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1、通风空调安装方案Heat ventilationair-conditioning installation solution1概况 Brief introduction2目的和范围 Purpose and scope:本施工技术方案叙述了通风、空调系统设备、风管等施工步骤,以示保证施工质量和工程进度,指导工程施工顺利完成。This construction technical plan describes the installation process of ventilation, air-conditioning system equipment and air duct;guarant

2、ee the construction quality and schedule.3编制依据Planning basis通风与空调工程施工及验收规范 GB502342002工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范 GBJ12689通风与空调工程质量检验评定标准GBJ30498组合式空调组 GB/T1429493GMP药品生产质量管理规范对洁净室的有关要求4施工准备 Construction preparation41 技术准备 Technical preparation4.1.1 熟悉施工技术和相应的施工验收规范Familiar with construction technique and in

3、stallation inspection standard 4.1.2 编制施工方案并进行技术交底Working out the installation plan and processing the technical intension4.2 人员配备 Personnel appointing 施工人员应具备熟练的专业技能,确保本项目的通风空调安装质量达到技术规范的要求The installation workers should have professional skill and insure the quality of ventilationair-conditioning

4、installation to meet the standard requirements.4.3 工机具配备 Tools preparation 必须满足现场施工的需要主要是:小型卷扳机、压边机 、电动剪刀、手动拉铆枪机必须的施工工具The tools will answer site workers needs. Majority will be curling machine, flanging press,power shears,hand rivet, etc, installation tools.4.4 材料配备Material preparation 通风与空调制作安装的使用

5、的材料、设备,必须有出厂合格证和质量鉴定文件,对制作风管机部件的镀锌钢板材料的表面应光滑、洁净、平整、无锈蚀、无锌层剥落,镀锌层厚度不小于0.02mm,制作角钢圈的材料应等型、均匀不应有裂纹、气泡、凹凸等质量缺陷Ventilationair-conditioning installation materials and equipment should be certified and quality inspection license. The surface of the zinc-plate steel sheet of air duct unit components should

6、be smooth, clean, flat, dirust and without zinc layer peeling off. The thinckness of zinc-plate layer should be more than 0.02mm. The material for L bar should be at same size and equal. It should not have default such as crack, air bubble, unevenness, etc环境要求Environment requirement4.4.1 施工现场设有制作通风管

7、道的加工车间,具备构成加工制作风管、法兰及其附件的能力There is no processing workshop for air duct piping on the site. There is also not allowed to make air duct piping, flinch4.4.2 车间内备有加工设备、足够的动力和堆场There is processing equipment, enough power and storage yard inside workshop.4.4.3 暖通设备基础、风管 托架基础以及加工制作的风管必须经过验收确认合格后方可安装 In or

8、der to install the base of heat air-conditioning and air duct, all the materials needs to be inspected. 4.4.4 风管安装现场必须具备安装条件The installation condition should be qualified on the air duct installation site.机械成形管件部件下料加工板材机械剪切风管板材划线下料5操作步骤 Operating process中间交工填写交工记录工程结束系统调试漏风量测试安装成品检验防腐油漆法兰与风管组装组对焊接(咬

9、接)6详细说明Detailed description61板材划线下料Panel lineation and cutting风管在划线下料前,应根据设计要求,图纸会审记录、施工验收规范等技术文件,结合现场实测的数据进行核对,以保证尺寸的准确性。Before the duct is lined and cut, we should check the site data according to requirement of designing, record of drawing checking up, construction inspection standard, etc, techn

10、ical documents.62板材机械剪切Panel mechanical cutting板材机械剪切时,应精心操作,避免剪切歪料现象,剪后的板件,应做好明显标记。When the panel is under cutting, we should work carefully, be avoid askew block. We should make a remarkable sign on the done panel.63管件、部件下料加工The pipe block and parts producing631管件的加工Pipe producing 通风空调的管路系统中,采用的弯头

11、、三通、异径管及来回弯等管件加工的使用材料规格、板材厚度及连接方法等与风管相同。因各类管件展开下料较为复杂,应认真仔细施工,不得马虎从事。管件制作对于圆形弯管的弯曲半径(以中心线计)和量少节数应符合设计规定,圆形风管的三通、四通,其夹角为1560夹角允许偏差小于3。风管法兰加工时,其内径比内管外径略大于23 mm,法兰表面应平整,以防止漏风现象。The material size of L bar, tee, reducing fitting, back and forth curved metal tube, the thickness of the panel and connection

12、 method inside ventilation air-conditioning piping system should be the same way as air duct. There is big complex when working on the pipe surplus materials, we should be very carefully, do not slack off in the construction. When we making the pipe, we should confirm the radius of the curved circle

13、 air duct with e designing requirements. The inclination between three way piece and four way piece of circle air duct is 1560 degree, error allowance should be less than 3 degree. When we producing the air duct flange, the inside diameter is bigger 23mm outside diameter. The surface of the flange s

14、hould be smooth in order to prevent leaking problem.632通风部件的加工Air duct parts producing通风空调工程中的部件包括各种风口、风阀、罩类、风帽及柔性短管等部件、制作加工时,应达到以下优良标准:Air duct units part include air vent, air valve, cover, hood, flexible short tube, etc, parts. They should meet the standard.6321在打磨成型、包装、二次包装机装袋区域送风口采用可调节风量大小和出风方向的妥思VDL漩流风口,水平园管的回风口采用DGSELF格栅风口。During the process of rubbing, packing, double packing, we can use the VDL(Tuosi) air vent for adjusting the wind to entrance and exit of the pipe. For horizontal circle pipe, we can use DGSELF air vent.6322部件组装,连接应严密紧固,活动应灵活可靠,松紧适度;风口的外观光滑、美观To assemble parts,



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