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1、小学六年级英语教学案例第八册课题名称A Party for Li Ming教学内容:1.单词early, late, begin, party, surprise2.打电话英语常用语言。教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 听、说、读、写四会掌握单词early, late, begin, party, surprise(2) 听、说、认读单词expensive(3) 了解打电话英语常用语言并能在实际生活中运用。2. 能力目标:能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其运用于日常生活之中。3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识

2、,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。4. 德育目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生珍惜友情、热爱他人的良好品德。重点、难点:1. 重点:听、说、读、写四会掌握单词early, late, begin, party, surprise2. 难点:熟练地运用英语电话常用语言进行交际。课前准备:1. 多媒体课件2. party单词图片,early, late, begin, surprise单词卡片等。Lesson 28 A Party for Li Mingbefore after early lateThe English class begins at 8:0

3、0 .板书设计:(注:板书中三个圆分别表示:左边的圆为指针指向7:40的钟表;中间的圆为指针指向8:00的表;右边的圆为指针指向8:20的表。)学生情况:本教案适用于小学六年级的学生。他们具备了独立阅读英语小短文的基本能力,但用英语打电话却是初次学习,属于难点部分内容,学生掌握起来会有难度。教学过程:Step 1:Free talkT: Boys and girls. Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.教师分别与单个学生对话:T: Hello! Can you tell me how Jenny and Li Ming went to the s

4、tore? Ss: Yes, I can. I think they will walk to the store.T: What will Li Ming buy at the store? Ss: I think he will buy a T-shirt and something else.T: Summer holiday is coming. Li Ming will go to China for his summer holiday. What will Jenny and Danny do next? Do you know? Do you want to know? Ss:

5、 Yes, I want to know very much.引出课文教学Part 1。设计说明:Free talk有意识地复习本单元课文中学过的内容并引出本课时教学内容Li Ming is leaving soon. Because summer holiday is coming. Jenny and Danny will have a party for Li Ming to say good-bye. 这样,由Free talk所作的导入,至此就完成了与本课题非常自然的衔接。Step 2:Learn the new words1. Learn the new words: early,

6、 late, begin在黑板上话一只钟表,钟表指向开始上英语课的时间8:00。面向钟表,在左侧写上before,在右侧写上after。在before下面画一个钟表,指针指示上课前的7:40;在after下面画一个钟表,指针指示上课后的8:20。引导学生进行如下对话:T: We are learning English now. This is English class. When does English class begin? When does it begin? At 8:00. When does it begin?Ss: At 8:00T: Right! (叫起一名自告奋勇的学

7、生李岭,让他站在单词before下面) Look! Heres Li Ling! He came before 8:00. He is early. Early. Is he early?Ss: Early.T: Right! Good for you, Li Ling! You are early for English class. (叫起一名自告奋勇的学生姚珊,让她站在单词after下面) Look! What time does English class begin? When does it begin? Ss: At 8:00.T: Right! Heres Yao Shan.

8、Oh, no! Now its after 8:00. She is late. Is she late?Ss: Late!T: Right!( 向Yao Shan)Please dont be late for English class!设计说明:本环节突破教材重点,即单词early, late, begin。通过学校上课时间8:00 引出单词begin,并安排两个学生分别站在7:40、8:20的钟表下面,表示一个early,一个late。通过真实情境,让学生理解early, late, begin,使学生轻松掌握了三个单词。2. Learn the new word: surprise利

9、用角色表演来演示surprise。找一名自告奋勇的学生,让这名学生站到教室外面去。在这名自告奋勇者的书桌里面藏起一件意外的礼物(一面旗子)。教师说:Lets give Lin Yu a surprise. This flag is a surprise for her.然后那名学生回到教室,引导如下对话:T: (向自告奋勇者)I put something in your desk.(向全班)Does Lin Yu know whats in her desk?Ss: No!T: Very good. Lin Yu doesnt know what I put in her desk. Its

10、 a surprise! A surprise. Say it , please.Ss: Surprise.T: Yes! (向自告奋勇者)There is a surprise in your desk. Can you find it?自告奋勇者: Yes!T: What is it?自告奋勇者: A flag!设计说明:本环节通过“意外”游戏,既增添了课堂的趣味性,融单词于趣味教学中,又使学生很容易地surprise的意思,学生很乐于接受这种教学方式,并取得了另人满意的效果。3. Learn the new word: party用单词卡片演示party,并用课件显示插图P56,引出对话

11、:Look! This is a party, a surprise party. Li Ming doesnt know this party. But in this party, Steven, Jenny, Kim, Danny, Mr. Wood, and Li Ming are coming. I think they will have fun in this party. Do you think so? Read after me.跟教师读几遍单词partyStep 3 :Play games: 爱“拼”才会赢1. 先让学生找到本节课所学与以前所学的相似的单词 party -

12、park early-ear late-lake让学生总结这些单词的异同,利用“比较记忆法”快速记住单词。2. 突破begin,surprise拼写难关教给学生“分音节记忆单词法”,即双音节或多音节单词,把它们按音节分成若干小部party来记忆,如begin分成be + gin,surprise分成sur +prise。设计说明:本环节专门利用“爱拼才会赢”的游戏,增强了学生拼写单词的能力。时尚又贴切的名字,学生很喜欢接受、也很愿意做这样的游戏,同时在游戏中轻松快捷地记住了更多的单词。因为在“比较记忆法”中能同时比较记忆最少两个或者更多的单词,效果很好。而“分音节记忆单词法”使学生记忆单词更容

13、易了。Step 4 :Learn Part 1 on Page 56 in the Student Book1.学生看课件展示Part 1中party图片,教师与学生对话:T: Whats this?Ss: Its a party.T: Yes! Its Li Mings party. Listen! Jenny and Danny are talking about the party.2.学生看课件、听录音并跟读。3. 再听录音,回答问题:(1) Why do they have a party?(2) Will they tell Li Ming about the party?4. 找

14、学生回答问题:(1) Because Li Ming is leaving soon. (2) They will not tell Li Ming about the party.设计说明:Part 1的教学主要让学生通过听录音、回答问题的方式,在理解对话内容的同时,增强学生听说的能力,教学设计符合六年级学生的知识水平及心理特点。Step 5: Learn Part 2 on Page 57 in the Student Book(Calling on the phone)1. Presentation(1)T: Li Ming is leaving soon. Jenny and Dann

15、y will have a party for him. But they will not tell Li Ming. They will invite Steven. Now, Jenny is calling Steven on the phone. Lets listen!电脑屏幕显示Part 2对话内容并放录音。内容中用线划出重点句:a. Its Jenny calling.b. When is the party? Tomorrow.c. What time does it begin? At 4:00.学生听录音、看对话内容。(2)再听录音、回答问题:a. Whos calling?b. When is the party?c. What time does it begin?d. Will Steven come to the party?e. How many people are coming to the party? Who are they?(3)小组讨论,找学生回


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