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1、希望之星英语演讲稿范文 演讲稿是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己看法、看法或汇报思想工作状况而事先打算好的文稿。在现在社会,能够利用到演讲稿的场合越来越多,信任很多人会觉得演讲稿很难写吧,下面是我整理的希望之星英语演讲稿范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 希望之星英语演讲稿 开场白:good mornineveyoe ,I HuTi,todaymlatob here give y spch. 我的幻想: I y great pleare to are m drmwihyou todayMy ram i t beome a senio nglis tae Teachig isa great job

2、, teaer likete garers of heland, nturinghe floweof the mothelnd.I al want to bethis ki ogarene, with my w weat, hve haest ruits in eturn. Taersareot ich, bu Ithin it is happy t tlkih hldren And I tink I wil be a very good teachewmae y sude doleshmk on Snda.I will enice toy tdes. Plyg wihhe cilrenisp

3、pyto I iltak thm to thepar t noythebautfu flor and t grass. ope myemill ceru.Illwork hard fo my drems nd ver ve p.运动:Asyu know, sors cn helthebody o eehathy. Iejmany kin o sports , such as swimming, runnin,ndancn owever, sort tatI li ostis swiming. Becase I sborn n te year fhe ak, like water y much

4、asa sk. Duri sumer aans, I go simmig withmy other,alog I should gt p vey eayevery a, I d not eel hard, becue I an jy te col sumeter. Inte ohehand, img sa ood sprt, ca exercise every parts f ur bod,hen yu iing,youshouldo your had,yo leg, or ed, and evey boy partshoudoerae with ahother. Swig cn mae me

5、 or ndmore ston. o dear frends,lets go swimng togeher. 我最喜爱的季节: Every seaso a eautiful iesin sotcia. Fr m, I love prin. Firsty,sring ca mak livs alive sprin isbauifad gre,theaves ur toberensuenly nthe rn ill it myometownfrom ti tomerass extnhihead uohe rond, he wllow sendsout gren ud, therver busto

6、s. ping, Te sky ivery blue, the clod i wie, and he air i fres Th Srn ividt evryhere Sprng make me eehap Ipring, te aer is alyssnnyanwarm, usualy I o avellin,sometimes I g hiinanclimunais, Iik pri.eonly, te sprig is atart f hehole yar. People awys mae some conusiontesyear ad pla heir goalso theoin ye

7、a i te sprng and tart o try ard them.&quo;Wellben, hf doe&qut;.Fro this etnce , yu cell hwimportant the sprig is fr all of us. 怎样才是一个好学生: We tuensrethe buiders and masr hountyIt is importat orusto ko how to be a goodstudent .A r aI tik, her arenmportan trts, h traits lke tis: Nadays,Se studets may h

8、ave rog ideas of what a goo tdet s. heytinka goo tdent shoud sudyll he ubjects well and lse o theteaes all thtme, utatal hseoneoncaeabout anhig exeptu. Fisty,we mst ae clarwo valus We must kos hate sholdo n whatsouldnt d.ecnl, a ood stdents shd ler s much spossible. o good student lway tris to lern

9、frobo tex-books an other books.Bsides radin, oig some sports an anal wor.however, w ant las tu ale, ometies you ee a discsion, dont orgettowor hrdth yr frins,it wille great help to y. Thirdly, a srong charater d l-weare aso ed. Becau we vetrubles eer day. How to face hedifculties in studyandulvs i v

10、ery imptantA goo stdet wnt arad odificulties, wll lwys tr ourbst, e i ever give up. In hot,leus ry bet tobeomea oodstude! 我在电脑上做什么: Comuers playan impot rol in the moern wrl Todyey a sed inayas f humanacvite, uc asbuins,ndustr, cienc a education. Ia prmar cool student. I lwas earch oriformati on PC,

11、mkePT or t articlet rdsofwarean soete liste to music, play gms onthe comptri t ekens SometmsI ite e-mas o frid on the computer, t. ote chih pol on-line. I lly o my omewor on the cmpr,oo,svry es. I also ejoyin ath catoos o-line, eause I can fi y fvoite atoos esil,whnI wathig V, I souldwat the adverti

12、semenand tc the catson e.Bu n cmpte, Icanwatch myfaort ctoonsny tie, anneet aior adveismnts. sm byhs on the mputer,bcse I dnt know it. I someimes go to efrum on e weekens, thre re many people, an it very ineresting.ow about ou, yfien?一个好的旅行: here re manyutful trips y heart,but the mot uorgeable gd trps n , I wen to Hazou tojoin in &o;National ComettionforKing of Story ", y he ayto the, went to



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