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1、用不停跳的舞步读后感(精选多篇)第一篇:用不停跳的舞步读后感-王艳琳自从我看了我是90后这本之后给我留下了深刻的印象印 象最深刻的是永不停跳的舞步这篇章。章中的女孩是一李月她从小就想成为一名舞蹈家。在2021年 5月12日突然其来的地震将李月压在废墟之下求生的本能、跳舞 的梦想支撑着李月在废墟下度过了 70多个小时。为了挽救在旦夕 的李月救援人员做了截肢的决定使李月失去了左腿。李月在医院 醒来的时候对身旁的亲人说的第一句话是:“我身边的同学都不 在了但是我一直想跳舞就坚持了下来。”我们要学习李月这种不屈服残酷的命运去追逐着梦想无论我 遇到什么困难我都要以李月为榜。第二篇:女孩盛装舞步读后感今天

2、我读了一本书女孩盛装舞步女孩盛装舞步读后感。 是辫子姐姐郁雨君写的天使爱美丽系列第一本。当我第一次看到这本书时它就一下子迷住了我。封面上画着 一朵朵紫叶花组成的边框粉色的花瓣上闪耀着灿烂的星光。有一个女孩长发披肩头上 戴着一个闪闪发光的小巧皇冠。第1页共8页身上穿着一条长长蓬蓬的清绿色裙子脚上还穿着一双蓝色的 小高跟鞋。她是那么的优雅而美丽呀!除了这个封面更让我着迷的就是那美的故事读后感女孩盛 装舞步读后感。女孩盛装舞步中讲了 :女孩莱茵原生活在一个富裕美的家庭中却因父亲死亡公司倒闭。一下 子跌到了低谷中。她喜欢上了一个马术骑士还为他养着马。可骑士师旗却连莱茵是谁 长什么样都不知道。一次跳舞小

3、子(那匹马)病了莱茵不顾一切的去找师旗最后她 终于和师旗在一起了。在读这本书时几次我的泪珠滚滚而下。如读到跳舞小子快要 死了的那段。我竟放开书大哭起来。我哭的是那么伤心中跳舞校长病了而且快死了 我读书时似乎也和跳舞小子结下了友谊。过了一会儿我才冷静下来重新去读。这本书真把我感动了我喜欢它!一一暮凌云第三篇:跳蛙读后感the feeling after reading the jumping frog_u qiliang the notorious jumping frog of calaveras county is one of the famous short stories of mar

4、k twain, mark twain (1835第2页共8页 1910) one of the best known american writers and humorists in the 19th century was born in missouri in the middle part of the united states, mark twainns hometown lay on the banks of the mississippi river where he spent his childhood when he grew up he worked as a pil

5、ot on a river boat for some time. mark twain is his pen name he took it from the shout of the sailors measuring the depth of the water when the water was two marks deep on the lead line, mark twain wrote a lot of novels one of which is the adventures of tom sawyer the masterpiece which brought him f

6、ame and honor, some of his writings have been translated into many lemguages he and his works are deeply loved by readers throughout the world.the jumping frog, the short novel written by mark twain,is one of masterpieces in his works, the story told a man, the name of jim smiley, who was thecurious

7、est about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see. moreover,he was lucky t unmon lucky and he most always came out winner occasionally, he ketched a frog . he never done anything for three months but set in his back yard and learn that frog to jump one day, he met with a stranger, the

8、n he wanted to bet that第3页共8页 man with his frog, finally, he lost because that man prized the frog s mouth open and filled him full of quail-shot-f i1led.“people love to how wager, he how wager, as long as you can bet, he was content! he was always looking for opportunities with all his heart and mi

9、nd, no matter what a (wtt 扌隹荐你关注 :ww. od.o)pile as long as someone mentioned, that guy bet the person, if someone fighted a dog, he also want to bet; someone fighted cats, he also want to bet ”a few pen, mark twain presented animage, a man with nothing to do and crazy about betting before in the rea

10、derat first glance, the story is absolutely a laughter it can connect body to every cell full of fun. but for humor and humor is impossible for Ionger in his works, he always admonished the somebody, in addition to the joking, real value is serious, is to society the malpractice of the ruthless accu

11、sed visible, mark twain,rs works are often con tains serious crea tion goal, is not so much to humor, rather than a kind of e_cellent irony, such work will humor and irony fuses in together, make the humor in irony for development, the irony in第4页共8页 humor get dist订lation, revealing the profound ins

12、ight into social problems and analysis.add the irony of the humorous style firstly embodies in the author for stories on the clever conception. ” horse race ” fight dog “ and ” jumping frog “ three story consist of the novel, the stories seem relatively independent, but closely related, first, the a

13、uthor tells the story of horse racing and dog fighting, and for the follow-up to the clima_ of ” jumping frog story&; .but the story of what happened is une_pected. he failed to the strangers mean tricks, layer upon layer after matting, the ending suddenly appears a big turning point, e_citing, and

14、deeply attracting readers.this is just a short story about the jumping frog, however, the author used a lot of tedious words anddialog to describe such a simple thing, i think in fact the purpose of essay is not just to tell the reader a story, but to satirize this kind of person and social phenomen

15、on. in this essay, the author didn, t use too much humorous lemguage which he was good at, on the contrary, he wrote a long essay in many seemingly useless words so that perhaps after we finish reading the whole第5页共8页 story we still can t understand what the author really want to say. this is our ge

16、neral feeling but if we think about this story in a deeper aspect and change another angle, we will find it in fact contains its true meaning that the author mark twain critized the society which he was born. it just can show that most of the works the author wrote es under the category of critical realism.the essay was first published in 1865 and the story took place in California, the mini


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