysburg and the Union army led by Grant won control of Mississippi.Admiral Farragant forced New Orleans to surrender:Texas,Arkansas and Louisiana were cut off from the rest of the Confederacy.After the Union won the Vicksburg campaign,Sherman made his ma

8、rch through Georgia to the sea,and Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatton Court House,Virginia,on April 9,1865.Lincoln was assassinated in the same month.Slavery was declared unconstitutional.The period after the war (Reconstruction),when the South was occupied by the Worth,left bitterness that has

9、not yet entirely vanished.During Reconstruction the southern states were admitted back into the Union.2.The War of American Independence(Also called the Revolutionary War 17751783)The struggle of the thirteen British colonies in North America for independence ended in the forming of the USA.The main

10、 causes of the war were taxes imposed by the British government,e.g.the Stamp Tax of 1765 and the Tea Tax.The colonies rebelled in 1775;the first shots were fired at Lexington,and the First battle was faught at Bunker Hill.The continental Congress appointed General Washington as leader of its forces

11、,and issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.General Burgoyne led a British army down from Canada but was forced to surrender at Saratoga (Oct.1777).He was supposed to meet the army of General Howe,who managed to occupy Philadelphia.Washington spent the hard winter of 17771778 at Valle

12、y Forge,and had difficulty in keeping his men together,France (1778),Spain (1779)and the Netherlands (1780)joined the war against Britain.British forces under Cornwallis won victories in the South where Britain had some popular support,but Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown,Virginia,and forced to s

13、urrender (Oct.19/1781),which practically brought the war to an end.At sea,Britain had to fight to keep her naval supremacy,but after Yorktown the American ports were lost one by one.The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris,1783,which recognized the independence of the USA.3.Slavery in the United Sta

14、tesThe African ancestors (祖先) of todays black Americans were brought to the US as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.They worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic (经济) system (体制) of the South.Sla

15、ves did not have the right of people;according to the law,they were a “thing” which belonged to the person who bought them.They had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.They were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injus

16、tice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in very unhealthy conditions.Their owners had plete power over them.They could be bought and sold like animals.At the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.Slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.Slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owne



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