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3、集成过程中的应用提供了可借鉴的方法。关键词BPR;业务流程;业务流程重组;流程建模AbstractWith our country joining WTO, domestic enterprises are facing further fiercer market competition than before. Under this kind of condition, enterprises need urgently to improve the comprehensive competitiveness. And it is the effective way that enterp

4、rises improve management, increase the benefit of the business process reengineered. this thought, Though has already been presented more than ten years, is still at the starting stage so far, and have not been formed a ripe theory and method system yet. To study the theory of Business Process Reeng

5、ineering , will help enterprises improve ones own management all-side. Improve synthesized competitiveness of enterprise , enable benefit of enterprises to improve at a leap type . At Present, the main problem of the enterprise business process reengineering, on one hand lie in lacking quantitative

6、analysis means of business process, having no available methods to simplify and integrate the process. On the other hand, the problem to model the process and to analyses and use the existing model efficiently still existing. This paper attempt to proceed from angle of the business process modeling,

7、 first to study the method of resolving business process, present the expression method of the activity, and studied the contents of the classification of the activities, the relation between activities, etc. Then by studying and comparing of modeling technology, such as Meta-Model, UC matrix, PERT

8、chart, GRAI, Petri network model, etc, we can analyse the characteristics of various kinds of modeling methods and scope of application. Because the modeling methods all come from other fields, which are not designed for business process specially, this paper takes Petri network model as an example

9、to improve the process modeling method of the business. On this basis, we carry on emulation to the process model of the business with the emulation system, calculate various kinds of parameters of the procedure in the course of emulation, thus offer basis on which procedure simplifies and integrate

10、s. Finally, this paper has studied operation management and data analysis of emulation. The application while the process is simplified and integrated of emulation of model of procedure of the business has offered the method that can be drawn lessons from. Keywords BPR; Business Process; Business Pr

11、ocess Reengineering; Process Modeling不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印61- -哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文目录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1 课题背景11.1.1 时代的需要11.1.2 基于传统分工体制的业务流程的缺点21.2 业务流程重组理论产生的背景21.2.1 历史背景31.2.2 时代背景41.2.3 技术背景51.3 业务流程重组理论的国内外研究现状61.3.1 国外研究现状61.3.2 国内研究现状71.4 业务流程重组的反思与发展81.5 本文研究的主要内容9第2章 业务流程重组(BPR)的基本理论112.1 业务流

12、程的概念112.1.1 业务流程的定义112.1.2 业务流程的特点112.2 业务流程重组的基本思想132.2.1 业务流程重组的概念142.2.2 业务流程重组的特征142.2.3 业务流程重组的原则172.2.4 业务流程重组的实质192.3 实施业务流程重组的条件212.4 现代信息技术与业务流程重组的关系222.5 业务流程重组的方法232.5.1 结果分析232.5.2 技术分析(IT能力)232.5.3 活动去除242.5.4 代理基准法242.5.5 流程简化242.6 本章小结25第3章 业务流程建模方法研究263.1 概述263.1.1 对业务流程进行建模的目的263.1.

13、2 业务流程模型的特征273.1.3 业务流程的建模方法概述273.2 流程分解283.2.1 流程的结构283.2.2 活动的表示293.2.3 活动的分类313.2.4 活动之间的关系323.2.5 业务流程图323.3 业务流程的结构模型343.3.1 业务流程的Meta模型343.3.2 利用UC矩阵对流程的结构建模383.4 业务流程的状态模型403.4.1 PERT模型403.4.2 GRAI模型413.4.3 Petri网433.5 业务流程中信息流的建模方法443.5.1 数据流程图(DFD图)443.5.2 IDEF0模型453.6 本章小结46第4章 业务流程建模方法改进与

14、模型仿真研究474.1 各种建模方法的优缺点474.1.1 业务流程的结构建模方法的优缺点474.1.2 业务流程的状态建模方法的优缺点484.2 流程建模方法的改进研究494.2.1 扩展的Petri网模型494.2.2 对流程进行建模514.3 流程模型仿真研究524.3.1 对业务流程模型的仿真524.3.2 仿真运行管理554.3.3 仿真数据分析554.4 本章小结56结论57参考文献58致谢61千万不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印。在目录上点右键“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。打印前,不要忘记把上面“Abstract”这一行后加一空行哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士论文第1章 绪论1

15、.1 课题背景业务流程重组(Business Process Reengineering,BPR)的含义是指从根本上对业务流程进行再设计,其目的是实现企业业务流程的最优化,使企业的业绩实现质的飞跃1。在我国BPR有很多译法:企业过程再工程、企业过程重构、业务流程重组等。本文使用比较通用的业务流程重组这一译法。BPR是一种全新的管理理念,是对“劳动分工论”和“科学管理思想”的挑战。1.1.1 时代的需要随着我国加入WTO,国内企业所面临的市场竞争也将比以前更加激烈,在这样的情况下,如何谋求自身的生存和发展,是每一个企业所不得不思考的问题。在我国,由于企业的发展远远落后于西方工业发达国家,普遍面临资金短缺、技术落后、人才匮乏的局面。我国加入WTO以后,国内企业已经开始面临一个更加激烈的市场竞争环境,这种竞争不仅来自国内,更来自世界其它发达国家。所以,如何提高企业的竞争力,成为国内企业尤其是作为国民经济支柱的国有企业必须解决的问题。业务流程重组是90年代美国学者哈默首先提出的,目的在于使美国企业能够在经济不景气的情况下通过重新构造企业内部流程,使企业的经营业绩取得质的飞跃。由于资源的总量是有限的,因此企业所能占有的资源也是有限度的,企业只有高效地



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