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2、,经监考n加油人员收卷并在准考证上签名后,考生才可离场。否则,答卷n加油缺少责任由考生自负。一、单选题1Which do yon加油u prefer, Coke or juicen加油? _is OK. But water will ben加油 better if possible.A. Both n加油 B. Neither C. None D. Eithn加油er2“To an engineer, a miss is _ a n加油mile. So we are alwan加油ys careful with every detain加油l. ” Said Mr. LiuA. as wn加油

3、ell as B. as good as C. as lonn加油g as D. as far as3Nearln加油y 100 firemen in Tianjin devoted then加油ir lives _ the peoplen加油 after the blast(爆炸).A. to savin加油ng B. save C. to save D. savn加油ed4Work hard, yon加油u will let your parenn加油ts down.A. and B. but n加油 C. or D. so5The weathn加油er report _it will b

4、e a n加油cloudy day tomorrow.A. san加油ys B. tells C. speaksn加油 D. talks6_ Dad_ Mun加油m watched Chinas 70 anniven加油rsary parade (周年阅兵)on加油n September 3rd. They wen加油re busy with their worn加油k on that day.A. neither;nor n加油B. either;or C. not only;but also n加油 D. both;and7 the first morn加油ning of the New

5、Year, people foundn加油 the little match girl.A. On B. In加油n C. At D. For8n加油We should pay attention to n加油 the teacher carefully.A. listn加油en to B. listening n加油 C. listening to D. listen9I hn加油ave only one ticket for TFn加油 boys concert. _you_ I cann加油 go to the concert.A. Both;andn加油 B. Not only;but

6、 also C. Eitn加油her;or D. Neither;nor10As a studn加油ent, I cant afford _n加油_ a new mobile phone.A. buy B. bn加油uyingC. to buy D. bought二、完型n加油填空On my first job, I worked as an加油 sports editor for a sman加油ll newspaper. I never got an加油 letter from my readers, so I was_n加油 that there was envelope on my d

7、esk on加油ne morning. From the envelope, I coun加油ld see it was from a most popular newspn加油aper.When I opened it, I found a note an加油nd it read, You did a good n加油job. Go on!The note was signedn加油 by Mr. John, a famousn加油 sports editor. As I was a n加油green hand, his words maden加油 me_. After that, I ke

8、pt the notn加油e in my desk drawer. Whenn加油ever I doubted _ I had thn加油e ability to be a good editn加油or, I would read Johns note and becomn加油e _ again.Later, when I mn加油ade friends with Mr. John, the nn加油ote writer, I learned thn加油at he often wrote notesn加油 to _young people in many fields.n加油 When I m

9、ake_ feel happyn加油, he told me, “I fen加油el happy, too.”_, why are thn加油ere few note writers like Johnn加油 in our life? In my opinin加油on, many people are afraid that theyn加油 cannot be well understood. Alsn加油o, writing takes more time and it n加油is _to pick up n加油the phone. The probln加油em with phone tha

10、t they cannot_ a n加油long time, but a note is a goon加油d way of record and our words can bn加油e read more than oncen加油.So, when you find people around yon加油u need help, please write a note of n加油encouragement to bring them more con加油nfidence. Maybe, you are nn加油ot sure what will_, but remembern加油 Mr. J

11、ohns words-man加油king others feel happy makes you happy,n加油 too.1A. certain B. suren加油 C. surprised D. frn加油ightened2A. unhappy B. sleepy n加油 C. excited D. sad3A. why B.n加油 that C. what D.n加油 whether4A. serious B. conn加油fident C. strict D. humon加油rous5A. expect B. describe n加油 C. introduce D. encoura

12、ge6An加油. other B. the other n加油 C. others D. the others7n加油A. But B. However C.n加油 Therefore D. Actually8A.n加油 stronger B. weaker C. harder n加油 D. easier9A. waitn加油 B. last C. stop D. rest10n加油A. happen B. matter n加油C. turn D. hold三、阅读理解n加油AAccording to scienn加油tists research, the monthn加油 in which

13、babies are born couldn加油 affect them in some ways. Babies born n加油in spring get sick easily. Childrn加油en born under Aquariun加油s (Jan. 21stFeb. 19th) may be less n加油clever than those born in otn加油her seasons. They mayn加油 also have shorter lives than加油n those born in autumn. Scientin加油sts believe many

14、 of then加油 differences can be explained by the n加油mothers exposure to sunlight in pregnn加油ancy (怀孕). Sunlight helps leadn加油 to the production of vitamin Dn加油 in the body. The lack (缺乏) ofn加油 vitamin D in the first monn加油ths of life may have a bad effn加油ect on health. Vitamin D is n加油called the “suns

15、hine vitamin”. It has an加油 good effect on health. A sn加油tudy showed that people born from Apriln加油 to June had slightly shorter lives tn加油han those born in October, November n加油or December. Similar stn加油udies in the US showed thatn加油 people born in autumn livedn加油 about 160 days longer thn加油an those born in spring.Professor Russn加油ell Foster said the conc



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