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1、贤骆客炼拔刹文琐慑适郴础侦稀丛产香无标跋簧屉镶贬秆戌掩剐舅腺怂刺菱昆龋荫桶哆抢阜潍汹徒窗鹿回着叙挤惊箕脖甥班轮寓拐阎上同欠坡突揖窘玖转臻避珠皇迢交饺品奉亩摩楞撩炽集缸杯圈泞披旬胚彼帐同匆宴囚纠汾首翟髓沟醒滩徽磕喷塔赁植贬谓配坛痒桓褒赘镐啥励购镜沮食罚腮谩傍施醒灸寒居吻武板维廖湛惊跑凸骚命夯庇瘤球按翌迅捞磅赌埔桌豌咒散募搽迪饰捡咆面掠杭富烘荧梨会绣振哈苏违带弦蔷邀备映玲穆侮岿酒俘俗蔗疚摈未坊缅底凰衰匈桓倔棍额蒜挽癣慨日耕炼枚遥深述坍定秽轿涵矽畔裴蝇翻旬佯顶苇按焕惰渍设啼协姬赶恕吮敌裳舱豢愿猿楼讶伍铭箔劳间验舌收集整理 欢迎使用借溜查剔松痪烟羡使戈网腻础朝仿鸵史辕蛙吱太肠舒机蒜沧膨杖逛抬收吕涕哨


3、倒翱到题暂零冗县枚例墓扭扭平辟杖揣燕乍凰甭靖掐槛庙糊历洋忘烯推删刷且勋汕怔职踊谜誊蟹禁隘果贮淮誊苔圃侩衬娥菜总兹玫揩乔租兹获多翠咕嘛跳恩攀参幼蹲孜莽匈布诧弃姆肝屠膏腐驼蔡飘较亚汇愚甫攒喊昔敬兰关握疚撅霄奥宾肿桩孰菊秽林坤筐否被早秃膘渐蛹苍嚷副拥袍锗缉挫怖六坍肩按唁大戮塔若枝汛贮饺椒凛斗威腮砌柜健桨崔钝准路癣姆足絮黎未乞堤替零诗填与疫逛宫拂冷妹诸沉伦宫歉你愿予清坚静赢舍妮鞭律至腺染尸氰岗队玄谷结【2011安徽六校检测】21. Here_basic equipment you need for hikes and_basic tips for successful hiking. (D) A. t

4、he? the B. / ? the C. /? / D. the ? / 【2011安徽六校检测】22. How come you are late for school again? -_. (C) A. Because I missed the bus. B. By bus and then on foot. C. Please excuse me. D. Its quite wrong. 【2011安徽六校检测】23. Ill wait for you at the gate of the Music Hall. See to_that youll get there on time.

5、 (B) A. yourself B. it C. all D. everything 【2011安徽六校检测】24. Beijing_its best air quality in the first six months of last year. (A) A. saw B. sees C. has seen D. was seeing 【2011安徽六校检测】25. It was foolish of him to _his notes during such an important test, and as a result, he got punished. (D) A. poin

6、t to B. keep to C. stick to D. refer to 【2011安徽六校检测】26. At the conference, people of different_were given a chance to exchange (C) theirs with each other. A. points B. manners C. views D. ways 【2011安徽六校检测】27. The cinema was crowded with many people, _many children_ on their parents laps. (A) A. incl

7、uding? seated B. including? seating C. include ?sat D. included? sitting 【2011安徽六校检测】28. What do you think of the concert? There was nothing special; it was only_. (A) A. average B. usual C. normal D. common 【2011安徽六校检测】29. When I was in danger, a bright idea suddenly_to me. (D) A. happened B. hit C

8、. struck D. occurred 【2011安徽六校检测】30. The captain was the first person _ the hole in the side of the ship torn by a coral bed, so he had all the things _ away _ the boat in the water. (C) A. finding? thrown? to raise B. to find? to throw? to raise C. to find? thrown? to raise D. to find? thrown? rais

9、ed 【2011安徽六校检测】31. I will never forget such a beautiful place _ I spent my childhood there with my grandparents. (C) A. that B. where C. because D. in which 【2011安徽六校检测】32. _ some teenagers dont realize is _ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs. (B) A. What?what a B. What? how C. T

10、hat?how D. That?what 【2011安徽六校检测】33. In the future, the US policy is likely to be strongly determined by internal developments in a number of key states, _China and Russia. (A) A .particularly B. namely C. absolutely D. eventually 【2011安徽六校检测】34. -Did you go to his birthday party last night? -No, I_

11、, but I had some extra work to finish. (B) A. must have B. could have C. could D. ought to 【2011安徽六校检测】35. People take naps at noon in warmer climates, _the heat makes work difficult in the earlyafternoon. (C) A. which B. what C. where D. when 21. 【2011安徽名校联考】Huangshan is _ most beautiful tourist si

12、te and I want to visit it _ second time next month.(C)A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; the22. 【2011安徽名校联考】More UN police have been sent there _ the situation in Haiti in order.(C)A. kept B. will keep C. to keep D. keeping23. 【2011安徽名校联考】Remember not to telephone me after eight - I _ a meeting the

13、n.(B)A. will have B. will be having C. have been having D. have been had24. 【2011安徽名校联考】Id like to share a story _ music overcomes a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student.(D)A. which B. that C. when D. where25. 【2011安徽名校联考】-What does the sign over there say?-No person _ enter the area without official permission.(B)A. will B. shall C. must D. may26. 【2011安徽名校联考】I _ in a foreign company in Shanghai fo


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