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1、教案:会考英语语法考点讲练:形容词和副词教学目标:形容词和副词教学重点:形容词和副词的掌握教学难点:如何熟练并准确的运用形容词和副词教学方法:总结,练习,解释和比较教学准备:电脑和黑板教学过程与方式:第一节 知识点概述:形容词和副词的定义作用,考试的要求一、形容词(一) 形容词在句子中的作用1大部分形容词能作定语、表语或宾语补足语, 如:a beautiful park 一座美丽的公园 The play Tea-house(茶馆)is both moving and interesting.2“定冠词the + 形容词”表示一类人或物,作“主语或宾语”,意思为“的一种人”,“的一类东西或事情”

2、。如:The new will take the place of the old . (新事物将代替旧事物。)The young are fond of sports .(年轻人喜欢体育运动。)3有些形容词只能作表语 如: ill, glad, asleep, afraid, alive (活着的),alone(单独的)某些动词加-ed 和 ing都可构成形容词,加-ed的形容词表示“人感到如何”,加-ing的形容词则用来描写事物, 如: We were excited when we heard the exciting news.有些名词加后缀可变成形容词, 如:lovely, frie

3、ndly, windy, careful, careless, wooden等(二) 形容词在句子中的位置 1形容词一般放在被修饰的名词之前。两个或两个以上形容词修饰一个名词时,形容词排列的次序一般应考虑下面二种情况。 (1)与被修饰名词关系比较密切的形容词位置靠近名词, 如:an exciting American film(2)音节少的形容词位置在前,音节多的形容位置在后。2在下列情况下,形容词应后置:(1)修饰复合不定代词 something, anything, nothing等,如:anything important, nothing easy(2)同表示数量的词组连用, 如:tw

4、enty feet long, five years old3几个形容词修饰一名词时,一般顺序为大小(little除外)、形状、色彩、由来、用途。如:a fine round maple(枫木)writing table,二、副词(一) 副词在句子中的作用副词在句子中主要用作状语,许多副词皆由形容词加-ly 构成,如:careful-carefully.副词主要被分为以下几种:1时间副词,如:often,early,usually,now2地点副词,如:here,above,outside,below,there3方式副词,如:hard,fast,badly,well4程度副词,如:very,

5、quite,much,still,even,almost5疑问副词,如:how,when,why(二) 副词在句子中的位置1 时间副词和地点副词的位置表示确定时间的副词和地点的副词,一般放在句尾,如句中同时有地点副词和时间副词,地点副词通常在前,时间副词在后。2 修饰形容词和副词的程度副词,除enough后置外,一般放在被修饰词的前面。副词在此作状语。 如: be well enough, go fast enough 3 修饰动词的方式副词有以下几种(1) 修饰不及物动词时,该副词要后置,如:sing well(2) 修饰及物动词时,可放在被修饰词之前或宾语之后;如宾语较长也可放在动词和宾语

6、之间。如:study English hard,see clearly the words on the blackboard(3) 及物动词和副词(如:down,on,off,in,out,up等)组成的动词词组,其宾语是名词,该名词可放在副词之前或之后:如是代词,该代词一定要放在副词前。He cut down the tree. / He cut the tree down. / He cut it down. 形容词原级、比较级和最高级的用法:() 两者比较情况一样,常用“as+形容词原级+as”句型。He is as tall as his monitor .() 两者比较,表示一方在

7、某方面不如另一方,常用“not so /as +形容词原级+as”句型。A train doesnt travel so fast as a plane .() 三者或三者以上比较,表示某人某物“最”时,用“the+形容词最高级+比较范围”句型。Asia is by far the largest of the seven continents . She writes (the) most carefully of the three .() 比较级+and+比较级“越来越”It is getting cooler and cooler in autumn.She is becoming m

8、ore and more active in taking part in social activities.() the +比较级,the +比较级“越越” The harder he studies , the greater progress he will make .第二节 实战演练一、复习时需注意的要点1. 形容词一般按限定词,一般性描绘、大小、长短和高低、形状、年龄和新旧、颜色、国籍、地区和出处、物质和材料、用途和类别这一顺序来修饰名词的。2. 在名词前出现几个形容词作定语时,常常涉及词的排列顺序问题。例如:a fat old lady不能说成an old fat lady,a

9、 small black leather handbag不能说成a leather black small handbag等。3. 形容词的词序问题比较复杂,前置形容词的排列顺序由它们和被修饰名词之间的关系决定,关系密切的靠近被修饰词,关系较远的离之稍远。4. 在as+形容词副词+as的结构前可加上nearly , almost , just , quietly , half , exactly , 及倍数表示比较的程度。例如:My income is half as high as my father .5. 最高级前可用nearly , almost , about , next , by

10、 far , by no means 或序数词进行修饰。例如:Of the three boys , Mike is by no means the most diligent. 6. 比较级的其他用法 1)比较级 + and + 比较级 “越来越”。例如: It is getting cooler and cooler in autumn. 2)the morethe more “越,越”。例如: The more fruit you eat, the healthier you will be. 3)no more than “只不过,仅仅”,后面接名词或数词,起形容词作用。 例如: Wh

11、at he is saying is no more than a joke. 他所讲的只不过是个玩笑而已。 4)no morethan “和同样不”。例如: He can no more play the piano than I can play basketball. 他不会弹钢琴和我同样不 会打篮球一样 5)no less than “多达,竟有之多,不下于”。例如: There were no less than two thousand people at the match. 这场比赛不下于两千人到场观看。 6)no lessthan “和一样,不逊于”。例如: Our moni

12、tor is no less diligent than he used to be. 我们的班长和以前一样勤奋。二、历届会考试题分析例1、At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _ Great Britain. A. three times the size as B. the size three times of C. three times as the size ofD. three times the size of答案为D。【解析】 检查考生对反意疑问句(附加疑问句)的掌握和运用能力。A是B的三倍通常可使用以下几种形式:1) A is three time

13、s as adj.(原级) as B2) A is twice adj.(比较级)than B3) The n. of A is three times that of B4) A is three times the +n. of B。例2、Many students signed up for the_ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A.800 metre long B.800 metres long C.800 metre length D.800 metres length答案为A。【解析】 长、宽、高及年龄等作定语修饰

14、名词时位置可在前也可在后,在前边时要注意加连字符“-”,其中单位名词用单数,其形式为:数字单位名称单数长、宽、高等。如放在后边,不用连字符,数词大于1要用复数。从题干看:800米远的比赛应为800 meter long。例3、At times, worrying is a normal _ response to a difficult event or situation-a loved one being injured in an accident, for example. A. effective B. individualC. inevitable D. unfavorable答案

15、:C【解析】 effective有效的;individual个人的;inevitable不可避免的;unfavorable不利的。例4、Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move _?A. a bit far B. a little farther C. a bit of farther D. a little far答案为B。【解析】 too near的意思是“太近了”,说话人的意图是让对方站在比这远一点,所以要用副词的比较级。这句话的意思是:你站得太靠近镜头了。你能离远一点吗?a bit of后接名词。例5、In recent years travel companies have succeeded in sell


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