广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版

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广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版_第1页
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广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版_第2页
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广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版_第3页
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广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版_第4页
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广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版_第5页
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《广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3 新课标 人教版(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2006年广东省茂名市教学质量监测高一英语考试强化训练卷(无附听力材料)必修3第一卷一.听力理解(共两节,总分值15分)第一节(共15小题;1-5题每题0.5分,6-15题每题1分,总分值12.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段或独白读两遍. 1.Why is the man moving out of the city? ABecause he cant stand the pollutionBBecause he has a new apartmentCBecause he has got a

2、 new job.2 How many kinds of pollution are mentioned? A2B3C4.3Where is the mans apartment? AIn the city centre BNext to a disco CNear the park听第2段材料,答复第4至第6题。4What did the woman so last night? AHe studied physics all night longBHe found an apple out of a tree CHe didnt sleep quite well5Who is Newton

3、? AHis classmate BA neighbour CA scientist6What dream did the man have?AHe never had such a terrible dreamBHe once had a dream with someone asking him questions CHe kept asking some questions in French听第3段材料,答复第7至第9题。7What happened that night?AThe store was robbedBHe was caught by the police.C. He u

4、nlocked the door that night.8What was robbed of from the store? ANothing.BSome money.CA gun and a knife.9What will be the possible result?AThe thief will be found I the shopBThe store will be closed for a long tomeCEverything will be OK as usual.听第4段材料,答复第10至第12题。10At what time did the man get up wh

5、en he was young?AAt six in the morningBAt six thirty in the morningCAt five to six in the morning.11How many miles did the man swim every week? A30 miles a week. B13 miles a week. C35 miles a week.12How old was the man when he became famous? AFifteen years old.BSix years old.CTwenty years old.听第5段材料

6、,答复第13至15题。13Where does Adrian live? AIn London. BIn Devon. CIn Fox.14Why does the attractive girl go to Devon? ABecause she is on holiday. BBecause she wants to visit Adrians. CBecause she lives there.15Who are the three children? AThey are Adrians children. BThey are the girls children. CThey are

7、strangers.第二节 听取信息听下面一段对话或独白, 根据题目要求, 从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息填空。 录音读两遍.(总分值2.5 分)Do a favorFavor: Give a _16_ before going home for_17_.Topic: _18_Time: _19_ on _20_ evening. 二.单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)21. She was so angry at all _ he was doing _ she stayed up all night.A. that; that B. that; which C. what; that D.

8、what; as22.Look! Youve made the same mistake again!Oh, not again!_ such a mistake.A. I will always make B. Im always makingC. Ive always made D. I always made23Has your father got up? Sorry, Im not sure. He _ got up. Please go and see for yourself.Amust haveBcant haveCwould haveDmight have24.Two mid

9、dle-aged passengers fell into the lake. ,neither of them could swim.AIn factBLuckilyCUnfortunatelyDNaturally25.There is a feeling in me _ we will never know what a UFO is. A. thatB. whichC. of whichD. what26. . Betty will go with you _ to the next bus stop. A. as far as B. as long as C. so far as D.

10、 so long as27. -No one is so _ about his joy as Doctor Li. -You are right. He devotes all his time and energies to his cause.A. madB. wildC. seriousD. crazy28. - Someones dropped _ and poured it on the new carpet. - Who _ it? A. a coffee cup; has done B. a cup of coffee; did C. a cup for coffee; did

11、 D. a coffees cup; has clone29. Nearly a month had gone by _ she showed some sign of giving in to her father. A. until B. before C. since D. after30. She doesnt know anyone here. She has got_to talk to.A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one31. I wont go to his party next time. It couldnt have be

12、en _ in fact. A. any better B. any worse C. so bad D. the best32. He made a suggestion _ we should condider the plan more carefully.A. if B. what C. which D. that33.To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air.A. as B. to C. than D. while34.-I know this is t

13、he latest type but its secondhand.$20-thats my last offer. - OK. Its a(n) _. A. business B. trade C. agreement D. deal35. I dont _ghosts but I do _ my eyes - I saw it with my own eyes. A. trust; believe in B. believe; believe in C. believe in; believe D. believe; trust三.完型填空(每题0.5分,总分值10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till Id got one.I had se



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